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    Happy New Year!

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    Edrick  3 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

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    You the man thanks mate

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    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago

    There it is!

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    EcoTec  6 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

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    Edrick... mad

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    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

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Main Quest Restoration Project

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Warlord Kro
1:34:29 am GMT 03/18/20
Warlord Kro Registered Member #1272 Joined: 10:59:54 am GMT 03/18/08
Posts: 681
Personally I like the main quest though I've only done it one one character. It's something I see as a background quest. I did it on Seth when there were few other players on during the times I play. It actually took several years to complete. It was a great way to see the island and understand its lore. There are some issues with the Darienne-Arianna part which seems to be bugged. And it took me forever to find players willing to do the final parts of it with (you need a group). Both of these things were frustrating.
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1:52:07 pm GMT 03/18/20
Twirlip Registered Member #1029 Joined: 11:45:04 am GMT 04/18/07
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Warlord Kro wrote ...

There are some issues with the Darienne-Arianna part which seems to be bugged. And it took me forever to find players willing to do the final parts of it with (you need a group).
That quest is still bugged today as far as I know but does not stop you completing the quest line.
Warlord Kro wrote ...

And it took me forever to find players willing to do the final parts of it with (you need a group).
Needing a group was not strictly true in the past, though it may be now. The first time I completed it I did not realise you were not supposed to do it on your own since all the other quests were for a single character. If nobody tells you that you can't do something, then maybe you can.

Edited to answer the original question. I found it odd that there was no reward when the final part was completed apart from a server broadcast message. The rewards for completing earlier stages are nice so I was half expecting something at the end and was a bit disappointed to find out otherwise. A few pointers as to who to talk to and what to do next would be useful. Trekking between the Northlands and Greenvale several times trying to figure out the next step was not fun, especially before caravans were a thing.
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7:37:48 pm GMT 03/19/20
PFWG Registered Member #23933 Joined: 6:13:12 pm GMT 05/15/15
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I just got the planar amulet so I could do Uultak's bounty. smile
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7:05:45 pm GMT 03/20/20
Amracil I'm Watching You
Registered Member #273 Joined: 7:18:06 pm GMT 09/21/04
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- The scale and grandeur of the quest. It's the sort of "you are the hero" thing most of us enjoy now and then.
- The education about Thain and its history.
- A reason to visit new and dangerous places
- Is a sequential series of things that can be done over any period of time

Least Favorites:
- It's all a bit convoluted.
- A bit too much running back and forth. Maybe this could be running to different areas, each unlocking a progressive series of different sections while, at the same time, teaching the character something about the island? I think that was the original intent, but at this point, all these years later, it is pretty murky and the history it tells is one-sided (only the good guy's perspective) and so far in the past as to be practically meaningless.
- Nothing like it for evil characters. The Syann line of quests was, I think, intended to eventually do that. But that sorta fizzled.

Thanks for asking our collective opinions and for taking on what I am sure is a monumental task.


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9:00:53 pm GMT 03/21/20
Kyssyt Registered Member #1273 Joined: 2:56:54 pm GMT 03/23/08
Posts: 536
I've played Thain on and off for nearly 15 years and not one of my characters has managed to complete the main quest. Too much running backwards and forwards gets old, plus it's not clear where to go or what to do to complete the quest. Finding a group to do it has been my main downfall because each time there's a character who makes it clear they've already done this, so I lose all IC interest in doing it. because, well, ''it's already done'' and it made no difference so why bother? (OK, a thorny issue in any multiplayer PW's ''main quest'' I expect and more likely my issue than the actual quest's issue)

So for me, the problem is that you -need- a group in order to do the quest. Not just one, but several times. And each time it's just a massive slog that feels kind of pointless.

Anyway, there. I prefer the rest of Thain. The main quest is .. meh, at best.

EtA, Re. the Lore aspect, it is the most enjoyable but in no way do you need to actually do the quest to indulge in all that lore, so the fact it's the best side of the quest is not that relevant. The lore is there and available in various IC ways without ever taking on the main quest.
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4:30:13 pm GMT 04/04/20
Virahor Registered Member #1075 Joined: 10:48:57 pm GMT 06/19/07
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Kyssyt wrote ...

for me, the problem is that you -need- a group in order to do the quest.

I agree with this. There should definitely be areas that are only accessibly to groups, but I think learning the background of Thain through quests is a good solo activity - and shouldn't require a mechanically powerful character to do solo.
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2:42:54 pm GMT 04/05/20
Zhymm Registered Member #191 Joined: 2:06:27 pm GMT 07/31/04
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I'll have to affirm what others have said (typed?) above. I've been playing on Thain for many years (off and on ... mostly off as of late) with over a dozen level 20+ PC's and I have yet to complete the "Main" quest line. In every case when I started down that path I've either gotten bored of running back and forth, gotten stuck at some point that I could not do solo, confused about what to do to complete a sub-quest and gave up, or simply got distracted by other events occurring on the island to the point of forgetting about the quest altogether. Didn't even start it with my more recent PC's.

I won't comment about my most favorite and least favorite parts because I've never got far enough along the "path" to make any judgement about them all. For me, none of it was particularly "fun" (more frustration than anything), hence the main reason I've never finished it.

I really like the idea of making the Main Quest one of learning about the various places, NPC's and lore of the Island and less about "step and fetch it" tasks.

If (or when) the Main Quest gets revamped some aspects I'd like to see incorporated in it are:

1) the ability for a solo player to complete the basic "thrust" of it, i.e. parallel "paths" with graduated requirements in each sub-quest. Do some "basic" goal to advance on to the next sub-quest but offer a harder goal to learn more or earn a better reward. Something like "Find the Entrance to the Cave of Terrors" to advance the main quest line and earn a minor reward (or even no reward) to move on to the next sub-quest as opposed to "Drink from the Radiant Pool at the Bottom of the Cave of Terrors" (which may require a group to complete) to earn a better reward before moving on to the next sub-quest. If a sub-quest has multiple paths for completion the player has to choose which parallel path to take when they encounter that "fork in the road". Once a PC has completed a sub-quest they should be "locked out" of going back to that same sub-quest to re-choose which parallel path to complete. You can take the "short cut" to move on but there's a penalty (loss of the chance for a greater reward) for doing so. If choices exist the player has to give some thought to those choices.

2) some reward(s), especially a final reward, that justify the time involved to complete the quest (keep that "carrot" dangling out there) so a player would have the incentive to run it with each of their PC's (i.e. remove any "one and done" aspects). Some sort of non-transferable/non-sellable "thing" (item, skill boost, whatever). A clear reason to do the quest with each PC. I realize that completing the Main Quest would become easier/quicker for a player once they've done it with one PC, but I don't see that as a "bad" thing. It's already easier for a veteran Thain-ite to "level-up" a new PC compared to a new player.

3) graduated elements/rewards for the sub-quests (this somewhat reflects back on my first "wish" above) with the difficulty for each sub-quest rising as your PC advances on the main path. Even with built in "short cuts" your PC must also advance in level/power to proceed along the main path.

4-x) *placeholder for more things as I think of them.*


Old Man Zhymm
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11:45:20 pm GMT 04/05/20
Kyssyt Registered Member #1273 Joined: 2:56:54 pm GMT 03/23/08
Posts: 536
I'll tell you what it needs (what it really really needs)

sillyness aside, it could really do with a point, or more, where you can take it either good or evil - good being essentially the current main quest, evil being something that revolves around ''the history of evil on Thain'' so not Syann ecause that's covered - but how Azuul became so powerful, what exactly corrupted the Bak'non and what it (perhaps) evolved into after they were destroyed....... (I would love that, personally)

Anyway, the main quest starts with badgers, and at some point (at many points, but perhaps with a ''no turning back'' point) it splits, and you go one way or the other for an appropriately equal-ish reward at the end.

And the moon on a stick, obviously :thumbs:
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3:09:34 pm GMT 04/07/20
Kyssyt Registered Member #1273 Joined: 2:56:54 pm GMT 03/23/08
Posts: 536
Uultak. I meant Uultak in that post, not Azuul - though it doesn't matter, Still, Uultak is a key antagonist in the Good quest and could be a key ally in the evil-twin-quest. Maybe being a point where you have to choose to destroy or help sustain it. Either way the path could lead the same way afterwards .. but with different motives in mind.
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11:35:37 am GMT 05/22/20
wisdombeyondages Registered Member #1009 Joined: 7:04:13 am GMT 03/26/07
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I admit the only reason this never got finished for me was I didn't realize that evil couldn't complete the quest chain. I just thought it was bugged because everyone was talking about a quest being bugged.

So far I have enjoyed it though I have struggled to get my people in a place that allows them a chance to explore and learn about it themselves.

I would prefer 2 options for evil. One where it is mostly parallel to the good storyline but at key points you are going to a different location. And the second option being completely opposed to the pathway of the good in a this happened while goodly things happened sort of way. I do enjoy the lore puzzles and other challenges it brings but trying to have a consistent group that is clearing the whole quest chain is difficult.
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