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  • Shards
    Shards  3 months ago

    Happy New Year!

  • Edrick
    Edrick  3 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    You the man thanks mate

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago

    There it is!

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago


  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

  • Payne
    Payne  6 months ago

    Edrick... mad

  • Edrick
    Edrick  6 months ago


  • !ofAkindGuy2000
    !ofAkindGuy2000  6 months ago


  • Glognar
    Glognar  6 months ago

    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

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Sorceress With Apple

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1:18:35 am GMT 05/01/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!"

She then looked to the letter Teron had shared with them. The reply from the Iron City. What the hell is that idiot thinking? He is going to get half the village killed! She should throw that damn idiot in the river! She should... She should... No.. This is likely why the Iron City came to them in the first place. They knew there would be discord in Hamley. She grit her teeth as she looked between the Iron City's reply and the note from Teron. Shit, shit, double shit.. She has to act fast..

The commoners take priority here. She can chew Sollis' ass off later, but not before the people are safe. If Colonal Darienne somehow approved of this madness, war will come sooner than they thought. The fields will be ablaze before they know it. The townsfolk burned alive and made examples of. More than half of Hamley's farms are well outside the gates and are prime targets. The Iron City can get to them no problem! She has already seen Melphaecto within their walls, and that devil is a threat all by itself! And that damn city has a full unit of fire breathing hellhounds! She has seen them! She has fought them! Each one just as challenging as a soldier! Hamley will be doomed!

Her hands were planted at their message board. Her eyes wide in distress. Her breath fast and heavy. Her forehead sweaty. She has to act... but how? What should she do? Demand from Darienne to explain what the hells is going on? Punch Sollis' teeth out? March to the Iron city and demand to see his supposed message for herself? No... No, there is no time for any of that. She has to think about the villagers. The whole reason she went along with this damn diplomacy was because of them! She would love for a chance to see the devils destroyed, but not with Hamley being the warzone!

Shit, shit, shit, shit! What should she do?!

She looked around in panic, then her eyes came to the knife on her belt, the one King Rugar himself gifted her just days ago... Hammersong! She should approach Hammersong! Just the day before, she and Brazik had talked about asking them to take in a part of Hamley's civilians. They would give them the same offer they give Greenvale, and the dwarfs are in more need of rebuilding than the elves. She grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down in a hurry.

"Redcloak and King Rugar, I need to see you. It is urgent.

Lily Afein."

She sealed the letter with wax and the official seal of the Keepers. After she sent it off and paid extra to have a runner deliver it, she went back inside the halls, to Brazik's room. "Brazik! Brazik!" She shook him. "Get your pants on! We don't have time! You need to go to Greenvale right now! Tell them we will secure transport if they are willing to shelter them!"

Without waiting for the poor guy to wake up properly, she walked right out of the city. Something had been bothering her for a while now, and it only grew stronger since Darienne saw the darkness in that light ball at the fort. It has had her uneasy, and if that darkness is what she fears, they will need to avoid it at all costs! ...Arakhor! Arakhor knows a lot about this!

So she walked to the hills and cut her way trough goblins, until she reached a platform with a view over the eastern part of the island. She sucked in a deep breath before whispering into the wind: "Arakhor.. Can you hear me? It's Lily. I have to see you. Fast."

After coming back down from the mountain, she went right back to the Keeper hall and looked at the letter from the Iron City. The threats were clear, and she knew well they are capable of it.. but what can they do? How can they defend against attacks like this?

....Dad! Dad will know!
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3:26:13 am GMT 05/01/21
dontyouknow Registered Member #1120 Joined: 4:36:33 am GMT 07/27/07
Posts: 491
Tilting his ear upon hearing a whisper of his name, Teron reflexively placed his hand upon his cloak clasp depicting the Lady of Air and listened.

“Noted, friend. I will visit soon.” A slight gust spun around the mage, sending his words upon the breeze, then he returned to the wards he was erecting upon the walls.
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6:07:30 am GMT 05/01/21
Kagali Registered Member #1318 Joined: 4:57:57 am GMT 06/17/08
Posts: 394

Following his rather abrupt and rude awakening by his sister Keeper, the colourless kin quickly came to his senses as he felt the urgency of Lily's words. It sunk in quickly.

Danger was coming to Hamley.

Throwing on the entirety of his armour, including his oft-neglected leather tunic, he took a moment to fix his hair and began his trip down to Greenvale. He rented a horse from the stables and pushed it to its limits, making sure to avoid Dragon's Watch territory.

Several hours of riding later, Brazik found himself standing in front of the fully rebuilt tower in the middle of Greenvale, craning his neck up to take in the sheer height of it. After an appreciative whistle, he strolled in through the doors with his usual confidence, greeting all elves he passed on his way. When he explained that he sought an audience with the queen, one of the guards pointed to the stairs.

When Brazik climbed those, he found...more stairs. And then more stairs. And more stairs.

"Ohh, clever. This way, it'll take forever for invaders to even figure out how to GET to the top!"

Chuckling to himself, he kept on going up and down and up several flights of stairs, until eventually reaching the queen at the very top. After announcing that he has come on behalf of the Keepers, he calmly approaches the queen.

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"Vedui', Queen Yu'syu! First, I want to thank you for your reply to my letter. Unfortunately, things seem to be developing quicker than expected, so another letter might not have been fast enough. I've arrived here in a hurry, because I believe Hamley will need your aid sooner than anticipated!"

"Although the exact time of when this danger may be coming is not known, 'negotiations' to see this crisis through peacefully have been...less than successful, to put it lightly. And so, I would like to formally request your aid, as mentioned in our previous communications, as soon as possible. Many lives may depend on it."

He takes a breath, and continues.

"Oh! And, just to be clear, all we need to know is if you're willing and able to shelter our people. We'll handle the transportation of our people ourselves."
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6:33:14 pm GMT 05/03/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
Somewhere by the south coast..

"So yeah, that's about it... How credible is their threat?"

Alton had a passive gaze as he looked at his daughter, and read the letter.

"Burning Hamley is not hard. I have set those field ablaze myself several times.. The granaries are easy to get to, as are the haystacks, and believe me, those will burn.. The animals.. Hm. It would be just as effective to spook them and send the cows on a rampage. Unless you have druids in the village, the animals will make chaos and cause more damage than one would expect.. Salt is an interesting touch. Not sure why I never thought of that..."


"Right. All of these threats are credible. I can do it, anyone from the watch can do it, the Iron City can do it. They can hire mercenaries to do it, they can do as they threatened and send a unit of erinyes to do it."

"Shit.... Shit, shit, shit, shit.."

Lily sat down with her hands to her head.

"So Hamley is screwed?"

"Hm... No... Station one knight along with a small squad of archers at each farm house.. Place spotters about the land.. Prepare for distractions while the main army marches. Be prepared for a lot of attacks before the battle itself."

"That's.... That's not a bad idea.. What will our greatest threat be?"

"Someone not taking this advice."

Then an hour later, in the seat of a caravan. Lily is rubbing her forehead, so much so her forehead now holds a red line of irritated skin.

"Well... a plan for the citizens.. but things still don't add up.. How does Kallista fit in in all of this? Will she defend the watch? Is that why the Iron City won't go trough the woods? She stood on their wall during the siege, are they on bad terms now? Is she staying out of it completely? Is she what will cause the darkness? Will Hamley be caught in the middle of it? Is there any way to stop it all? Is this all to distract from something greater?"

Questions kept running trough her head until she stepped off near Hamley and walked right into Fort Bennars.

"Have anyone seen Colonal Darienne?"
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7:40:35 pm GMT 05/03/21
Jandari Registered Member #1320 Joined: 10:38:49 pm GMT 06/23/08
Posts: 1086
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Late at night, Sollis sits up and writes many letters by the light of an oil lamp.

To The Council of Feywood-

Greetings, Most Esteemed Lords and Ladies of the Feywood,

I hope this missive finds you well and in good spirits.

I am Sollis Lott, a Paladin of Torm, Empyrean Crusader Knight, and Knight of the Celestial Order of Thain. I am writing you, at a bare minimum, to inform you of a very real threat against your people, and your woods. The army of the Iron City is soon to march. They march past Hamley, around the adumbrals. Because we will not stand idly by while they move devils and other wretched beasts past our walls and through our fields, they have threatened to burn down “everything from the grey iron mountains to the feywood”. I fear they mean to go ahead and burn your homes as well as ours when they do it.

We mean to stand with the bloodguard in the areas west of hamley and east of hamley… and fight them tooth and nail, man and woman, eradicating any and every denizen of that foul cesspool that dares to approach our lands or our people. I would ask, of you, two solemn favors:

One, if needed, that you please allow at least some of our women, children, and aged residents to seek sanctuary within your domain until this is over. We are defending the innocent above all else, and they are our first priority.

Two, if you can find it within your heart….please stand with us. Defy this tyranny….the onslaught of evil men...that threatens everything in its path. Let your mighty bow strings sing and you send such a hailstorm of elven arrows through the air that the sun is nearly blotted out, whilst we, your staunch allies, press the attack in the newfound shade! Let elves and men once again fight side by side for a righteous purpose and in good faith as brethren upon the face of Thain.

Above all….let this letter at least warn you to be ready and make preparations for your own people, if nothing else.

Yours in the Light,

Sollis Lott

To The Bloodguard at Castra Aurelia-

Greetings, Lord Bastian and Knights of the Bloodguard,

I hope this missive finds you well and in good spirits.

I am Sollis Lott, a Paladin of Torm, Empyrean Crusader Knight, and Knight of the Celestial Order of Thain. I am writing you, at a bare minimum, to inform you of a very real threat against your people, and your walls. The army of the Iron City is soon to march. They march past Hamley from the west, past your lands, and around the adumbrals. Because we will not stand idly by while they move devils and other wretched beasts past our walls and through our fields, they have threatened to burn down “everything from the grey iron mountains to the feywood”. I fear they mean to go ahead and burn your homes as well as ours when they do it.

As I cannot imagine any eventuality where you would allow such to occur without offering due resistance, we mean to stand with the bloodguard in the areas west of hamley and east of hamley… and fight them tooth and nail, man and woman, eradicating any and every denizen of that foul cesspool that dares to approach our lands or our people.

I have always known that you, too, would stand on that field and meet them when they come. That you would strike at them, as we do, with righteous fury. That you would defy such tyranny of evil beings that threatens to consume all in its path. Let us stand beside you, shoulder to shoulder, blade and shield, pauldron and spur….and fight to the death defending the innocent, and one another, until no devil remains on the face of Thain.

Further, Garrick Brennan has made an offer of sanctuary for some of our women, children, and aged citizens within your walls. I would ask that we be able to rely on that to keep our innocents safe. And we are most grateful for the offer.

Let these curs learn that to oppose the righteous indignation of good men and women is a fatal mistake that they will get to make only one time, and will have the rest of their lives to consider its finality.

Yours in the Light,

Sollis Lott

To Lord Bargus Telmoran, The Royal Keep of Steinkreis-

Esteemed Lord Telmoran,

I am Sollis Lott, a Paladin of Torm, Empyrean Crusader Knight, and Knight of the Celestial Order of Thain. I am writing you, at a bare minimum, to inform you of a very real threat against your people, in the Steinkreis protectorate of Hamley. The army of the Iron City is soon to march. They march past Hamley, around the adumbrals. Because we will not stand idly by while they move devils and other wretched beasts past our walls and through our fields, they have threatened to burn down “everything from the grey iron mountains to the feywood”. I fear they will not stop with us.

We mean to stand with the bloodguard in the areas west of hamley and east of hamley… and fight them tooth and nail, man and woman, eradicating any and every denizen of that foul cesspool that dares to approach our lands or our people. I would ask, of you, two solemn favors:

One, if needed, that you please allow at least some of our women, children, and aged residents to seek sanctuary within your City Walls until this is over. We are defending the innocent above all else, and they are our first priority.

Two, if you can find it within your heart….please stand with us. Defy this tyranny….the onslaught of evil men...that threatens everything in its path. Let your mighty Kreis Knights stand with us and fight side by side for a righteous purpose and in good faith as brethren upon the face of Thain.

We thank you for any and all aid and for your prayers in these trying times and in the days ahead, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Yours in the Light,

Sollis Lott

All are sealed in gilded metal tubes with red wax and the Sigil of a Lion's head with Torm's Gauntleted Palm on its forehead, the Sigil of Sollis Lott.

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3:52:18 pm GMT 05/08/21
Jandari Registered Member #1320 Joined: 10:38:49 pm GMT 06/23/08
Posts: 1086
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Sollis sits in the candlelit temple with his father’s sword, Asherune. He holds it, tip down, by the handle, during prayer. At the end of the prayer…he speaks to the sword….summoning a celestial friend, Galberash….the former steward and emissary of his father, Oradus Lott….known in celestial circles as Lord Salun. He imagines Galberash’s face...and all their past interactions….clearly in his mind as he speaks softly…..

“Galberash, my friend….I need your aid. A war is about to break out on Thain….between a village of humankind and a City of Devils. They will march on us soon…..hellknights and devilkin alike….and we need aid. I seek Aladril, my celestial brother…..to bring any forces he can muster from the heavenly host….and stand with us against the heathen from the hells….and drive them back. Seek him out, my friend….and do it quickly, I implore you.”

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8:54:14 pm GMT 05/08/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
Lily met Darienne outside Fort Bennars where the Colonel was talking to some crusaders. They shared greetings and Colonel Darienne sent the crusaders on their way so the two could speak inside. Lily inquired about the state of things, and if it was true they had declared war on the Iron City. Darienne told her it is not war they declared, but a refusal to go with the Iron City's demands. She told her the Celestials allied with Hamley will not be aiding them in the upcoming conflict.

Lily told her she has no love for the Iron City, and would crush them given the chance, but not at the cost of Hamley being the battlefield. Colonel Darienne understood and told her they are both women placed in terrible positions, and they want the same. Preservence for Hamley. Lily went on to voice her worries, and how something just didn't feel right. What it means that they don't just march trough the spider forest which their ally, the drow witch, holds claim over, and the nagging feeling they approached the Keepers with the intent to cause inner turmoil in Hamley.

Darienne told her that is exactly it. It is a flaunt of power. They mean to belittle them and strip them of their honor. That they claim to wish to fight a battle on the front of the Sorceress' Watch, but wish their permission to cross. They are not asking, they are telling, and that does not abide, for today they may see their lands to march to our enemy, but she fears tomorrow they will simply think their lands are for treading and stomping. When Lily asked about the darkness they saw in the orb, Darienne told her she could not say. That the celestial orb shows much that she does not understand, and that is why they have a seer to gaze upon it. She told Lily she thinks she has the right of it, that they came to the Keepers for a reason. That they intend to tear them apart from the inside. She told her the Iron city may have steel to fight, but their true weapon is in their words. That is where they are most dangerous.

Darienne asked Lily what she thinks their motivations were, and Lily told her she has no idea, but guesses it is to remove them, the long time torn in their side. Darienne told her this was her guess as well, and the war is just a convenience to them. She went on to state Hamley will never bow to the "enemy of my enemy" idealism. Not Hamley, and not the Empyrean, but Lily pointed out there is still the matter of their civilians. She told her Brazikis in Greenvale as they speak, and she herself is hoping to work something out with Hammersong. She brought attention to their farms, not the people, but the farms themselves, and asked if they are along in the conflict.

Darienne told her the Bloodguard stands close, and as much as it pained her to admit, their ideals are true enough to make an enemy of the Iron City, and here they stand as allies. Lily told her she does not care for them either, but that she sees their importance here, and Darienne went on to say Castra Aurelia could hold some of Hamley's outlying villages and farms, and Hammersong could as well, though they would be indebted to any they called upon. Lily told her of her and Brazik's ideas of Hamley's people helping with labor. That Hamley's men are crafty and they have more experience rebuilding than anyone. Something both Greenvale and Hammersong could benefit from as they have both seen wars recently. They can bring their own food as well.

Darienne told her this would be the second time they would be crawling wounded into Greenvale, and told her how the elves sheltered nearly all of Hamley during Fhelkorns reign. Lily noted the elves probably still remembers that, and that Hamley didn't send anyone during the Poisonwar, to which Darienne said she doesn't doubt Queen Yu'syu's resolve, but even to allies, debts are chains. Lily suggested she could pass the responsibility on to the Keepers, and told her they don't mind such debts. Darienne told her she has thought much on it, and wondered if the Iron City means to make them seek elsewhere for "pacts", diminishing them into desperation in the future where they would seek them to get them out of their debts. This made Lily frown and noted it does sound like something they would do, and told Darienne she would rather die than make a pact with devils.

Darienne went on to say it seems like Lily and Brazik have already started negotiations, which give her hope, and they will have to see what Hammersong and Greenvale say to Brazik. Lily told her she will go to Hammersong herself and patted the new knife on her belt. The one once worn by a Royal Guard of Hammersong, given to her by their king himself for her service to their city, and told Darienne she hopes her new influence will hold some sway. Darienne asked her if she thinks the dwarves will let villages of theirs trough their mountain gates, to which Lily replied she doesn't know. She pointed out the dwarves are skeptical of outsiders, but hopes they can work something out.

After suggesting their farmers could help the dwarves make fields on and around Hammersong mountain, Darienne mentioned the dwarves have lived in Hammersong before Hamley's recorded history. If they wanted farms, they could have made them a long time ago, though it may be worth some thought. As Darienne scanned the map before them, she marked on how Hamley is rich with resources, and that she gives the Keepers permission to use whatever material resource they can reap here as bargaining, so long as it ensures safety for the souls who call Empyrea home. Lily told her she will talk to the dwarfs and see if they are at least open to working out an agreement. Darienne nodded to Lily and asked if she would do this, and Lily answered without hesitation that she will.

As Darienne looked over the map, Lily asked her if she had gotten the letter with threats too, which Darienne was quick to dismiss and said she pays little attention to petty threats, and told Lily to kneel, making Lily raise a brow and she went down on one knee with a curious expression. "Keeper Lily Afein" Darienne said as she drew her blade from her side and placed it on both of Lily's shoulders, alternating while her left hand traced a symbol over Lily's forehead. "I bestow upon you the grace of Celestia, the hope of Hamley, and the steel of Empyrea. I give you the voice of the Empyreans, carry it with you. Find our salvation." Lily's other brow lifted as well in surprise. She certainly did not expect this, and her eyes blinked as she took it all in. It was awkward and new for her, who knew nothing of military or knightly etiquette, so she stuttered when she said "Righ- Erm.. Yes, Colonel." She really looked clueless and must have looked like a real dork as she was on her knee before the Colonel who went on to tell her the Keepers and the Empyreans were nearly one and the same during the Shadow War. That she hopes these dark times will find these bonds anew. She definitely saw the look on Lily's face and how awkward she looked, and told her to stand.

Lily told her she is a woman of Hamley. That she stood with them against the Iron City, and it because of the Empyrean that she remained. That she loves this place and these people. Darienne told her they can not forget that they cannot let evil persist. That they cannot let it linger. They cannot accept it as an inevitability. That the greatest lie ever convinced them of is that it must exist for there to be balance. That there could be a world without it, and told her there will be a world without it. Lily thought back to her own home, where the lines are as blurred as they get. Where anyone from Hamley would have a heart attack just by walking trough one single street, but even there, despite everything they have and how different it is, true evil is a rarity. Darienne smirked and asked how much more evil does it get than devils to which Lily remarked there is always a bigger fish, but they don't have to worry about them. Besides, they have beaten the devils before, and they can do it again. Darienne agreed and told her trough virtue, they can overcome whatever they throw at them. To bring their devils and politicians, and Lily smirked and added "and their walls" to which Darienne noted as long as they do not strike at their walls, the treat stands. They must remember that. Lily nodded and told her that if it comes to it, she will blow it up again, and Darienne told her she will have to beat her to it.
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4:16:42 pm GMT 05/10/21
dontyouknow Registered Member #1120 Joined: 4:36:33 am GMT 07/27/07
Posts: 491
Within the warded conjuration room of the Greenvale School of Magic, a letter is placed upon a carefully-prepared circle, and with a few simple words is sent through bent space to arrive upon the table of the Iron City’s outer guard station, sealed and addressed to Senator Walker:

Senator Walker,

As you and I are likely both acutely aware, your proposal for troop movements has been vociferously rejected. In the spirit of openness, and in awareness of a certain rocky problem that still exists between Hamley and the Iron City, I offer my simple advice on the matter:

Find a different path.

Your conflict with Nayritha is of less concern to me than I am certain it is to you and your associates. As such, I am also certain you do not wish to waste manpower, for lack of a better term given the mixed nature of the forces at your disposal, in armed conflict with the forces allied with the Empyreans. At the same time, my last encounter with the drow witch Kallista and your inquisitor demonstrated that, at least at the time, they got along swimmingly. Barring some great shift in attitude, I would imagine that if one were to tug on the correct threads, the spiders ought not to be an issue for your travel needs. One might suppose that their bugbear neighbors would not pose a problem to a force such as yours. If their newest ally becomes an impassable obstacle, then perhaps that situation ought to be dealt with in a timely manner.

Teron Dian
Instructor, Greenvale School of Magic
Keeper of Thain
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Just Miggen
8:01:43 pm GMT 06/06/21
Just Miggen 💅
Registered Member #463 Joined: 1:37:12 am GMT 03/10/05
Posts: 7900
The Beast with No Heart

Once upon a time there was a City of Iron nestled in mountain high,
Forged into the chains that wrapped its walls and spires that touched its skies was mystery itself,
Some say celestials built such a marvel only for devils to rust it with corruption,
Others say the canyons yawned one day and it rose from the depths of the World to establish itself

But for all the mystery that shrouded the City itself there were infinite truths hidden within,
And one in particular around the origin of a particular being that resided within.
In early days people spoke of a beautiful darling girl, born the most beautiful of any in the City
Though as time marched forward those words began to twist and speak of something more sinister:

A Beast, they said, delivered early one morning by way of Erinyes fresh from Avernus
The Beast had no heart, a fact It could not hide even after devouring a mortal and wearing her flesh,
And so the Beast hungered for the hearts of all that resided with the City of Iron,
So it adorned its stolen flesh with jewels and rouge, ribbons and blush and hunted

Of course any who spoke of such nonsense were and are very much insane, not to mention liars,
And so they disappeared into the depths of Babylam Asylum so to quell their mad rabble.
For the Beast was no Beast at all, but the delightful Miss Liserel Thorne who was most beloved,
And it was through her own merit did she become a seated member of the City's senate

While there is much to decide between fact and fiction of this terrible tale there is one truth to offer:
Whether beast or girl, devil or dame, the people of the City give their hearts willing over to Her
For the City is not a place for all; but there are those who excel in its twisted iron and words
And Senator Liserel Thorne has used the hellfire to rise to the top.


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Legions of Hellknights stood at attention as rain lightly fell over the city, their eyes concealed under iron helmets all directed upwards towards the Iron Senate as the gates swung open and two figures strode out. Side by side walked Chairman Thamiel, his dark hair framing his face with a diabolical beard that was as flawless as his blackened coat, and Senator Thorne who complimented him well with her body adorned in a burst of crimson that, of course, matched the parasol that protected her golden hair from the drizzle. Shortly after they left the doors of the senate two War Devils towered out behind them, watching the senators' backs.

The two walked in unison as Thorne adjusted the miniature hellhound that shook in her left hand, causing the tiny devil to growl. "Meffy..." a warning dripped sweetly from her mouth causing the ears of the hound to touch the back of its neck. Thorne's smile only twisted more cloyingly on end as they approached the iron precipice over looking the gathered legions.

The Chairman's eyes silently swept over his soldiers as Thorne's glacéd voice rose over the square, "Loyal Hellknights, most admirable warriors of Azuul's indominable will! I may be looking down at you right now, but know that my eyes look up to you as though you are all malebranche," her words echoed as the two actual war devils stood motionless behind her. "It is not to death the Iron Senate asks you to march, for that was the way of the dethroned Queen. Her forgotten house led us to only loss and defeat at the hands of Empyrea, a fate I can no longer suffer to see for our beloved Iron City of Azuul! If this realm was perfect, as we will inevitably one day make it, then I would not be asking such a brave and wicked feat of your iron and hellfire." Steam began to rise from their armor as the misting rain remained unrelenting, "But there is a seed of chaos in the east, and that grows heavy not only on my heart but of all hearts that love law and love Azuul! Empyrea would let this chaos consume their towns and villages, and though I truly... truly do hate them more than I could ever express, I could not allow them to falter and bow to the plague of anarchy," Thorne's blue eyes scanned the Hellknights behind twisted dark lashes as she paused.

"The Sorceress must be stopped and chaos not allowed to take seed in her city. So go forth, Hellknights, go forth with the flames of Avernus! Go forth with the wrath of Phlegethos!" The knights burst into cries of war, raising their weapons towards the clouded skies, the din ever growing, "Go forth with the will of Azuul! And show our enemy only the mercy of Cania!"

Further away wheels began to spin at the Iron Gates as they began to lift and open. The Hellknights turned, their cries refusing to die, as they marched east. Senator Thorne watched on with a smile as seven Erinyes flew over head, only their furious shadows visible in the clouds.

"You should hope this sacrifice is worth it, Thorne," remarked Thamiel.

She watched on behind her smile, clutching Meffy's shaking body close to her, "There will be those who will have to answer should this fail," Thorne stated as she turned to face Thamiel and, upon meeting his dark piercing eyes, momentarily faltered in her smile.

The Empyreans beat them once before, and should the Hellknights fail to cross, Thorne knew who would be answering to the Chairman.

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Just Miggen
8:19:37 pm GMT 06/06/21
Just Miggen 💅
Registered Member #463 Joined: 1:37:12 am GMT 03/10/05
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Nayritha found her spirit tossed about the infinite aether, the storm of worlds beyond trying to tear her very essence apart as she drifted about its unknowable sea. She focused her mind, trying to solidify something, anything...

...a window in an infinite corridor. She reasoned that all things have an end and soon found herself before the glass and peered down, watching stolen vessels carry dragons across raging waters. Confirmation of her fears founded, she turned to only be met with another window: this one showing her the yawning gates of the hells opened as spiders skittered away to make a path for iron clad devils.

More enemies, she knew, and again tried to turn to leave only to be met with a window that showed angelic wings rising to form a great wall. The panic began to sink into her very soul as she realized no matter where she turned more windows rose to wall her into the infinite. She ran towards one, a kaleidoscope of aether and a cacophony of voices calling beyond. Her spirit smashed through the crystal pane as the voices rose speaking of long dead dragons, elven heroes, armies of death. Focus: think of something tangible. Something real...

...Drachkain. The thought entered her mind as the aether siphoned into a void and reality began to build up back around her. As she ripped the crystal eye out of her socket she came to and realized she lay in a puddle of her own sick on the floor of her study, Drachkain slowly moving over her prone body. She wiped blood and bile from her face and stood, wrapping Drachkain about her neck. Placing the crystal eye carefully back in its container she heard one more voice:

Arakhor wrote ...
Nay-ritha, Nay-ritha.

Regent of wyrm and beast. The Watch is necessary, it is. It plays a role in the balance of all things and must endure.

But your underlings desert you. Plot against you. Those that once aided you now turn their backs on you. Together, they plan your undoing.

We once traded words, during the Poisonwar. Let us speak again and see what comes of it. We have an offer for you, and you alone.

Of the many things she saw in the aether a fey was not among them. Desperate she turned to her mirror and began encircling a conjuration spell: allowing fey to enter warded passage into her study. She knew Arakhor was dangerous, but with enemies on all sides she would hear her words.
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