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  • Shards
    Shards  3 months ago

    Happy New Year!

  • Edrick
    Edrick  3 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  5 months ago

    You the man thanks mate

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  5 months ago

    There it is!

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  5 months ago


  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  5 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

  • Payne
    Payne  5 months ago

    Edrick... mad

  • Edrick
    Edrick  5 months ago


  • !ofAkindGuy2000
    !ofAkindGuy2000  5 months ago


  • Glognar
    Glognar  5 months ago

    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

The Times, Vol 11

The Steinkreis Times, Volume 11


HEADLINES- brought to you by your local News Gnome

Falling Back

STRIKING NEWS! With the Empyrean Aurora Outpost being lost to suspected dark forces there has been an island wide panic. Out in the field, our reporters find out why. A dark and dangerous foe has been fighting to control the Drakamyre and beyond, now this is complete their next plan is reckoned to drive down from the West of Hamley. Those that are capable of holding arms are doing so while others flee further South or off the island of Thain. We hope to calm the panic as many guards and settlements are shoring up their defences and stepping up reinforcements. Never fear! We will have the news for you as it breaks!

Festival Success

With the success of the Hamley and Fashion festivals, the Bagnorn Firebringers are staging their own show. With the turning of seasons to bring the stars into alignment, it is a grand occassion to worship and celebrate their fire God. All welcome, there will be plenty of bloodwine, lashings of roast meat and ritual sacrifice for all the family to take part in.

Adventurers - A Threat or a Blessing?

We all know the type. Smelly, brawly and drunken riskbreakers. People likely to waltz into your house armed and clad in armor, empty all the chests and closets, looting all your valuables, and leave just as sudden; as if it was the most normal thing in the world. People likely to devote their health and safety by seeking out deadly monsters and threats to humanity. In short - adventurers. My editor, the News Gnome, asked me to go interview one of them to find out more. And if there is one place on the island that is filled with adventurers, then it is the crossroads just east of Steinkreis. But upon actually meeting these people, they both crushed and reinforced the old images of the brawly riskbreaker. "I just want to bash heads" says Kate, a seasoned adventurer whom singlehandedly defeated several vampires during a mission up north. But while maybe reinforcing the gung-ho mentality, Kate seemed more like a pleasant lass than a unruly ruffian. In fact, the trend most prevalent amongst adventurers in general seems to be that they have no common factor. You have people like Mira, a quiet and highly respected worker of peace, you have people like Dwent, a ruffian whom openly admits to even sleeping in metal armor, and you have the really scary members of the adventurers community - like the infamous red wizard, Gharos Dozz, who openly admits that adventuring is far less dangerous than red wizard magicks. And a minority of them are human. The majority of adventurers actually seem to be otherwise. We noted several dwarves, and even had the opportunity to talk to a winged half-dragon named Vilith, who assured several times that he did not eat people. The interview proved rather difficult, however, as a pair of local guards started shooting arrows at him halfway through the interview. That's rural life for you! For the sake of truth, simply talking to adventurers would not show their occupation in a proper light. The only real solution would be a real report from a real adventure. For the viewers of the Steinkreis Times, we bring an exclusive reportage from the depths of the forgotten Vongottstein! Vongottstein is a term only known by the schooled or the very old. It is the city that once stood where the beautiful city of Steinkreis is standing today, and its tale can be found at your local library. However, one need not look far for for the evidences of the city itself is just below your very nose. And when I say 'nose', I mean it literally. Directly below are the city sewers, a place where no just person willingly sets his feet. Often described as a haven for rats, thieves and bad smell, it is truly the antithesis of civilization. And, this was the place that Ekka, a blind(!) elf and veteran adventurer suggested a customized adventure for the sake of the SK Times' readers. After giving a solemn reassurance that no harm would come to our reporter, despite the prospect of bad smell, that is an offer one cannot refuse. Oh. And there were some dwarves. The sewers were indeed infested with both smell and rats. Luckily, no thieves appeared; which can only be a great credit to the valiant effort of the City Guard. However, the rats were bad enough. Rats as big as a breadbox threw themselves at us in a frenzied rage, while the Ekka and company kept them at bay. It was a spectacle to behold, and probably quite dangerous. But the rewards were quite interesting. For down on the bottom of the murky waters in the sewers were indeed the stuff of legends. Magical lanterns, still shining, illuminating a submerged street. It really was a thing of marvel. So adventure aside, what of our local adventurers? As Mira said, there is much beauty in adventuring. Even in a foul place like the Steinkreis sewers, stuff of legends can be found. And that, good readers, that is what adventuring is all about. But it is a risky and deadly profession, and one best left to the professionals. By Amelia T. -------------------------------- Next issue: Rumors of war!


The Circle Cleared of Wrongdoing!

I write to you, to declare that the organisation of The Circle has been cleared of wrongdoing in Steinkreis. The secretive members being held in the Steinkreis gaol broke out, causing damage to the building and were thought to have harmed guards and the good citizens of Steinkreis in their bid to escape. Our Lord Kampfer personally oversaw the proceedings and declared that no charges would be given if The Circle provided the cost of repairs needed to refortify the gaol. In addition to this in the wisdom of our Lord, Kreis Knights have been sent to safeguard the mysterious caverns of The Rooms to ensure that The Circle activities are all proper. - Unnamed Source

Where Have All The Monsters Gone?

I am growing tired of these whining and lazy so-called adventurers who sit around doing nothing but making a nuisance of themselves. It is all very well spearing your dinner in the wilds, lighting the fire with fireballs or turning into a monster for a week every month but it is really not for the village life. Every port, every town, city, village or hamlet has seen enough monsters come at their gates and turn to the adventurers to solve the problem that we do not want anymore. Though I pray the Gods will it that these good for nothing lay abouts go back to work and give this shadow darkness a good seeing too. Then we can cheer on our heroic boys and gals, but more importantly getting them to stop sleeping in my flowerbeds. - K. Sterintine




Needed to rid a rat infestation, enquire at the Cobblewall Inn for details. (We do not have rats, our rooms, ale and girls are clean and of highest quality.)

Volunteers for the First Hamley Irregulars

We are raising a force of volunteers to form an irregular military unit to defend Hamley and support the Empyreans. All those of good heart and desire to see the Light triumph that are not otherwise committed are encouraged to enlist in this force. The First Hamley Irregulars will reside in Hamley and work to defend the town from the threats of this coming war to stem the darkness


The Return of Tara Ryderine

To all those who are my friends, I wish to apologise for my unexpected and hasty departure several months ago. If anyone wishes to contact me, I am currently staying at the Trade and Tackle, although intend to move in the next day or so. Please leave any messages with Bence.


Fashion of Thain

We are currently looking for a new fashion consultant to bring our good readers the latest fashion and flare from around the island.

Coloured Twins

Time and time again we see travellers wearing the same colours from head to toe. It is time for people to be individuals and find a colour that suits you best, be an individual, be a person. Live life wild and wear something different that challenges uniform. Remember, it does not matter about working as a team because in every team, if you look hard enough there is a 'me'. Be yourself, look great.


Posted by Taniki on Saturday 03 June 2006 - 09:33:08 | Comments (1) | printer friendly create pdf of this news item
      Taniki | 9:35:09 am GMT 06/03/06
    Comments: 7

    Registered: 12:00:04 am GMT 01/01/70
    I would like to give special thanks to those who wanted to contribute to this community news article smile

    If I left anyone's out, please let me know. smile

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