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  • Shards
    Shards  3 months ago

    Happy New Year!

  • Edrick
    Edrick  3 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    You the man thanks mate

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago

    There it is!

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago


  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

  • Payne
    Payne  6 months ago

    Edrick... mad

  • Edrick
    Edrick  6 months ago


  • !ofAkindGuy2000
    !ofAkindGuy2000  6 months ago


  • Glognar
    Glognar  6 months ago

    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

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Letters of a swordsman

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2:21:31 pm GMT 09/24/08
MadskillsMike capesh*t, bro
Registered Member #143 Joined: 7:06:07 pm GMT 06/17/04
Posts: 4731
Greetings Demotep.

As the days go by I find my existance here more and more questionable. The great leaders here do not always make honorable choices. I have not disobeyed any orders of course, and I diligently pursue my assignments. However, those in command are severely mistaken if they believe a son of Eltabbar will be molded into silent acceptance of decadence and dishonorable ways. I have not yet decided if my actions should be positive, trying to reinforce the necessary virtues, or negative in counteracting some of the worse transgressions. Perhaps I should do nothing until some of the unpleasant compromises that has been made grow into serious problems. I would greatly value your insight in this.

Your friend,
Mandar Lucian Aganim.
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3:17:56 pm GMT 10/20/08
MadskillsMike capesh*t, bro
Registered Member #143 Joined: 7:06:07 pm GMT 06/17/04
Posts: 4731
Greetings father.
I wish you good days under the sun.

I hope my mother is at good health. It was long since we spoke our farewells now, but I have kept myself from writing. My thought has always been to become my own man so that once I return I will not merely eat at our table, but bring food to it. I may have learnt something that can do just that.

I have been taught what I believe to be a new method of enchanting arms and armor by a barbarian blacksmith. She is very skilled, but also possesses some draconic traits that she uses for enchantment, something I can not emulate personally. Therefore I write, and wonder if a set of enchanting equipment may be sent to me that I may advance this craft. I will document any progression I make and send it back home of course, so that our people may benefit.

Your son,
Princeps Mandar Lucian Aghanim.
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7:47:05 pm GMT 10/22/08
MadskillsMike capesh*t, bro
Registered Member #143 Joined: 7:06:07 pm GMT 06/17/04
Posts: 4731
By the graces of Osiris, it is good to hear from you son. All is well at our home. Your mother and I miss you at times, but we find consolation in your success. I hope the path you have found will bring you all that you seek. You will always be welcome here, wether you come in rags or golden mail. Eltabbar is peaceful. No wars have been annouced and the general peace is unbroken. I sincerely hope this age of wisdom among common men and Zulkirs alike will never end. As long as Thay is strong but in possession of restraint we will prosper. It is when you have the power to crush an enemy you are least likely to have to do just that. I am intrigued by this new enchantment you speak of. I hope it is a virtous craft. Part of it sounds suspiciously like blood magic, but I trust your judgement in this. With the letter should arrive some foci that are used for enchantment here. The representative of the Guild of Foreign Trade was kind enough to dedicate a few to this project. You can expect more of them as reports of your progress arrive. Good days under the sun, Manotep Lucian Aghanim. [ Edited 06:47:47 PM 10/22/08 ]
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5:37:13 pm GMT 10/27/08
MadskillsMike capesh*t, bro
Registered Member #143 Joined: 7:06:07 pm GMT 06/17/04
Posts: 4731
Greetings and well wishings, Master Wizard Vitellus.

As instructed I have documented my work on the first enchanted object. I would be greatful if you sent a copy of this to my father, but the decision naturally rests with you.

Lorica Necrosis

The name speaks for itself. In case you are not engaged in military matters, Lorica is the word for armor. Necrosis is a word that, to simplify, describes the death of flesh on a living person. Though generally a very undesirable consequence of untreated wounds, it fits the recipient of the armor well.

My first step was to mine iron ore. Then I ensured it was refined into steel of the highest possible quality. These two steps can safely be ignored in Thay as long as quality standards are followed. I forged the materials into a full plate of classical make, with a few small variations commonly used in Eltabbar. Such is the pride of a craftsman I suppose.

The armor was then dyed and customized to the fullest extent before the enchanting. The breastplate features an engravement of the Underworld gate, where it is said that in times long passed the living could enter and become as one of the dead, and the opposite. Diving into the flow of spirits to explore a world beyond life as we know it. I am sure you know the legend as well as I. This I believe is an important procedure; one must assemble all parts and finish all mundane work before applying magic. Else the magic may be disturbed should later alterations be done.

The enchanting I have learnt requires a spell gem. In my addendum the recepies are noted, they are few and basic, but I hope to discover more. For this I used a gem of Premonition, and the strongest enchanting focus I was sent. The highest quality of goods, the strongest focus and the most powerful spell gems together produce the greatest results, should any of these be lacking the item will be lesser than it could, or even impossible to enchant.

I heated the metal, and when it started to glow red I poured the fine dust from the spell gem I had crushed over it, distributing it equally over all parts. The dust attached itself quickly to the armor, after which I placed the focus on the central part of the plate and spoke the words you wrote to me, activating the focus. I was successful, and the armor now provides very solid protection. I would dare as more than any I have seen or know of on this island.

I will write again as I progress.
Princeps Mandar Lucian Aghanim.
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7:39:52 pm GMT 11/05/08
MadskillsMike capesh*t, bro
Registered Member #143 Joined: 7:06:07 pm GMT 06/17/04
Posts: 4731
Greetings and well wishings, Master Wizard Vitellus.

My last attempt at enchantment has failed. The intention was to create a longsword. This is desirable because with two of the foci I should be able to make swords more highly enchanted than those our Enclave provides.

It failed because I know very little of swordcraft. To merely heat the metal and apply the gem dust is not enough it seems, the blade must be forged and prepared for enchanting. I had unwittingly done so with the Lorica Necrosis, but I am no swordsmith and I can not hope to repeat the success I had previously until I learn more about the creation of weapons. I will write again when I reach further success.

Princeps Mandar Lucian Aghanim.
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10:38:16 am GMT 11/30/08
MadskillsMike capesh*t, bro
Registered Member #143 Joined: 7:06:07 pm GMT 06/17/04
Posts: 4731
Greetings Demotep.

Much time has passed since my last letter. I am well, despite the grim future I foresaw in my previous correspondance. Some overwhelming events have taken place here.

First, Esteemed Jethik has fallen in battle. It was not easy to like the man, but he did not seem to care for friendship. He was cold-mannered and harsh, but he died with courage and honor. His death was in many ways greater than his life.

Ambassador Urhun is also dead. Sar'rel had aspired to become Khazark, yet the Ambassador wanted to remain in control of his actions. Eventually it came to a duel where the Ambassador failed miserably to counter Sar'rel's magic. I grieve the loss, for it was not a sacrifice demanded by war, but one Thayan killing another.

Regardless, Thain has a new Khazark. Sar'rel is in command of our operations now. My low opinion of him has improved with a few of his recent decisions. I find it possible that change will be for the better.

Good days under the sun,
Princeps Mandar Lucian Aghanim
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1:37:43 pm GMT 01/07/09
MadskillsMike capesh*t, bro
Registered Member #143 Joined: 7:06:07 pm GMT 06/17/04
Posts: 4731
Greetings Demotep.

I hope your mission proceeds according to the Zulkirate's designs. It must be difficult, at times, to endure the crawling process of diplomacy. I have always preferred direct means to reach the best possible result, but this is no news to you.

I have been promoted again, to the rank of Captain. My command is the same, but more legitimate. The Principe should should only be responsible for a few soldiers each, so it is for the best I have a higher rank when overseeing the Trading Post in this hell of a village.

I dueled a foreign officer that insulted Thayan honor and generosity. My superiors approved, but not the barbarians. It is strange how one man can at the same time be an old, defenseless pile of skin and bones and at the same time a respected leader and protector. I suppose they shield themselves from the truth, that this officer is merely a butcher, responsible for more needless deaths than I like to think about.

Eventually the victory led to the forging of a sword holding positive energy. It is a deadly blade, but with a healer's touch, it will aid in preserving lives as well. I thought you might appreciate the duality. I believe that at least something good came out of it. I'd like to know more about Calimport, if you have time to write.

Good days under the sun,
Captain Mandar Lucian Aghanim
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