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  • Shards
    Shards  3 months ago

    Happy New Year!

  • Edrick
    Edrick  3 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    You the man thanks mate

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago

    There it is!

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago


  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

  • Payne
    Payne  6 months ago

    Edrick... mad

  • Edrick
    Edrick  6 months ago


  • !ofAkindGuy2000
    !ofAkindGuy2000  6 months ago


  • Glognar
    Glognar  6 months ago

    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

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The cure for boredom

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6:29:05 pm GMT 09/03/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
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When you feel nothing for those around you, do you simply shut off and become a rock? Or do you spend your days filling that void left inside you?

For the eccentric elf, Shade Dracswell, third of his name, it is the latter. His days has become nothing but an endless search for something to make him feel entertained, if even for a moment. Having very little in terms of morals.. Either they were never there or degraded over time, his way of finding his entertainment could be.. well, questionable.

Or just straight up weird.

(( This is an open thread for all to post reactions, thoughts, or other things regarding the oddity that is Shade III. ))
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7:44:39 pm GMT 09/03/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
What a fun day he had!

It started out when he met another silly person on the road. They joked, they made puns, they laughed.. And apparently Shade had met him before, he had just forgotten! How fun!

The two walked down south, and both ere in good spirits. Shade had suggested they find out what the goblins do with their dead, and possibly raising an army of undead goblins, but the friend he had already forgotten the name of didn't want to. The trip continued south into the crossroads area, where Shade directed them to the place they were most likely to run into someone. The place the portal stones once lead to. Sure enough, the first person eventually showed up. While he was tempted to scare the poor girl, he instead decided to play with her and utterly confuse her.

This really paid off as two more appeared. Shade continued being weird, and his friend went along, and soon enough, there was a dwarf there as well!

The stage had been set, and they were all so confused by the situation Shade told them something that would make sense, had they not known Shade. They were dreaming! With how weird things were, they had no reason at all to suspect otherwise... Did they? How lucky the eggs that Shade gave one of them were so ripe, a little crocolisk hatched from them when Shade gave it to some guy to eat!

He made them all gather around the patch where the portal platform had once been and sprouted some random bullshit about him being their dreamguide, and that they have to sing to enter the next dreamlayer, or something crazy like that. He didn't keep track of his nonsense, there was just so much of it. With them all gathered in a circle, Shade drew them all into the shadow plane, and told them all they were now in the second dream layer. Shade was having fun, so he just chose a random direction to take them all. The tear between the planes lead them to the northlands, which was naturally their third layer.

With it all being improvised, and everything Shade said pulled straight from his shadow ass, he guided the unfortunate group of lost people trough the snow, and trough her cave. One could wonder if the group really knew what was going on, as the shadows gathered around Shade and he looked more and more sinister.

He brought them trough the cave, and they found themselves by the northern glacier where Shade kept at his nonsense about them having to find the fourth layer. It became evident he was about to doom them all, but Shade knew what it meant when shadows grew stronger around him, and when the ground started lifting as if immense power was gathering in him meant. Vexious or his minions would make an entrance. Or as he told the group, they were about to enter the next dream layer.

When the group then found themselves in what seemed like Sandburrow where shadow creatures were fighting the hin, and there was some strange blind woman saying some cryptic things Shade had forgotten within seconds, even Shade was unsure what was going on. Did he really bring them all into a dream? Or did he bring them into a memory? He had no idea where they were, so maybe it was a scene from a genocide from his past? Or could it be worse and it was the dreaded events that lead to...... Oop! You are not supposed to know that!

Then some strange green elf appeared! Shade kept playing along, as he had absolutely no freaking clue what was going on anymore himself. The woman in the group seemed to know the elf though, and when it announced itself as Erebus, Shade caught on. He had somehow brought the group as lambs to the slaughter.

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4:16:27 pm GMT 10/02/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
Another fun day!

This one also started at the Crossroads, where that platform used to be. Shade rose from the ground and quickly found himself in the company of a halfling he didn't remember the name of. It wasn't really important either. The halfling was shirtless, and Shade does love his eye candy. He was a good conversationalist too, so it was a win-win! They spoke of this and that, and more soon joined them.

Some tribal elf with a pretty damn big sword, and an archer who claimed to be a paladin of Correllon. Strange he did not seem to think twice about Shade's presense, but such is life.

Shade, in his brilliant mindset... that can't recall HOW he came up with the idea, suddenly decided it was time for them all to find a new feather for his hat! He can't wear his hat, but some day, he will! And for that, he will need only the finest feather! One taken from a grand Vrock! So the journey went south to Ridgeshield. They stopped talking, and Lionel joined him. Grumpy man wouldn't accept Shade's hug... probably because the last time Shade brought someone on a crazy adventure, Lionel got his heart ripped out.

Oh well, time heals all wounds.... right? They went down to the Thayan ruins for some reason. Shade forgot why, where they met some half orc wo- oh yeah! She's the halfling's wife! ...he thinks? Oh yes! His name was Samiel... or somesuch. Not important. They got the Hug woman to join them, and they had a solid group to take on demons. They entered the care on the south side of the hill, and they made surprising progress.. maybe because as Lionel stated, they were all lesser demons?

That is a problem. There won't be a Grand Vrock among lesser demons! They need to go deeper!

As said, as done.

They journeyed trough the cave and ended up at a strange portal platform. The group all gathered around it and analyzed the surrounding runes. They all took their time to think things trough well. They contemplated where they could possibly end up and the risks involved. They all warded well and sharpened their blades. They took all the neccesary precautions and consulted each other well before they asked one another if this would be worth it..

What was that?

They didn't?

They just jumped right in after Shade?

..who bunny hopped in?


Why would they do something this stupid?

Oh, they ended up in another cave that wasn't as bad. Oh, okay. that's a relief..

So they went on, and disposed of... worgs? Why are there worgs in a demon's cave?

..and why is there a big locked door? And why is Lionel talking to it? Eep! They all got paralized! ...and sucked in!

And now they are in the abyss!

Let it be known that this time, it was Lionel who doomed them all. They ended up in some crashy smashy little area with a lot of angry demons. They made their way trough the horde with relative ease... Or... did they? It was hard, but they managed surprisingly well for such a ragtag group of misfits! Then they went trough portal after portal... but wait... the tribal elf is missing! When did that happen? And how the hell do they backtrack? Oh well, only one path left. Ahead.


They were suddenly somewhere completely different! Somewhere not as interesting! With only one big guy that isn't a Grand Vrock? How incredibly disappointing! They sat out to find a feather, not some ugly guy that was a far harder than he had any right to be... and he wouldn't die! He was an incredible challenge that almost had them all dead!

..and not by Shade!


Anyway, they survived, but they didn't find a feather. What a sad end to a shady adventure.
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6:44:09 pm GMT 11/05/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604

The knight and the shadow

Someone managed to disappoint the shadow! How dare they?

...HOW did they?

It should be impossible!

Shade can have fun just by jiggling keys!

So he killed some wolves and drained their bodies completely of blood. All of which he used to draw runes outside Hamley. He found a neat little cottage by the farmlands. A quiet little place where Shade could work in peace and quiet.

Soon enough, there were grim glowing runes lighting up the area for one and all to see. One could see it from the road, and as luck had it, an Empyrean knight lived in said cottage! Shade didn't know this right away, but learned after a few days when he came back to see if anyone had triggered his spell.

No one had.

Instead, the owner of the cottage. Somth chiviourliaurous knighth, speakthingeth liketh thiseth.. But he could speak proper common, so playing with his way of speech was not all that fun.

Speaking to him was, though. He let Shade ramble on. A rather nice fella.

Until he asked Shade to remove the runes, and naturally, Shade just triggered his magic.

A huge ball of glowing red light burst high into the sky, and exploded into a beautiful display of fireworks that could be seen for miles.

Fireworks... and a rain of blood.

Lots of blood.

And the knight who had spent hours polishing his armor? He was not happy.

He kicked a bucket of water at Shade, and it stung. Why did it sting? Who knows! He's a shade! It shouldn't sting!

But it was pretty clear Shade was about to have his shadowy arse handed to him, so he fled the scene.

The aftermath, you ask?

Shade snuck back to the cottage a few days after, to plant a new sword on the nearest hill, and magicked up a pillar of red light around it... though he didn't bring anything to write with, so he looked to some nearby mushrooms, and burned his words into them.

"Dardest thou pulleth thiseth swordth fromth thist hereth hillth?"
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5:40:00 pm GMT 01/03/22
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604

Not the children!!

It was a day of sheer boredom, when Shade sat down with a special edition of The Steinkreis Times.. on a chair he brought with him, right on the road where anyone walking by would see a large shadow with one leg rested over the other, reading a newspaper. It was a strange sight for sure.

He was reading a compilation of "this years best interviews." Among them was the interview with The White Rose. This girl hadn't really interested him, but he vaguely recalls screwing with someone somewhat fitting her description. Nothing that really stuck to his mind though. Boring! Wait, a familiar name came up! Kallista? Luring in children? Now that is interesting.. She showed up and sang and told tales? Time to put on the charm and impeccable singing voice!

...If he had one.

Shade has never charm or singing voice. He has no interest in remembering the names of little children either. What he DOES have interest in is those who have suffered a lot. These children in this orphanage are there for a reason. Prime candidates for his dark mistress.. but as he thought more about it, the children who have already lost much would make better pawns. Why not go after the matrons in charge of the children for years to come?

Oh yes, the plan is brewing. He will use the children and bring forth a disaster that will have the matrons trembling for years.. and once their spirit is destroyed, he will call for The Church.

In the meantime, though. He will sneak into the city and whispers to the children with most wrath, whispering temptations and promises of power into their ears..

A few days later, the matrons notice several children missing. Distressed by their sudden absence, and with few options, the matrons sent out a call for adventurers.

(( I'm running a player event this coming wednesday 5th at 23:00 GMT+1, 5:00pm Est. All levels and characters are welcome, though the first part may be hard to do if you are hostile to Steinkreis. ))
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3:14:43 am GMT 01/16/22
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
Somewhere on the island, Shade sat down with a table, a chair and a sign saying "Ask a shadow anything!" He needed something to entertain himself with while things ran their course in the graveyard. He didn't really care what went down in there as long as -something- went wrong. He had left them with plenty of instructions in how to summon beings of the lower planes, and conveniently left out how to ward oneself. There were bound to be disasters when some would summon demons, some would summon devils, one would conjure shadows, and one was even told how to do the Dark Vigil. Things just have to go wrong.

But despite how tempting as it was to be there himself, this was not the first time he has done something like this. There are only so many times he can hear "Why are you doing this?" There are only so many funny answers he can think of that leaves the people baffled. That is if they speak at all. He is a shadow now, after all. He is a scoundrel though, so he could have just said it was because he was bored.. which was half true. He is extremely bored, but in this particular case, there is a chance for his church to spread some influence. Still, it is not something he can be near.. Mostly because it sounds tedious to him, so instead, he sat down with his little wisdom stand.

As he sat there being silly, a group had answered the call for aid. There had been several clues to what was going on, and the city guard would definitely have caught something.. But in the aftermath of Vesiv..ius..? Vesovious? Vexiovis? ...Vexisovius? ..shadow man. The city was still dealing with the aftermath of the shadow man, so they couldn't spare any manpower for some simple lost orphans. Especially not since there would be no signs of foul play. A local paladin from the stone Temple had heard of some strange traffic though, and while they didn't think anything of it at first, it now seemed suspicious once the Orphanage sent out a call for aid. She told them of strange activity at the local people's graveyard, and the group went there.

It did not take them long to find the first child. A girl standing frozen by a dragon statue, shushing the group when they spoke. Something had her spooked, and as the group brought light to the statue, they found there were living shadows on it. It was likely there to frighten the poor girl, with a side plan to serve as a distraction.. which it was. It kept the group busy and gave the kids inside more time to do whatever it is they did.

The second was a pair of kids. One good kid in an unfortunate place, and the other a real brat. They talked the good boy into coming, like a good boy. What a good boy. The other though? Who the heck knows. He went in deeper, and probably either got devoured by some demon the others summoned. It is very likely. Shade didn't warn them about wards.

The second pair were about to summon something. Good for them they didn't get to, and good for the good guys one of them had a good boy wanting a good life. He joined the good trough good arguments, and with good hopes for the future, the good kid set out for Goodmane, that good guy in charge of those goodly goody Brotherhood fella's. You know. The good guys who are good at what they do. The other kid? Well, she left the moment all backs were turned and went for the watch. One could say she is safe, as she left the tomb, but the roads can be pretty dangerous.

They found a kid hiding behind a pot, but the do gooders could feel their time restraints, as they quickly persuaded her into joining the other kids by the entrance rather than get information out of her. Good thing they didn't, for she could have told them who was behind it all. Shade should probably consider himself lucky, as nothing the group encountered gave any indication of him being involved.

When the last kid was found, only a ranger in white remained to bring her back safely. This girl was standing by a secluded mirror... in a tomb, of all places. It was ominous, and a sure sign something was bad, especially when a little kid is talking to it. The Ranger showed no fear though as he spoke calmly with her, and had a little chat with the mirror himself. A bad idea perhaps, but the entity the little girl was speaking to could have given the Ranger a new path in his life. The path was set for him, and it is up to him to follow it. What he spoke to, no one but they know, for Shade just told the girl how to speak to the mirror. He left it vague to who would answer.

Outside the crypts, in the nearby trees, three shadowed figures stood. They watched as one by one, the children left together with adults. They took note of a couple not leaving. What they especially reacted to was the last girl who left with the ranger. There was no indication the Ranger was upset with her. A strange thing, for they surely knew what the presence in that mirror was. They spoke quietly among themselves as they saw potential here. They knew of Shade's involvement. They knew well what he is capable of, and while they saw him as wild and unpredictable, he absolutely has his use to them. He had opened doors here. Both with the Orphanage matrons, the children who did not return, the last girl who walked out with a smile, and perhaps even this ranger.

One of them left to follow the child heading for the Watch, while another went back to the tomb, to look for the child who went for its depths. The last went back into the city, for she had much to do.

(( Doing the follow up tomorrow, Sunday 16, 22:00 Gmt, 5pm Est ))
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5:41:45 pm GMT 01/24/22
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
In the following week, the temple had done their own research under the leadership of Lady Agnes. The paladin was making good progress, and even contracted an independent spymaster to aid in the research. This spymaster had found the ones responsible for the ongoings in the tomb. A cult of Cyric, the Prince of Lies.

It was convenient then, that some came walking. One of them, the very man who had persuaded most of the children into returning. It was a good day for the temple, though why this group went to the infirmary to ask questions, no one will know, but there was a horrible curse happening there that they did have the chance to help with.

When they eventually made their way into the temple itself, the paladin; Lady Agnes and the spymaster Violet told the group of the cultists hiding in lowtown Steinkreis. They were holed up in a condemned warehouse, one with a sign outside conveniently letting the public know it was. It was hard to miss. The group were sent there, and was told to dispatch of the cult instantly, for they would surely tell only lies.

When the group arrived though, and went inside, they were greeted by the smell of smoke. They went further in and found the basement room to be on fire. What happened next? Chaos, of course! The group ran all over the place, wanting to douse the fire. They tried this, they tried that, they tried running to a nearby school in search of mages, they tried running for the guard.. but to add to the chaos, a man came running from the temple, telling them the Lady Agnes was found dead, and they were the last to have seen her alive!

As people made their way back to the building, the ranger had managed to kill the flames trough some form of magic. Good for him, but it did take a heavy toll on his body. Lucky someone came from the temple. He was promptly healed, and the group told the temple man, Garrel of what transpired there. He believed their tale, and that this fire was set there to kill them, and if they had not taken the time to prepare beforehand, they would surely be scorched remains on the floor. Garrel told them none knew this hired spymaster, and that he would inform the temple of the attempted assassination of them.

The group found traces of whoever had made their lair down there having fled trough a grate in the back, and gave chase. It took some tracking, but they eventually found a man hiding by a boulder trough some clever manipulation of local wildlife. This man could not give them much information, and he certainly was suspicious, but one thing he said resonated with the ranger. "I can't tell you." Where others had used deceit, this man straight up told them he must keep his secrets. It took some talking, as he had just as much reason to trust them as they had a reason to trust him, but he ended up telling them what the "spymaster" Violet truly was. Nightcloaks.

They took this to heart, as being targeted by such a group was about the worst news they could have gotten. As the man known as "Charles" went on his way, the group decided to check in on the orphanage. Once inside, they asked for the matron they had been speaking for, and was directed to the furthest room in the back. Once they opened the door, they found Violet with a knife held to the matron's throat. They were quick to react, and the Sharran had no choice but to flee to the shadow plane. Since the matron was clearly made a target for assassination, she was escorted to safety.
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11:05:29 pm GMT 02/07/22
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604

A three-way game of cat and mouse.
A game of shadows.

Not long after, in a place not of that world, cloaked in darkness. A door came open and a heavily bleeding woman stumbled to her companions. One of her fellow cultists gazed at her coldly and came to tent to her wounds while demanding a report. They learned of the group somehow having caught on, and there wasn't really many options to how. They had refused to kill the true spies they had tried to frame as cultists of Cyric. This could mean trouble for them. Two agencies working in the dark. One good, and one evil. Both trying to out-secret the other, with some locals now knowing of their existence.

The most seasoned of the three gazed at the recovering agent, most displeased by her failure. Her body hit the floor shortly after her wounds were healed. Her soul pulled from her body, leaving the woman who had used the name "Violet" as a soul-less husk. The two promptly went over their plans. They will have to be careful, and will need to find two separate groups of interlopers before they are found themselves.

The interloper known as Charles had a pair of very busy days following his encounter with these rangers and what he assumes are adventurers. They had been in the back of his mind since their encounter, but he did not want to drag them into this mess. He is glad they know the truth of their enemy and who they deal with, but this is not an enemy to take lightly. He had not heard from his own partner since they were separated when they had to flee the city either. It worried him.

But that is life for one who fights evil from the shadows. He knew what he was getting into when he first followed the cult to this island. He can not give up, so he spent the next days searching, following every clue he had, wearing numerous disguises, and bribed so many in the shadier circles. When he learned of the city of shadow, Steinkreis' reflection in the plane of shadow, it seemed the obvious option. It took some doing, but he managed to find a shadow mage willing to send him in. Once there, "Charles" was on his own. He donned his darkest attire and covered himself in soot, making himself appear as some form of undead. His disguise worked. As he sat about the main square, one of the few places that seemed... well, calling it safe would be pushing it. It seemed the one place he would be the least likely to be killed.. and sure enough, after some time, he saw a familiar sight slip in trough the window of a nearby building.

With their location found, he still could not escape, but fortune favors the bold. As luck would have it, a group came to the city, wearing far brighter colors than anyone had any business doing. How perfect, a group of adventurers to travel back with! Now his next move shall have to be to find these rangers before he is found himself.

But in the middle of all of this, where was Shade..?

He was sitting along the long road north, with a sign saying "Guess my weight!"

(( The next step of the story will take place this coming Sunday, at this hour. 2pm PST, 22 GMT ))
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2:11:53 pm GMT 02/15/22
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
It was a plain, normal day at the Crossroads. People came, people went. A ranger stopped to talk to a halfling, sharing of recent hardships and frustrations. She did not mind. She likes the young man, and she wants to see him well. At some point, one of those who had joined the trip into the crypt joined them. The Ranger told him of recent discoveries regarding the matter of the orphanage. He shared Charles' cryptic clue. "In a place eternal shadows creep, a door to a city that should rust, but won't."

They stood and discussed this clue for some time, and another man, dressed in a white coat, joined them. An off-duty Steinkreis knight came in soon after, and after a quick rundown of what they were up to, asked if this matter was related to some recent troubles in Steinkreis. They were. Just as they were ready to go, an ageing adventurer or bounty hunter asked if he too could come.

The halfling brought them to a more remote corner of the Crossroads area as to not alarm the locals, making it clear to them all that once they are in the shadow plane, they are on their own, for she has a family to be mindful of. She started pulling on shadows and bit by bit, she drew them trough the realms, and into the place where no light shines. She bounced off instantly and left the group to fend for themselves. The ranger summoned a feline companion to aid them in the search, and they followed the panther to a strange door-like portal. It took them all a little more searching, but they found a cave. (which was always part of the story, and not a last minute change to not make the event too long!)

The Brotherhood ranger went in first to scout, finding a cave that was, surprise surprise, dark. Very dark. There were shafts of purple light, but they brought even more darkness. Hardly a surprise, given who had made their lair within. What awaited them though, as more and more entered the cave, was silence.. an eerie silence.. and the dim sound of twin blades being drawn. A figure rushed them from the darkness. What could barely even be called a woman at this point, for her body was so mangled. The assassin the Brotherhood ranger had intercepted in the Orphanage, barely recognizable, and in such poor condition, it was a surprise she was even still standing..

But boy could she move.. She danced past all of their initial attacks and quickly slit the throat of Bamaeus. It was a brutal and intense battle, with the group shocked at their animated foe.. but they brought her down in the end. They caused damage and their well timed attacks broke the woman's shell more and more, until it could no longer contain the energies keeping her up, and she fell to the ground with a burst of black and purple sparks. Much relief was had, and the group went inside after tending to their wounds.

The room was... if you guessed dark, then pat yourself on the back, for it was VERY dark! But one section was still out of the darkness' reach, and lit by candle light. It held sketches of all involved with the first trip to the crypt, and those who encountered Violet, along with some others. An alarming matter for anyone with half a brain. It would indicate they have been watched, and their enemy knew who they are. The body of an unknown woman was found in a nearby chest, dead from what was surely torture, with Henry soon going trough the file cabinet.

The ranger did not share much of what he found, but his disdain in finding papers on his father sent him into a fury. He declared he wanted any tracks leading in and out of there. He wanted anything that could be used to divine them. He even said "to hell with the Grauer." He shared who the cult planned to target next, and while they discussed what they wanted to do with an ominous mirror, the ranger pocketed all their reports and set fire to the rest. The knight told them they should make a swift escape, for shadows will surely be attracted to the light.

As they all left, you probably wonder what Shade was doing around this time? Weeeeeeeeeell.....
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7:22:54 am GMT 02/16/22
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
He was at the Dragon's Watch campfire, chatting with one of his delightful friends, Seth! In Shade's mind, he likes to remember it as them sitting and holding hands, whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears with a rainbow over them... but reality is far more mundane. Seth stood by the fire, and Shade was sitting on the bench. They spoke of this and that, as they often do. A light hearted mood and sometimes playful banter between them. Sometimes serious, masked words. Sometimes just sillyness. It was hard to tell with one loving to play with words and the other loving to just use words.

He can't recall exactly what it was they spoke of, but he thinks Seth wanted a story of his past? Like, distant past? Or something like that. He can't remember, but Seth twisted his words around on him and made a very good argument for Shade to talk. Very clever, but look! A distraction! A pair of dark clad fellas, one a big brute, and the other, a woman, deeply armed and covered from head to toe! What a wonderful distraction!

..oh wait, Seth has a bounty. Oh shit! They attacked him! Ha ha! That was a wild time! The fighting took place all over, and as much as Shade wanted to pay attention, their weapons somehow had holy properties, and were -very- painful. Shade bounced around whimpering more than not, until he was knocked out. When he came to, Seth was gone, with tracks leading north. He hurried onwards and soon caught up with them, and shadow leaped under Seth, as he was dragged around on the ground. No one ever expects someone's shadow.

They had planned to infiltrate Fort Benders for a couple of weeks, ever since Seth was captured after going on a killing spree. There was a celestial mage there he wanted to capture, or some such boring nonsense. The only thing that interested Shade in that whole thing, was the promise of some ancient ruins, untouched for a thousand years! How could he resist that? He loves ancient ruins! Too bad the rest was uninteresting, though. He has also already forgotten the rest of Seth's plans. They were just not that interesting.. Now where was he..? Oh right. Seth dragged. Shadow. Fort Benharts.

He was brought inside, and a celestial mage brought him inside a cell bathed in light for questioning, or whatever it is the celestial knights do. They just never interested Shade enough for him to get on their proper bad side. A few things here and there, like playing pranks on Lucuphus, sure, but nothing grand. Having Seth behind bars wouldn't do him much good, though he didn't exactly have any options here. The light of the cell blocked him out, and thankfully the reason why Seth's shadow remained outside the cell was never questioned. Perhaps the celestial simply did not look down? She didn't seem the sort to.. So there they are. Seth captured. Another guard in the room. Shade between a field of light, blocking all shadow abilities, and a guard who could likely whoop his shadowy buttocks.

With the celestial gone, he pretended to be a shadow of the cell. Everything casts a shadow after all! He tried to wave and get Seth's attention... but his eyes were closed. He then found a pebble on the floor, and flicked it over at Seth. He hit him, but Seth didn't open his eyes. He merely asked "What is it?" "For the love of... Open your eyes!" "I know how bright this place is. Why would I do that?" "Well, you -could- stay in there, but that would be rather boring for me." "Are you able to near this cell being as you are?" "Well, I can't enter, but I can slam a guard into the bars, if you can get their attention.. Though I am curious, how will it affect me?" "Given the power of what I saw out in the field, I'm unsure there is much point to it. Even should I free of here, my magic did nothing." "Against a bounty hunter. Does that surprise you? They hunt people like us for a living." "Yes it does. I am a war wizard of great power. Yet my power was insignificant. Decades of study, turned to dust. Why would I waste my time fighting against that?"

This triggered Shade. He could go with much weirdness, sillyness, tomfoolery, stupidity. He could go with wows of bloody revenge, or a burning of a city or two. Hells, that may even be fun! But the one thing he truly loathes is complaining.. Especially from something like a minor hinderance like this. Shade was right there with him, and they are one disguise away from walking the fort freely! One would never question a prisoner to be dressed casually and walking around like he was meant to be there.. but Seth was defeated.. both literally, and in mind. By a bounty hunter. That happens! So what did Shade do? He did the one thing he lothes doing more than anything else...


He took his serious tone for once. The laid back, playful, carefree undertone, gone. He now sounded like an elf as he spoke. "Are you giving up from a bounty hunter? You disappoint me, Seth.. You disappoint me greatly." "I suppose it would be better out there than in here, but I think I will be avoiding fighting where I can. What do you propose then?" "You could achieve something so interesting.. An ancient ruin.. Unseen for centuries. Now I will never know where it is, or how the interiors are." Seth wandered forward with his eyes closed, and reached out to feel where Shade was. "I'll achieve nothing. This world gives me nothing but ash to choke on. But I'll follow your lead." Shade wanted to rip his hair out at Seth... but he was a shadow, and had none. "Oh stop complaining. I was thinking you could draw in the guard. They seem unaware of me, so it should be no issue for me to pin it against the bars. From there, you will have access to both their arms and their blade. I propose a breakout and a capture on the way." "Very well, fine. Lean against the wall and make yourself unseen."

Shade leaned and pressed himself to the wall at an angle, to imitate the shadow of the borders around the door as Seth called out. "Guard! I need to use the rest area! Unless you prefer your prison smelling like the stables outside!" The guard looked up, drawn by his voice, and Shade spoke quietly. "Do one better. Say you will piss trough the bars where they will be the ones standing in it." "I'm civilized. I won't degrade myself to that level." There was a shadowy grumble. "Then bluff. You can always kill him afterwards." Seth then started hitting the bars with his metal gauntlet. "I am serious, you know!" he shouted before speaking quietly to Shade. "I don't care about his life." "And this is clearly not working. Provoke him with how many of his people you've killed. Say you will draw their names and piss on them." Seth then considered his days and the slaves of Thay, and how they would sometimes annoy the guards. He rapped his gauntlet back and forth against each bar, making an annoying metal on metal sound. "Ah yes.. Very good. Sing too." "I am doing this for you. If you want to sing, then do it. Your voice would probably be thought of as mine regardless."

Shade was screaming inside. How hard did this have to be?! And for him to not be the annoying one! This is not how this should be! This isn't how any of this should have been at all! It was tempting to just stab Seth himself! Still, he sucked in a deep breath, then sighed..

"IIIiiiIIi knOOOooow a SOOOOOOooooOOOONG THAAAaaaaaAAT GeeeeEEETS ON EEEeeeveeeEERYYYBODYYY's neeervEEEEEES!" and rolled an 8 on perform. Yes, he was no singer at all. It sounded horrible. He wanted it to sound horrible. It was meant to sound horrible. "IT GOOOOOEEEEES LIIIIIIKE THIIIIIIIIS!" But hey, it worked. The templar was approaching. Perhaps Seth should start listening to Shade when he is being serious? "Prisoner." "Hello." "Who are you speaking to?" "A good question. Don't you know us wizards have many vo- oh."

He was cut short as Shade launched from the wall and shoved the templar into the cell bars. He slammed into them and reeled from the blow, but his armor saved him from dying. He drew his holy blade as Shade tried to keep him held to the bars. It was a risky move, for this made him -very- exposed to the light inside. "Oh for the love of... OPEN YOUR EYES! THIS BLOODY HURTS!!" He yelled at Seth. "My magic doesn't work in here." "SO GRAB HIS DAMN SWORD!" Seth finally listened and successfully disarmed the templar, and his blade clanged into the cell.. but he was far from defenseless. "Andarus take you, fiend!" He shouted as he bashed Shade with his shield. As he did, Seth threw the templar's blade further into the cell. ...Brilliant. Shade was not just bashed, but was sent across the floor from the templar's strength. Thankfully Seth finally did something useful, and threw his cloak around the templar's neck. As the two struggled, Shade stood back up and yelled "Lesson one.. USE THEIR DAMN BLADES AGAINST THEM!" Then with the guard distracted, Shade lunged for him with his hand extended out. A rapier burst from the palm of his hand. An expected move the templar could not possibly have foreseen, and it pierced his helm, killing him instantly.

"They use holy swords. You think I can wield that?" "Hrmph." Seth let out a sigh as the tension released, and he rested his face against two of the bars of the cell door, sighing softly. "Fine, I suppose you have a point in that." He squatted down and took the guard's keys, unlocking the door witout trouble. "There was a guard here before, which I infected with shadow. I wonder what-" He stumbled forward as the door came loose and his face was against it.

"Alright. Burn your facial hair. Find some clothes, and you can walk right out. They will never expect it." Seth found his footing and gathered his cloak, putting it back on. "The last I was here, there was an upstairs." Blah blah, who cares about an upstairs. The cell Seth was in had Shade curious. He had long wondered how light would harm his shadow body. He had been able to walk under the sun just fine, but what about divine light? He knew he would never get a chance like this again.. "I do wonder.." He cupped his chin as he gazed into the light. "A window, but I have an idea first." "Then that shall be our goal." "Shade, shadows are light and dark. I have an idea." "As do I.. And since I will never have another chance like this.." He walked into the light, and..

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