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  • Shards
    Shards  3 months ago

    Happy New Year!

  • Edrick
    Edrick  3 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    You the man thanks mate

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago

    There it is!

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago


  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

  • Payne
    Payne  6 months ago

    Edrick... mad

  • Edrick
    Edrick  6 months ago


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    !ofAkindGuy2000  6 months ago


  • Glognar
    Glognar  6 months ago

    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

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A Call for Mercenaries

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Ramana Jala
10:08:11 am GMT 08/02/10
Ramana Jala Registered Member #1033 Joined: 12:18:42 am GMT 04/25/07
Posts: 1107
As Ramana had come upon the Crossroads, a note had been dropped at her feet, that she knew must be from Willow although it was unsigned, "Gather Galia and meet me in the southern woods." So Galia being nearby, Ramana approached her and quietly greeted her with the information that a mutual friend of theirs would like for her to accompany Ramana down south to aid in an important task. The lady agreed, and the two set out south. After a bit Willow made himself known, and they continued on. Ramana thought that all was secure, until upon cresting Hammersong mountain, they were encountered by a darkly-dressed elf who stepped out from behind a cliff. Wearing the colors of the southern Woods. All were instantly alarmed, thinking their plan undone. Ramana, already carrying her bow, reached to nock an arrow in expectation that the forest would any moment erupt with more enemies.

But the Spellsinger had addressed Willow by name, and put down her bow in a gesture of non-hostility. So Ramana paused in nocking the arrow, although she moved to behind Willow and was still warily glancing about, ready for anything. The elf asked if they sought 'the diplomat', the ranger Gaelwyn of the Vale. At this point Ramana's paranoia was at maxiumum, thinking that the trees had overheard all the uncautious talk on the way here, of Willow briefing Galia on the mission, and that surely this was a trap in the making. She looked tensely between the Spellsinger and Willow, Ramana's hand nervously still laying at the back of her neck touching the arrows in her quiver, but at the same time trying to look casual and unthreatening.

Cautiously Willow answered the Woods elf in the affirmative, that he indeed sought the location of his friend. The elf replied that all she could say, was that trying to free him at this time would be impossible. But that there was another, a human, who could be freed at this time. Willow asked the elf why she would aid them. She spoke of there being a few who had grown beyond the Taint, few but slowly increasing in number, and then reiterated that 'the human from the Shire' could be freed, and it would have to be soon as he had outlived any usefulness and the Lady was to have him eliminated soon. She concluded with directions to approach the city from the Orc encampment, and seek for 'markings on the tree' which would lead to a temporary tunnel.

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At the words, 'human from the Shire', Ramana's heart had leapt at the confirmation that Mya was indeed alive and being held in the dungeons. If this elf was true and this was no trap, then this might be the perfect answer to Ramana's wishes to accomplish this mission secretively, and not be exposed or incur any damage against the Elves there, which could risk a vendetta that would seek each of their lives forever.

The darkly-clothed elf took her leave with an ancient Elven greeting addressed to Willow personally, and all of the group were left uneasily considering whether this was a fortuitous boon that could be trusted, or a setup for an ambush. At this point, Naranya caught up with them, and was summarily informed about the strange meeting that she had just missed. They all continued to discuss whether it was a trap or help. Ramana mentioned that she already had a bit of a plan herself, and that all she needed was some help with the magically-sighted druids in the barracks, to disable them while the group quickly snuck to Mya and Gaelwyn, put them under invisibility, and snuck them out again. While quietly discussing all the options, they looked about them nervously, wondering if all their plans were being overheard still yet again.
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Ramana Jala
10:09:49 am GMT 08/02/10
Ramana Jala Registered Member #1033 Joined: 12:18:42 am GMT 04/25/07
Posts: 1107
In the end, they agreed to try the route offered by the Woods' Spellsinger. So they set out through the mountains, along the way being joined by Styvn, who said that he had heard 'whisperings in the forest' of their travel. To Ramana's inquiry of whether a little bird had told him of them, he smiled and affirmed that was indeed the case, and Ramana assumed that Willow had sent him a note. To think otherwise was to invite her paranoia to overwhelm her again. Willow briefed him on the meeting with the Woods Elf, and all continued on their way to the Woods through the mountains. As they tried to pass by the first Orc camp they came upon, they were seen and had to repel them. So much for stealth, Ramana thought. But shortly they were able to continue unhindered.

They reached the edge of the tainted southern Woods, and saw various patrols up ahead nearer the community's center, that they were eager to avoid. Styvn seemed to find some tracks or sign, and led them into a cave. Cautiously they entered and looked around, but upon first examination saw nothing except an abandoned firepit. Ramana examined the extent of the cave, finding no obvious tunnel. They vacillated between going to look outside down the trail, and considering other options, wondering where the tree the elf had spoken of was, if it existed at all, whether they had been betrayed by the Woods elf and it was a trap, and in a general confusion about how to proceed. The tension among the party was palpable, as they saw that at any moment, patrols could come down on them. Ramana was at the height of anxiety, clinging as best she could to the shadows, and what little she could see of Ranya told her that she was in a similarly paranoiac state. As Ramana moved along the cliff wall watching the patrols, she didn't even really register Styvn asking Galia if she had seen the glyph in the cave. Ranya was nearby, low on all fours moving like a lizard also along the rockface, at times raising her bow to consider a shot at the nearest Woods scout.

Styvn sidled up to Ramana, and asked her if she had seen the glyph, and she replied that she hadn't, asking him to tell her about it. Apparently all but Styvn had missed it, an engraving upon the wall of the cave that resembled a tree, that looked rather like the symbol used for the unified three scions of the Elves. Seeing a band of warriors and spellsinger archers seeming to be about to split up and some come their way --although it seemed that their group hadn't been seen and it was just a regularly scheduled patrol-- they all fell back to the cave to avoid discovery. Once inside the cave, they decided to go take another look at this glyph, that perhaps it had a meaning they should investigate.

They all went to examine the glyph that Styvn led them to. All that was obvious was that it had been recently engraved upon the wall, and that indeed it was a tree. Ramana didn't see how this symbol helped them find any tunnel, and was beginning to get exasperated that this expedition was not going well. She hated it when plans were changed along the way and the whimsy of fate took a hold of the situation. Styvn, Galia, and Willow discussed the marking, while Ramana waited impatiently for those with hopefully more understanding of lore than she to figure what the marking meant and if it were indeed a clue to the promised tunnel, while Naranya guarded the exit. They all seemed to agree that the tree with three scions was the symbol of the Three Elven Communities united. Then Styvn repeated another point that the rest of them had also apparently missed, that it was the same marking that he'd seen outside on a tree by the entrance to this cave, that had been the primary reason to first lead them inside. He said that he had been trying to tell them earlier, but they had seemed preoccupied. Ramana took a deep breath to try to calm her nerves, and apologized to him, saying that one tended to get quite preoccupied in these Woods, to which he nodded, remarking that it was understandable.

Ramana told the three there that she was going to take a look around the cave again, and that if they figured out the puzzle to please call for her. But she hadn't made it out of the front room, when Willow, who had crouched down close to the markings to examine them and extended his hand to touch them, suddenly gasped and staggered back. A part of the cavern wall was shifting aside, revealing a small passage not hardly more than a crack in the wall. Just large enough for them to likely squeeze their way through.

At this heartening development, the mood started to lift, Willow even remarking that he believed that they were witnessing a sign of the changes of hearts of those in the twisted woods. Peering in, they seemed to see a torch light flicker in the distance on the other side. Ramana was still a bit worried about what was on the other end of the passage, and Styvn offered to check it out, Ramana right behind him, both of them merging with the shadows to cautiously sneak through the rising passage. They found themselves under a grate, and lifting it, saw that they were in an unoccupied dungeon cell whose door was open. Unoccupied, that is, except for an unfortunate corpse. Silently clambering out, Styvn discovered that they were in a fairly secluded area at the end of a hall in a holding cell area in the Woods barracks. They signaled back for all the others to come up.
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Ramana Jala
10:10:47 am GMT 08/02/10
Ramana Jala Registered Member #1033 Joined: 12:18:42 am GMT 04/25/07
Posts: 1107
As soon as they climbed out of the tunnel, all of them could hear the sound of someone whimpering and wailing in pain, that seemed to be coming from very near, likely the cell right next to them. Styvn snuck over to take a look, and peering through the grate, he looked in on an unkempt thin but tall person. Softly he called, "Mya?" At this, the person got even more upset, crying out pleading not to be tortured anymore. Styvn, recognizing that it was indeed Mya, tried to calm and quiet him, while Ramana came quickly up from behind and started working on the lock. As soon as she got the lock undone and opened the cell door, the others of the group streamed in, much to the poor occupant's terror, who shrank back against the wall and yelled at them to stay away, and even threw a mug at them. All tried to calm him and make him understand that they were friends there to rescue him, lest he get the attention of the jailers and they all be in big trouble. Ramana thought maybe a dominate spell might quickly settle the issue. But then she realized that they were all still hooded, and Mya didn't know them from any of the other elves there, so she told this to the others and they all took down their hoods and face coverings. But in the dim light this didn't actually seem to much help the human, and Mya kept on with his terrified raving, accusing them of foul magic and lies.

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Ramana Jala
10:12:19 am GMT 08/02/10
Ramana Jala Registered Member #1033 Joined: 12:18:42 am GMT 04/25/07
Posts: 1107
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Until he seemed to recognize the voice of a friend, that of Willow, who came forward pulling back the scarf covering his face, speaking gently to him. Whereupon Mya started crying loudly and telling of the attack on the Shire and all the death there, and the horrors of all that he had endured in the months since.
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Ramana Jala
10:13:22 am GMT 08/02/10
Ramana Jala Registered Member #1033 Joined: 12:18:42 am GMT 04/25/07
Posts: 1107
Willow continued to speak consolingly, trying to quiet Mya down, and explaining how long it took to search and that they couldn't find any track of him for some time. As he spoke, Willow unpacked a soft tunic for Mya to wear, in foresty colors so as to better hide and blend in on the way out.

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A call came from down the hall, of one of the guards calling for Mya to stop his whining. Willow hurried Mya into the clothes, as they could hear the footsteps of the guard approaching. They knew that trouble was coming and they had to flee right now. Ramana quickly pulled out a wand and made Mya invisible, as Styvn and Galia stepped out into the hallway to protect against the coming assault. Willow supported the weak shuffling Mya and Ramana was right behind helping him to get the fellow down the escape route, which Naranya had been zealously guarding.

As the guards came down on their position, Stvyn started shooting and Galia moved to block the corridor with some spell. Mya started whining frantic with terror again, that they'd been caught and now would never get out. But they did, Styvn and Galia bringing up the rear as all made it down the hole and through the tunnel to the cave. Naranya launched an explosive arrow back through the tunnel at their pursuers, and only a second later the wall rolled closed over the tunnel with the same druidic magic as had opened it. They hadn't been able to go look for Gaelwyn, but they swore that they would come back as soon as possible for him.
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Ramana Jala
10:14:01 am GMT 08/02/10
Ramana Jala Registered Member #1033 Joined: 12:18:42 am GMT 04/25/07
Posts: 1107
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Ramana Jala
10:15:11 am GMT 08/02/10
Ramana Jala Registered Member #1033 Joined: 12:18:42 am GMT 04/25/07
Posts: 1107
They hurried out of the cave and back the way they had come. Willow supporting the stumbling Mya, while the others guarded on all sides. When they came upon the giants' territory, Willow and Mya stayed back while the others went ahead to clear the way, of not only giants but also orcs as well, likely the survivors of their earlier encounter who may have been enraged enough to make an incursion to find them again. After dispatching all those, and seeing Mya through the danger, they then tried to figure where they should take him. Mya wasn't in good shape, he was weakened from starvation and torture, with open wounds and sores on his body, and it seemed unlikely that he could hike all the way down the mountain to the Cobblewall Inn or Sandburrow Bay, so they settled on taking him to Hammersong.

As they neared the gates, they had to take down an ettin, and Mya started screaming in hysterics. Willow, who was still supporting the injured and exhausted man, tried to calm him and convince him that it wasn't really a two-headed monster, merely evening shadows. They finally got him through the gates and into the mountain, and Ramana was about to run ahead to find a room, when there was started some discussion on whether they should take him to the temple for healing. Ramana found herself getting annoyed at the committee deliberations, and told them that they were only a short way from the guest rooms. Stvyn agreed that Mya needed privacy and quiet, and that the clerics could come there to tend him. So the question was summarily settled and all helped Willow get him to an empty room.

As Willow deposited the poor fellow on the bed, Ramana asked who might go get a healer, while she made some restorative tonic tea to help him. Styvn offered to go, and set off right away to fetch a dwarven priest or healer. She asked Willow if he could get Mya to take some water, as she quickly set up her portable folding brazier and lit the resin-soaked charcoal with her stone and metal sparker. She'd gone into in-charge mode to make sure that Mya would receive the care necessary to start to repair him. She had the tea made and honeyed, and was just trying to prop up the pillows under Mya a bit so that he could sip it, when Styvn and the dwarven healer came in.

The healer went to Mya and began his examination. Ramana stood there and tried to help yet not get in the way. They got him out of his vest, and then the healer proceeded to work on Mya. Ramana fetched water from the pitcher and basin on the sideboard, and helped wash the wounds, then the healer salved and bandaged them. While this was being done, Ramana helped Mya sip a bit of the tea, while trying to be reasurring that he was safe now, and they were going to take care of him, and that so many had missed him, and especially his 'special friend in the city' would be overjoyed to know he was alive. She knew that the fellow had been starved and desperately needed food, but something light, so she went to dig some rations from out of her pack. She came back and offered him a few berries, and some tiny bites of jerky and bread, then told him that that was enough for the moment as he mustn't overload his fragile depleted system.

She'd been so focused on Mya, that Ramana only gradually had become aware that Naranya was injured. While the healer continued to minister to Mya, she went over to see about Ranya. The archeress had been shot in the eye, and Styvn had been trying to do what he could, and now Ramana joined the effort. They managed to wash it out and neutralize the poison of the arrow, but it looked like her eyeball was destroyed. Ramana approached the healer, and asked how Mr. Mya was doing. The healer muttered that he would recover, given time. That he would mostly need food and rest. Ramana was elated about that, but then asked that if Mya was stable, could the healer come take a look at the severely injured Ranya.

There then ensued a long effort to restore Ranya's sight, that ended with Willow agreeing to try some nature magic said to be able to bring back lost limbs. The result of which was a miraculous regeneration of her eye, but with some very very strange accompanying results. Ramana offered that Ranya could rest in the room next door with her, as Ramana intended to stay near Mya and see that he was fed and cared for, until he was well enough recuperated for her to escort him to his new home, wherever that might be.
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Ramana Jala
10:16:10 am GMT 08/02/10
Ramana Jala Registered Member #1033 Joined: 12:18:42 am GMT 04/25/07
Posts: 1107
After an interesting night with Narayana, Ramana roused from reverie about her usual four hours later, not feeling entirely rested but she was eager to go check on Mya in the next room. So she put on a shirt and pants, quietly and carefully deactivated the alarm trap on the door, and went out. She entered Mya's room, and found him still sleeping, still looking exhausted, drawn, and emaciated, but fortunately like he would recover. She made sure he had drinking water on the bedtable, and left him a bit of dried fruit and jerky, in case he got hungry before she returned with breakfast. Then she went out to the tavern to see what they offered. Not much lightweight, as Mya would need until his digestion normalized. But they did have oatmeal, so she made a note to obtain that later, after he was awake. She thought it must be still before dawn, although she couldn't really tell inside the mountain. She decided to go out and see if she could find any berries too, and take a walk to relieve herself of the stifling enclosed feeling of being underground. So she stopped back by the room and got her ranger armor and weapons, just to be safe, and went outside. Naranya joined her outside a while later, for some more interesting conversation.

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After the sun came up, they returned inside the mountain hall to the pub and obtained the oatmeal, Ramana taking it on a tray to Mya along with the berries she'd gathered. She gently woke the dozing man, and as the man stirred, a bit shocky and startled at first, she introduced herself again as a friend, telling him that she had brought him breakfast-- oatmeal with milk and butter, and some berries. In her best helpful hospitable geisha manner, she helped him sit up and propped him with pillows so that he could eat. She put a napkin on his chest, laid the tray on his lap, and then picked up the spoon, handing it to him to see if he could feed himself or if she would have to help him.

He grabbed the spoon, albeit a bit uncoordinatedly and weakly, and dove into the oatmeal, so that she had to tell him to go slowly, as his system was surely very tender and fragile and he needed to give his digestion time to get used to food again. As he complied and ate slowly, Ramana introduced herself and Ranya by name, telling him that the two of them, along with others, had helped Master Willow to retrieve him. And that they would be around for a few days, to make sure that he got the proper care, as the healer had said food and rest. Then, when he was better, she could escort him to the new Shire, if he liked. Ranya had given her a large sum of money out of which Ramana had recompensed the healer, and she told Mya that she would fetch the healer back after a couple of days to check on his progress, and that she intended to hire a local lady to bring him meals should they have to be away. So he shouldn't worry about a thing, just eat his breakfast, rest some more, sleep as much as he wanted, and she'd be back around soon to look in on him.
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Ramana Jala
5:22:26 pm GMT 08/20/10
Ramana Jala Registered Member #1033 Joined: 12:18:42 am GMT 04/25/07
Posts: 1107
After Mya was on the mend, he'd assured Ramana that she didn't have to keep coming around anymore to see that he was cared for, nor wait to escort him outside the mountain. She was reticent to leave though, until the dwarves themselves told her that they would continue to care for him diligently until he was well enough to travel, then escort him under guard to wherever his new home would be. Grateful, Ramana left to go about her business with the assurance that the jeweler would be safeguarded.
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