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  • Shards
    Shards  3 months ago

    Happy New Year!

  • Edrick
    Edrick  3 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    You the man thanks mate

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago

    There it is!

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago


  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

  • Payne
    Payne  6 months ago

    Edrick... mad

  • Edrick
    Edrick  6 months ago


  • !ofAkindGuy2000
    !ofAkindGuy2000  6 months ago


  • Glognar
    Glognar  6 months ago

    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

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Old Grudges are for Old Enemies

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1:16:55 am GMT 05/20/21
Alanonas Registered Member #24078 Joined: 3:40:59 am GMT 05/14/17
Posts: 1562
Zwischenspiel der Toten

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A haggard man walks south, following the winding road as it snakes through the snow capped mountains. A tattered hood hangs over his withered and creased face as he shambles on with the aid of a gnarled old stick.

The necromancer thinks as his ragged boots stamp upon the mountain path, trying to keep his feeble breath calm and steady as the elevation increases with every step. As his weary form traverses the path he finds his thoughts back upon his conversation with the mages of the school.

Th elf known as Elarion had attacked their halls with a perverse use of the darker aspects of necromantic magics and made off with something of great import it had seemed. The thoughts rattle about in the old necromancer's mind as his bony legs clatter with each step southward.

He has spoken with his elven sorcerer on a number of occasions. He was the cordial sort, but like most elves of those woods, there lied within a dangerous streak, more so now following the destruction of their ancestral home. He seemed to be the sort that do anything for him home.

That sort of folk was no stranger to the ragged old necromancer. But what could it have been to provoke him to do something so rash?

The road winds south and the haggard man climbs to a lofty hill, looking down the road to the paths it crawls: one winds towards the splendor of Greenvale, and the other to the ashen ruin of the Poisonwood. There were answers hidden in each, for those who know how to walk such lines.

And that, if anything, is something the old necromancer could do.
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4:23:07 pm GMT 05/22/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
"Why is our forest so popular with hooded elders?"

Elarion sneered at what he heard. "The Elisaran returned?"

"Ah, Elarion. No, this time it was a human."

"A human? How curious. Most humans know to stay out of our woods.."

"This one did. He remained along the outer edge where he wouldn't get attacked while also seeming to look for something."

"Most curious.. Did anyone get a good look at him?"

"Yes, it is said he was dressed for a tomb. Walking with an old stick. Seeming to be in his later years."

Elarion drummed his fingers on his staff "I know this one. He is not to be treated as an enemy."

"Then you better find him before the firn'mul does."

With that, Elarion nodded and took his leave. He went to the top floor of the barracks and in trough a purple glow in a burned tree, wondering along the way why Morton would come to the poisoned woods.
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12:44:18 pm GMT 05/25/21
Raven1210 Jungle Law Enforcerer
Registered Member #1180 Joined: 7:46:29 am GMT 10/05/07
Posts: 1292
[ image disabled ]

12. Sich vertraulich mit den Toten unterhalten

Der wind fegte die South Coast hinweg und die Volken bewegten sich schnell über dem Meer, das immer lauter brummelte. An der Kuste, gab es zwei Figuren, die das Meer anschauten. Beide trugen alte und zerlumpte Kleidungen und sprachen mit einanderen, während das Blasen des Windes und das Brummeln des Meers ihre Wörter bedeckten.

Nach kurzer Zeit ging die großerere von den Zweien weg und der anderer blieb kurze danach am schauen das sturmische Wetter, dann legte er seine Hand an einem baum und spach mit einer leisen Stimme.

- Morton sagte, dass er helfen würde. Er will die Toten von Syfanas Händen zu Friede bringen und um so etwas zu erreichen, muss die Kreatur zerstort werden. Jetzt weiß er auch, dass Elarion den Kristall besitzt. Vielleicht wird es nicht notig, den Kristall zurückzugewinnen; Zwischen Master Dian und Morton könnte Elarion ihn einfach aufgeben-

Elith runzelte seine Stirn.

- Es wäre vielleicht einen Sieg, aber auch ein personliches Scheitern. - Elith schuttelte dann seinen Kopf. - Egal. Hauptsache ist Syfana, zu zerstoren-

* * *

Elith war mit die junge Nicolette Everguard am reden über uralte Geschicte auf der Weise gegenüber dem weißem Baum nah von Greenvale, wenn ein komisches Geräusch ihre Unteraltung unterbrach.

Ein Zombie und ein Geist tritt in die Waldweise ein und plötzlich fangte der Zombie Nicolettes Pferd zu fressen, trotz des Verbotes des Geistes. Nicht lang später wurde der Zombie zerstört.

In gegentail zum vervirrten Zombie war der Geist höflich und bewusst. Er sagte Elith, dass er gehort hatte von sienem Plan. Es dauerte ein bisschen, bevor Elith versthen konnte, wer der Geist war.

Mors, der Elbsinger der Toten. Selten war er weit weg von missbraucthen Untoten.

Neben Nicolette sprachen der Geist und der Baelnorn, der Erste war unsicher über die Entscheidung des Baelnorns. Am wichtigste war dem Geist der Will der Toten oder der Untoten respktieren: wenn sie sich freiwillig Syfana gegeben wurden, dann war es nicht die Stelle vom Sorcerer im Weg zu stehen.

- Es ist nicht was anders davon, was du damals machte. Dein Zustand entspricht's für dich-

Allerdings erklärte der Zauberer, dass die Realität anders war, als sich der Geist sie vorgestellt hatte.

- Syfana zehrt die Lebensessenz von den Elben und von den Reisendern auf und lasst einfach die Körper hinter. Was kleine Will sie haben, ist es nur genug, um Befehlen zu folgen. Sie trafen ihre Entscheidungen während lebendig und zwar schenken sie ihr ihre Lebensessenz, danach nichts bleibt-

Der Geist beobachtete den Korper des Untotes kurz, dann nickte seinen Kopf.

- Du scheinst überzeugend zu sein. ich werde dir helfen, aber nur bis Syfana zerstört ist. Was wird mit den Untoten passieren, is es twas, dass wir überlegen müssen. Hoffentlich ihre zerstörung wird nicht notig sein. -

Elith nickte. - Ja. Sie sind nur Opfer ihres blinden Glaubens-

Als der Geist verschwand vom Blick, Elith lächelte. Dann merkte er, dass Nicolette den Zauberer anschaute.

- Was meinte er, wenn er sagte deinen Zustand?-

The wind blew over the South Coast, sweeping the clouds and making the sea grumble louder and louder. Two figures, both dressed in what seemed rags, stood upon a cliff, the noise of their words covered by the grumbling sea and the blowing wind.

After a short while, the larger of the two headed off, leaving the other watching the restless sea. A moment, later the smaller of the two laid an hand on a nearby tree, leaning on it and spoke with a soft voice.

[i]- Morton said that he would help. He wants to bring peace to those who died by Syfana's hands and to achieve that, she must be first destroyed. Now, he knows that Elarion posses the crystal. Maybe, it won't be necesessary to win back the crystal, between Master Dian and Morton, Elarion could simply renounce to it.-

Elith frowned: - It would be a victory, even though a personal failure - Then Elith shook his head - It doesn't matter, most importantly is to destroy Syfana.

* * *

Elith was talking with the young Nicolette Everguard about ancient history in the meadow in front of the White Tree of Greenvale when a strange noise interrupted their conversation: a zombie and a ghost had entered the meadows. Suddenly the zombie began to feast on Nicoleete's horse, despite the ghost's words of forbid. Shortly after was the bodiy of the undead charred on the ground.

In contrast to the Zombie, the ghost was polite and with all his wits about him. He told Elith, that he had heard about his plan. It took a while, before the Sorcerer could recognize the spirit.

Mors, the elven singer of the dead. Rarely, he was far away from mistreated undead.

Near Nicolette spoke the Spirit and the Baelnorn, the first unsure about the decision made by the Baelnorn. To the ghostly figure, mattered the most that the will of the dead was respected: if they had given herself willingly to Syfana, then it wasn't the place of the Sorcerer to be in their way.

-It is not very different, from what you did. Your state speaks louder than your words-

However, the sorcerer clarified reality and how it was different from what the ghost imagined.

Syfana absorbed the living essence of the elves and of the travellers, living behind only bodies. What little will they have, if any, is just enough to obey orders. They made their decision alive and offered her their life energy, leaving nothing for themselves.

The ghost blicked a moment at the bodie of the charred undead then nodded.

-You seem convincing. I will help you, but only until Syfana will be destroyed. What will happen with the undead, that must be solved too. Hopefully, their destruction won't be necessary-

Elith nodded. - Yes, they are victims of their blind fate-

As the ghost disappeared from view, Elith smiled a little. Then, he noticed how Nicolette was watching him.

[i]- What did he mean by "your state"?-
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3:58:12 pm GMT 05/25/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604

12B: Dust and Ash

Morton would not come this far south for no reason. Elarion knew that much. He is not a man he wanted as an enemy either, so he made sure one of their new tools would find him before the firn'mul would. He entered the Cobblewall tunnel and the large room most seem to have forgotten about. A location that is ideal for those of the woods to communicate with outsiders, and sure enough, Morton joined him soon after.

"Welcome. I was told you were moving along our borders."
"Moving is a tricky word. The whole affair get harder everyday."
"The curse of old age. I cannot even imagine what it must be like."

Morton stowed the lanturn away, hobbled to the table, and clattered down on the bench. "Mmm old age. Yes."
"So what brings you to the poisoned woods?"
"Rumors of your work, in fact."
"Is that so? Word spread fast."

Morton shrugged. "To those who listen out for such things. "
"..which part of my work drew you?"
"Certainly the rumors of powerful necromantic magics being used to blight the lands, but I'm sure there is more to it than that. Hmm? "
"Blight the lands? That is a new one to me, and certainly not what I intended.. Would you care to elaborate?"

Morton shrugged once more. "Just what I've heard from the locals. If it is not that, what is it?"
"For one, I am unsure what you mean by blight."
"Mmm. Not my words, I suppose. But generally people see the rising of undead as a form of blight, curse, encroachign darkness...you know. Pick your favorite. "
"Ah, the animals... Yes, I suppose many would see that as something horrible... I suppose I would myself, had I seen animals native to my land been used for such."
"But that is not all, is it? "
He laid his staff on the table before him and folded his hands. "I will be honest with you, Morton."
Morton gave him a look from beneath the hood and nodded. "My home is not in a good place. Even with the negative energy and the flames, we get more and more troubles to worry about. I want you to guess what currently causes the most deaths in my home."
He thought for a moment. "I'd say the fact that the living decide to remain there. Why did you stay?"
"Because it is my home, and I do not see loyalty as a word to be used only when it suits us. I hear outsiders speak of my queen over and over again, and the claims grow more and more ridiculous. This may be hard for one outside to understand, but to us, she was a good leader... And our number one cause of death is starvation."
"Loyalty is a two way road, I'd say. Do you believe she is still best suited to rule? In her current state?"
"It is indeed. and I have been loyal.. and she has been a good queen in turn.. Had Syann, glory be his name, still sat on the throne, I would have been executed just for living. In her current state, she is unable to do much. We need her to return."

Morton nodded. "It's hard to rule from without. But if she is not here...where is she?"
"Part of the poison. She is one with it, needing energy to be able to recover and join us once more."
"Little news reaches the outside world in regards to her. Some say she has been destroyed, others say she attained lichdom. And you say she is one with the Poison? Interesting. What manner of energy?"
"Yes, the world needs to stop taking the clueless words of attention desperate foreigners as facts... Even those of Elisara believes them. Life energy."
"Life energy hmm? Hard find in the woods as it is now hmm?"
"Incredibly so."

Morton thought about that for a moment. "When she became one with the Poison...what was that like?"
"It was a ritual. One binding her to the poison, to ensure our place in the future. A great fire will sweep across all of Thain. We do not know what will cause it, we do not know when it will come, but we know a cataclysm is coming. Our queen left her mortal coil and joined the poison... I suppose that is why some call her a lich.. The truth is, she is more of... Hmm.. What should I compare it to.. I believe I heard talk of a blood dragon, guarding the essence known as the blood of Thain."
"Ohh... You think she had bonded with the island itself then, or rather a part of it?"
"I am unsure if it is the island, but she is one with the Poison... and before you get any strange ideas of her bastardizing it, or creating her own cursed version of it, such as some seem to think.. People who should know better included.. It is the same Poison that reaches from north within even Tel'Mordere territory, to south, to the sea."

Morton considered that. "Did you see it? Her change?"
"I did."
"What was it like? "
"I am afraid that is classified."
"Mmm I see.. You took something from Greenvale. What was it?"
"And there it is..."
He chuckled. "Let me first ask what the Elisaran elder told you."
Morton smiled. "That it was "classified"."
"Hah... Of course he did... Let me guess, he was also minding his own business and I just stormed into his office?"
"Did you? "
"Why would I? What interest would I possibly have in a random elder?"

Morton shrugged. "But you did take something? "
"I took back something. He and another broke into our hollows and performed a ritual in an area I should note, is always well guarded, meaning our undead army has now grown, thanks to them.. and they extracted essence of the poison."
"He left that part out, didn't he."
"He did, yes. "
"Of course he did.. And let me guess, I was unreasonable and attacked him without a word."
"He left those details out. "
""Hrmph... So little integrity.."
"But, he does intend to sever her connection to the Poison."
""I am aware."
"I just wish to know what you think of that."
""I wish him luck. To work the poison, one must understand the poison. You must be in tune with it. The elder is neither. If he wishes to try sever this connection, let him. He is far more likely to turn his school into a new place for the poison to come out."
"Are you?"

Elarion pointed to his green glowing eyes. "I am, yes."
"I am sorry your people are dying. Do you think she would help them? When she returned?"
"She has been good to those who stayed true... but that is one important detail to not forget. Those who are loyal."
"No doubt. I'm sure you'd serve admirably in death too, when it comes to that. The others have. What if that is her true plan? What if the living do not matter at all? The dead who serve her do it upon their own accord, we have learned that in the past...."
"Hmm.. Put yourself in her position.. and remember, you must think like an elf. Remember just how much pride we are filled with. If you were to one day return, what would delight you more, an army of the dead, or a still living people who overcame all odds?"

Morton shrugged. "Elves live longer than humans, but they starve at the same rate as I understand. "
"We do yes.. As I said. "Overcome all odds."
"I'm concerned that she may not care for the living at all though. But you do. Hmm?"
"I do. Believe it or not, she has been a good leader to us."

Elarion did not realize until later Morton might have asked if he cared himself for the living. He did. He cares for them as much as one of the woods can. His greatest fear is for the true Greenwood to become like Bak'non. An ancient and forgotten city of the dead.

"Of course she has."
His sarcasm was thick and Elarion gave him a flat look in turn. "Leaders do not let their people starve Elarion."
"No, leaders do not.. And if she were to return, she would no longer have to feed. It is not her fault we starve. That is all because of Elisara, who burned our woods."
"I'm not one to cast blame. The war was provoked at all sides. I'm concerned about what comes next."
"That, I do not know. What we do is cling to life, do what we can in order to survive, even when we know well each day may be our last. We don't even have time for outsiders, so an Elisaran who learned nothing from the Poisonwar coming into our lands is a distraction we really do not care for."

Morton nodded. "Still, I fear that end may hasten if others begin to hear of these undead manifestations of yours. "
"And the animals... not something I would usually do, but they offer great relief to our still living patrols. They are a neccesity.. At this rate, we may be doomed no matter what we do. All I can do is what I think best for my people."

Morton considered something, but seemed to lose the thought. "And what is best for your people?"
"Right now, it is survival.. No matter the cost."
"But there is a cost."
"There is a great cost... one that I will have to balance with reward.. Even if that reward is minimal,it is still something, and with the way things are, I have to make due with minimal."
"So be it. "

Elarion nodded and Morton looked about the dark cavern. "Thank you for your time Elarion, and be careful in the coming days. I fear the wood would be far worse off without you."

* * * * *

Now what did Morton mean by that? He knew the animal experiment was a success, with those who came to investigate leaving before they even got to witness "the juggernaut." If the Elisaran elder, that is still one beast he can send his way... Perhaps he could even use the crystalized Poison to empower it.. Perhaps enough they won't need five firn'lith to control it..

Or is there another threat he is unaware of? He thought of it, and the only threat he could imagine Morton knowing of would be the Elisaran elder.. and he himself -is- a force to be reconed with, however, he would be fighting Elarion on his home land.. If the elder was even remotely as good at adapting to his enemies as Elarion, he would come in prepared against a destroyer.. Perhaps that is what he will need to prepare against this time. To prevent the elisaran elder from performing magic all-together. He knows the Hands will make short work of him the moment they get close.. That is unless he brings the huntmaster.. He knew the threat Renneleth posed all too well. It is not an enemy he would want involved with this..

Though all of it is speculation.. Perhaps the threat is something else entirely.. He will have to ensure all their animals are ready and functioning, and "the juggernaut" still operational.

But still, why is the elder so obsessed with Queen Syfana when Arakhor told him he was once of the Poison..?
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3:47:33 am GMT 06/01/21
dontyouknow Registered Member #1120 Joined: 4:36:33 am GMT 07/27/07
Posts: 491
Master Elith,

I have not had the fortune to cross paths with Elarion, but the question of how to approach the topic of the crystal has weighed heavily on my mind, and I believe I may have come to the “chink in the armor” that will afford us our goal:

What is Syfana’s endgame?

Elarion follows her because to some extent he sees her as the valid recipient of the throne of Elisara and your people. He sees her as a way of righting the wrongs done to them, one with the might and the will to punish their enemies.

But what then?

What happens if she achieves all that she desires? As it currently stands, those few living who dwell in the Ashwood are suffering from a lack of food. He discussed that matter with me some time ago and I attempted to postulate some way to counteract Syfana’s draining effect on their land. Despite Syfana’s unchallenged rule in the Ashwood, her presence only causes suffering. Were she returned to an incarnate state, is there any evidence in her history or attitude to indicate that she would cease to draw upon this source of energy?

His rage at Greenvale aside, he does care about those he thinks of as family. In our perspective, far removed from the pain and rage he feels at what has been done to his home and people, we know that the best course of action for him and those who dwell within the Ashwood would be for them to join with their kin in the Ridgeshield. Deep within themselves, they long to rejoin the Song. We need to compassionately assist him to see these things.

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3:36:53 pm GMT 06/02/21
Raven1210 Jungle Law Enforcerer
Registered Member #1180 Joined: 7:46:29 am GMT 10/05/07
Posts: 1292
13. Die schwarze Hand des weißen Zauberers

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Elith entered in his study in the Academy, scrolls, books and trinkets littering its floor and its desk. On top of a unsteady pyramid of books, the Sorcerer noticed an envelope, new and not collecting dust.

Curious, he approached it and when he read the name of Master Dian carefully written on it... Well, it would be hard to describe the hope he had.
Upon taking it, though, the envelope felt surprisingly light, opening it, a shade of disconfort took grasp of the Baelnorn.

But thinking about it, it made sense, it told himself. The crystal is too precious and dangerous to simply be left in an envelope.

Then as he read the missive's content, his expression went from hopeful, to stern and, finally, to thoughtful.

He whispered few words and the parchment burnt in his hand, charring and burning his skin along with it.

The necromancer was not a lost a sheep: none of those who chose the Order or Syfana were.

On a parchment, Elith writes few words for Master Dian:

Esteemed Master Dian,

I am thankful for your help and insight, unfortunately, I cannot share your optimism. Perhaps, one day, you will understand too.


~Elith Sianicen

* * *

Master Dian was no novice and Elith's scrying attempts to lacate Sae had been, not much to his surprise, fruitless.
Annoyed by the skill of his friend, he took then a small viall of thick red blood and poured some of it in a small basin. He whispered something to it and it began to bubble softly.

On the far reaches of the Island of Thain or even in the Underdark, a drow would hear his voice, resonating in his mind.

As promised, I call on you Illithyri. If you are successful, I shan't be calling on you anymore. More so, you will be more than adequately conpensated. Should you fail, you will be praying your twisted goddess for a merciful death. Which I doubt you will be granted, as she hates failures perhaps even more than I do. Retrieve a crystal from the hands of Elarion Hanolen, necromancer of Syfana, and bring it to me. You will recognize it, as within, it shimmers and changes, pulsating with necromantic and poisonous essences. I will tell you where to meet me to give it once the deed is accomplished. Do not fail me.

As the message is delivered, Elith breaks the connection. If the drow couldn't handle it alone, he would at least distract the elf long enough for him to get the advantage.

I underestimated the Necromancer once, it will not happen again.
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4:24:35 pm GMT 06/07/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604

14: Questions Part 1

"Greetings, Elder"

Elith's expression hardened as he recognized the voice, and the air began to crack as he turned to see the Ashwood mage holding a familiar gem.

"I have two questions for you. Depending on your answer, you may have this back."

"You don't pose conditions to me, Necromancer."

"I am the one with the gem, elder.. However, I am also the one with the questions. A fair trade, is it not? A satisfying answer to my questions, and you get your crystal."

Elith appraised Elarion for a long moment. A timeless rage began to build up in his eyes, barely held at bay as the moments pass. He nodded in the end and said one simple word. "Speak."

"First of, Arakhor told me you were once of the Poison. One of us. So why are you so obsessed with her destruction? What drives you so much more than any other? You are not a misguided outlander, one desperate for Yu'syu's attention. You are not one of the glory-seekers from the war. This is personal, that I can see in your eyes. What is motivating you?"

A coarsed laugh filled the air. "This is not for you to know." The words were spoken as a whiplash. "Why would I ever tell you? You are a mighty mage and a force to be reckoned with, that I learned at my expense.. but why would I give you more than you already know? If you came here to ask about my past, you might as well start readying your wards, for nothing will come from your questions."

"I have seen many try their luck at us. Many who have tried to work against the poison. One who attempted to assassinate my queen.. Yet none of them had your zeal, but very well. Second question then. For the record, I know nothing of you. I know of your power and that Arakhor calls you Livien-ba, which I have yet to decipher. I do not know how you escaped last time either. I know absolutely nothing of you. Not even your name."

The two watched each other. One analyzing the other. Elith, the Ashwood mage's robe, his staff and his demeanor. Elarion, the Elisaran's reaction to his words. Elith narrowed his eyes from time to time as he listened to Elarion; who removed his helm after a bit, to see eye to eye with Elith. His own still glowed a poisoned green, where most of his kin now hold a corrupt purple. They met by the speckeled brown green ones of Elith. As Elarion was fully geared the last time they met, Elith had not had a chance to get a good look at Elarion. For the first time, Elith saw the young face of the evoker. His youth was apparent, definitely in the early stages of adulthood, likely just barely recognized as one, considering elven culture. Elarion seemed to hold no hostility this time, and was the first to break the silence.

"I really do wish to know, elder. What drives you so far you would reignite the Poisonwar, something neither side can afford."

The strong smell of the poisoned woods, and the ashes that followed the ones of the core woods was dampened by the heavy rain as the two kept staring, with both seeming to be in deep thought. Elith, likely about Elarions youth. Elarion, how he could best persuade the elder. He thought of something none in Poisonwood would ever say, in Ashwood less so. Something an Elisaran would be familiar with... "Please."

"...you were born Gis'rantha." Elith said in the end, then after another pause, he added with a frown "You are young too. You only knew the lady, the now Syfana."

Elarion dipped his head in a confirming nod. "My adulthood was recognized mere months before the war."

Elith weighed the words Elarion spoke, showing him a respect he would seldom recognize to others. "So young and so powerful already."

"It was gain power or die, elder."

"What would you do with such might, I ask myself?" He narrowed his eyes as he continued. "At the service of an everconsuming undead, until you yourself will be consumed... unless it is stopped."

"Or she is brought back and no longer has to consume. Most forget she did hold the throne and there were no problems before the great pyre. That is when it came.. with the rest after the great battle."

"That will not happen." Elith said simply. "Not as long as I will be able to fight it. Her perverse ruling has brought the destruction of the woods, her own decisions had brought the flames."

"And that again raises the question. Why are you so desperate to stop it? Surely it cannot be her state of being. This is personal.." He frowned. "The war was fought for recognition and to hold Elisarans responsible for all your crimes. Your ancient betrayal and somehow making yourselves the victims after you betrayed us. For years, we have suffered attacks. Centuries. Yet one war to hold you responsible, and we are the monsters. We are the ones pushed to our limit, elder."

"I will not argue any longer about it. You asked your questions, and you have had your answers. Give me the gem, or lose it and be forgotten."

"No. I had two questions. One was not answered to satisfaction, and the other remains unanswered."

At this, Elith's voice became deeper, almost alien. "Dann wirst streben, feind des volks."

Elarion sighed and just lobbed the gem behind him. "Fine. Have it your way. The Poisonwar shall continue, and it is by your decision. If you change your mind, the questions are still unanswered."

Elith watched in surprise as Elarion tossed the gem, then frowned at his words. "The war is not against the people, it is against the abomination. Now wait." Elarion had already turned to leave. "And why is it so personal, elder? That is what I do not understand."

Approaching the crystal, Elith extended his hand and suddenly turned to Elarion who was already on his way to walk down the slope. "Do you think I can't recognize my own spellworks?" The gem had been fake. A simple crystal holding some of the poison. Easy to tell up close, but impossible from a distance.

"Had the answers been satisfactory, I might have given you the real one. I genuinely wish to know."

Elith inclined his head. "And you clearly chose the wrong way to ask. If you truly are, prove it."

"Prove it how, elder?"
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11:50:16 pm GMT 06/07/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604

14: Questions Part 2

"Soon, someone will come for the crystal. Part ways with it, and your questions will be answered in full. This I swear by the Seldarine. I will not, let my soul be given to Lolth."

This made Elarion raise his brows. "This is what this is about? You owe your soul to the spider queen? How? Why? This only brings more questions!" Even while what he heard was confusing, there was a part that Elarion knew. That Elith bound himself with his promise to answer Elarion's questions.. However, the more questions he had, the more a feeling that something just isn't right kept creeping at him. He didn't know what, but he knew this may be his one chance to find out. He will have to make great risks if he is to ever have answers.

"..very well. Answer more question, and you will have your crystal, Elder. This I swear to Queen Elisara."

This made Elith blink. He knew that despite being enemies, there is little more sacred to any elf native to Thain than the queen of the first elves. It was at this point Elarion saw something that shocked him. He had somehow not noticed before the two had moved closer to each other. The legendary armor, Estel and the accompanied blade Acharn. The ancient sword and armor of Queen Elisara herself. Not just replicas, but here right before him. He knew of them. He had seen them in paintings. He had been told all there was to know about them. He had thought them long lost. "Those are... Those are Estel and Acharn.." Recognizing them had left him stunned. "But why... why do you have them..?"

Elith looked in the eyes of the young evoker. "Weight your questions carefully. Your words are binding. Is this what you truly wish to know?"

"..my initial question was answered the moment I recognized the fabled armor and blade of the ancient queen.. I would ask if you were the one who opened the seal on Syann's grave.. but one of the ancient elves would never... This only raise further questions.."

The stress on Elarions face was clear. He could never have imagined this twist. He had thought only Elith could have broken open the old tomb, with the aid of the huntmaster.. But seeing Estel and Acharn made him realize Elith would never do this. He started muttering as he went on to pace back and forth before Elith, who watched him with a calm expression and deep understanding. Perhaps he had faced those very same doubts himself once.

"But that would mean... No, it can't be.. That does not line up.. and he would not be involved.. then why did he.. What does this.. What does this all mean..? There where is.. He couldn't possibly be.." The more he paced, the sweatier Elarion became, as deep, dark fears were sinking in. "Do you ever feel like something is just not right? That there has been a missing part of history? A looming shadow that could change everything?"

Elith inclined his head. "Is this your question, Evoker?"

"...No." He moved back to stand before Elith. "It is this. Are you of the first elves?"

Elith shook his head. "I am not, Evoker." The words resonated true and deep in Elarions ears and brain, echoing with the truth he swore. "I am something else, made so by Queen Elisara and the power of the Seldarine."

"Made by, indicating you carry on her spirit?"

Elith said nothing, but watched Elarion's eyes. The evoker could tell by the look in Elith's he hit the nail straight on. "One question, and you asked it. Now, the crystal. Show us that her spirit can unite despite the centuries that have passed."

Elarion bowed his head. "As I swore to Queen Elisara herself. And all questions will be answered as you swore to the Seldarine." This is about as good as it currently gets for Elarion. His only alternative would be to travel to the past, yet here is one that would have lived to see it all, bound to answer truthfully, as sworn to the elven deities. It offered Elarion much, however, there is still many mysteries hidden only in the past he still desires, and to get them, he will have to offer more. "In addition, I would like to make an offer."

Elith did not speak and watched the sorcerer before him, unsure. "You know now, in front of whom you stand. Speak, for I will listen. More I will not say."

"You not being the one who opened the grave to the eternal king raised deep questions.. and even deeper fears.. Great questions. Many of which are buried deep in the past. Questions none alive will give an honest answer to.. So I will offer a ceasefire, in addition to my knowledge of working the poison, for believe me, it will be needed. In return, I would like aid going into the past, and see for myself, the great mysteries surrounding all descendants of the ancient Greenwood."

Elith frowned. "The gem." then inclined his head. "You cannot speak for your people, but I see a seed in your eyes, and if you wish to learn about the past of Greenwood, I might be able to offer you the means for it."

"The gem is yours as promised, and while I cannot speak for my people, I can certainly distract and lead them away. The task will be to answer deep questions hidden by time itself.."

Elith simply nodded. "We shall see."

"Very well. You said one of the darkness below will be the one retrieving the gem?"

Elith nodded. "One of the Illithyri."

"Very well. Where shall I... Hmm.. Actually, do you have means to contact it?"

"He will be contacted and told to meet you. The Moribund Bog, in three days?"

"I was thinking the southern temple by next nightfall."

"It could work."

"Then this is what I shall do." He held his left hand across his chest as he gave a courtly bow. "Naamarie, elder.."

Elith bowed his head. "May the Seldarine guide your steps."

"The seldarine let the eternal conflict happen. I would rather walk without."
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10:04:53 am GMT 06/08/21
Raven1210 Jungle Law Enforcerer
Registered Member #1180 Joined: 7:46:29 am GMT 10/05/07
Posts: 1292
15. Mal sehen, was passieren wird.

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Elith ging langsam den Hugel hinunter, er wusste schon, was es gab, Nächstes zu tun: Er musste eine Nachricht dem Illithyri schicken, damit er den Kristal abholen könnte.

Aber es war nicht alles, nicht war?

Das Gespräch wurde im Kopf des Zauberers immer wieder durchgespielt. War es wirklich möglich, dass der Todeszauberer keine Falle hergestellt hatte?

Elith schuttelte seinen Kopf. Genau aus diesem Grund würde er den Illithyri benutzten; auch wenn es eine Falle wäre, würde kein Blut des Volkes vergossen werden.

Trotzdem waren diese Gedanke auch nicht alles.

Während er ging, dachte Elith darüber, was er gesehen hatte: den Zweifel in den jugendlichen Augen Elarions. Der junge Todeszauberer hatte keine andere Wahrheit gekannt außer dessen, die Syfana und der Order ihm erzählt haben.

Allerdings Elarion konnte nicht vertraut werden, wenigstens noch nicht.

Zuerst musste Elith den Kristal in seinen Händen haben, dann würden weitere Gedanke kommen.

Wie man oft sagt, ein nach dem anderen.

* * *

In der Stille seinen Arbeitszimmer steht eine Schüssel, wo Blut innen am Blubbern steht.

Illithyri, reis doch in den verlassenen Tempel an der Sout Coast, dorthin gibt es einen Pfad, der dich führen wird, zu was ich brauche. Sei vorsichtig, wenn du am Leben zurückkehren willst. Wenn du erfolgreich bist, triff dich mit mir am Mittag vor der Krypt im Hammersong Trail South. Du hast zwei Tage Zeit, ich werde auf dich warten.

Elith walked slowly downhill, he already knew what to do next: inform the Illithyiri and let him get the crystal.

But it was not all, wasn't it?

The talk would continuosly be played in the Sorcerer's head. Was it really possible that the Necromancer didn't leave any trap behind?

Elith shook his head. Precisely for this reason he would use the drow; even though there was a trap, no elven blood would be spilled.

However, it still wasn't all of it.

As he walked, Elith thought about what he saw: the doubt in the young eyes of Elarion. The young Necromancer did not hear any other truth but the one told to him by Syfana and the Order.

But Elarion was not to be trusted, at least not yet.

First, Elith had to have the crystal in his hands, then thoughts of possibilities could be formed.

As one often says, one thing at the time.

In the silence of his study, the basin with blood began to bubble once more.

- Illithyri, travel to the abandoned temple of the South Coast, within you will find a passage, it will lead you to what I need. Be careful, if you want to return alive. If you will be succesful, meet me at midday in front of the crypt in the Hammersong Trail South. You have two days time, I will be waiting for you -
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7:21:18 pm GMT 06/10/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604

15b. Misery

Music: -Clickedy-
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A promise is a promise, and Elarion has a chance to have most of his questions answered. The nagging sensation of something just not being right kept growing. Even more so after talking to the Elisaran elder. When he went to find the gem, he took a detour trough the forest.

The gem itself was hidden in mostly plain sight, as a decorative gem on Syann's fake sarcophagus. It was easily plucked from its holder and Elarion took a walk trough the forest. He walked along the north-center path of the elven village, where there were only firn'mul. There used to be at least some Firn'lith sisters patrolling here, but now even they had succumbed to starvation and/or the negative energies.

He walked past an ancient ruin. The very ruin he had sat in the night after seeing his sisters off with Sylvox. The place he drank himself to sleep when he realized he will never again wander the forest with them. He will never leave the Barracks with them. Never stand before the pit where they used to meet. Where for the first time in his life, he truly felt alone.

He kept walking to what was once Arsinica, but stopped to make himself invisible. He knew well what took place there. Starvation had become such a problem his own were stealing flesh of the recently departed. Behind Arsinica was where they traded it. Many knew, but no one cared to do anything about it. That is just how grim and disconnected his people have become. He watched as a transaction took place before he moved on.

He reached his own little experiment. The sunlight generator and the planted crops he so desperately tried to bring life to, knowing it will only feed a fraction of his people, should it be a success.

He went into the barracks and into the jail section. It was rarely used for anything but the innermost cell where he conducts his experiments. He looked at the gathering of dead animals and even the giant laying in the middle of the floor. They ease the burden of his people, but it is still just delaying the inevitable.

He went to the infirmary next, where he watched his kin lay on little cots. There was no treatment for the problems they were suffering. Less and less were there for actual injury, and more and more came in for decaying from negative energies. Either this or a slow death from starvation. He watched as one of his kin drew their final breath. The silence that followed as his kin had only two options. Give themselves to Syfana, or rise as one of the Firn'mul. The answer came after a while as a ghastly rasping sound came, and the dead elf turned to look at Elarion. He knelt down beside his kin and brushed gently over their face. No words were spoken. Just a silence as another of their once proud people now joined the eternal army.

He thought of his conversation with Vryx, where she told him they would likely not have their queen back in this lifetime.. That would mean centuries.. Centuries of prolonged suffering. Centuries for a people that doesn't even have years. Not even a decade. Even if things progress as they do, all it will take is one adventuring party to undo everything they have worked so hard for. One adventuring party to ensure their continued pain... She even told him she does not want to become one of the firn'mul, as if she fears it will be her fate.. It was soul crushing to hear even their high priestess fear for their future.

He finally went upstairs and to the portal tree, choosing the portal to the east woods as it gave him the shortest path. As he walked, he thought about everything. What the Elisaran elder could bring light to. What secrets are still hidden in the dark. What it all could mean. If his fears are warranted.

He prays they are, for he is about to commit treason.
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