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  • Shards
    Shards  3 months ago

    Happy New Year!

  • Edrick
    Edrick  3 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    You the man thanks mate

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago

    There it is!

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago


  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

  • Payne
    Payne  6 months ago

    Edrick... mad

  • Edrick
    Edrick  6 months ago


  • !ofAkindGuy2000
    !ofAkindGuy2000  6 months ago


  • Glognar
    Glognar  6 months ago

    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

The Island of Thain :: Forums :: Neverwinter Nights
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[ref] DM FAQ (from old forums)

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8:41:31 am GMT 03/19/04
kalniel Registered Member #5 Joined: 6:48:49 pm GMT 02/16/04
Posts: 4184
A long time ago, the DMs arranged a meeting where people could ask them questions, and get answers. It was quite popular and the answers are a great way to familiarise yourself with what Bit and the others are aiming for with thain. It may be a bit out of date, but look here for some rulings on things that aren't always obvous. [ Edited ]
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8:42:58 am GMT 03/19/04
kalniel Registered Member #5 Joined: 6:48:49 pm GMT 02/16/04
Posts: 4184
[BitRaiser] Seth : Alrighty... then...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Let's get this started shall we?
[BitRaiser] Seth : Umm... prolly the best way to keep things orderly is to come up and ask things one at a time...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Come stand before us... and ask yer questions... then sit down an we'll disscuss...

[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: If I may start, I have several points, but I'll only do one at a time. First I'd like to thank the DMs for doing this - and for all the hard work they put into thain. It's appreciated..(more)
[Doordie] Milo Took: Amen Brother!
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: my first question is, are there any rules or guidelines that govern what the DMs can and cannot do regarding combats, playing PCs and the such?

[BitRaiser] Seth : Short answer... No. Longer answer... we rag on each other worse than we do on players often...
[BitRaiser] Seth : There was a little bit o badness that happened.
[BitRaiser] Seth : A certain DMs PC was a little over the top and engaged in PvP...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Ah... that's not goning to happen like that again. On the other hand...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Last night Drahm Ashe came across a Drow PC hanging out at the crossroads...
[BitRaiser] Seth : After dertermining that the drow was of evil intentions and would not leave... he attacked... and lost!
[BitRaiser] Seth : Drahm was me and it was IC all the way.
[BitRaiser] Seth : Just an example.
[BitRaiser] Seth : Heehee...We don't ALL twink!

[Fog Tripper] Dilinus Perr: Are GMs aware of PCs alignments and do they RP according to them? As far as that drow for instance.
[Fog Tripper] Dilinus Perr: would an evil character have to blatantly kill someone to get along with the drow?

[Xalm Grey] Grey : Alright this is a really interesting question to answer.
[Xalm Grey] Grey : I always check on characters alignments to see who is hanging out with who. And no not all PC"s here play according to alignment
[Xalm Grey] Grey : We are aware of that fact and really unless i bring down a hammer on everyone i find not playing their alignment it just boils down to bad rping.
[Xalm Grey] Grey : They just wont get rp bonuses.
[Xalm Grey] Grey : And they will find less attention paid to them in the future when they do such.
[Soulen Void] Rathe La'Feir: i do watch for alignment rp
[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: I want to add something to the drow business, if you read the forum, she was treated as a drow and rped accordingly
[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: and I look for align too
[hatamoto82] Milo: But alignments are not the be all and end all are they... because my PC has had good deeds done for him and trys to repay, but... he's still a merc
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Like i said...its an interesting one to answer because it isnt black and white
[Yaaj] Adaox: No they are not, that's why in 3.0 alignment scales.
[Fog Tripper] Dilinus Perr: aye...and an evil character (not chaotic) may well hang out with good aligned...if it benefitted him
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Right
[Xalm Grey] Grey : But
[Xalm Grey] Grey : If i find paladins slaying guards for instance and there is no reason for it other than xp...well
[Xalm Grey] Grey : They will quickly find themselves a fallen paladin.

[Fog Tripper] Dilinus Perr: are NPCs geared to react to alignment?

[BitRaiser] Seth : That would be a Me question...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Some are some aren't... They are geared to react to your actions. The server it self might judge you from time to time tho.
[BitRaiser] Seth : For example... if you are "good" you might refues a reward...
[BitRaiser] Seth : you would get a little XP for being IC in that case... if you were evil you might get a nudge towards good.
[BitRaiser] Seth : This still works as an example of an evil PC doing a good act
[BitRaiser] Seth : The goodness shift would be minor... representing that he did something out of character is all.

[hatamoto82] Milo: do you as DM's ever alter alignment as an act of rp?

[Soulen Void] Rathe La'Feir: i do and will
[BitRaiser] Seth : Yup
[Darafayen] Orleanne Masterson: But you also take into account circumstances? I could have the dirtiest intentinos and be doing someting "normal"
[Soulen Void] Rathe La'Feir: just to let it be known repairing alignment is harder than fixxing it
[Soulen Void] Rathe La'Feir: then hurting it
[BitRaiser] Seth : Alignment shifts due to party mates is because you are partly responcable for the actions of those in your company
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: but that is hard to judge when people don't RP the alignment
[Fog Tripper] Dilinus Perr: ((it is not always apparent what a PC's alignment is...especially evil))
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: until one act
[Soulen Void] Rathe La'Feir: yes hence the reason i watch it
[BitRaiser] Seth : bingo.
[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: its not hard to judge when you watch them for a long time

[Yaaj] Adaox: First off I want to say thanks for taking the time to you this.
[BitRaiser] Seth : Yer welcome... it's interesting to me (and us I assume) as well...
[Yaaj] Adaox: I really don't have a question, it's more of a comment. I've always thought of Thain being a place that's friendly for new players... (more)
[Yaaj] Adaox: The last few days I've been playing around with new characters, and what I've found is shocking.. just today I had made a new PC, took him to the crossroads..(more)
[Yaaj] Adaox: There I ran into a number of other players, so natually I tried to RP with them. Didn't work. I was falt out ignored.
[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: it wasn't that blue gnome was it?
[Fog Tripper] Dilinus Perr: ((enjoyed the blue gnome))
[Yaaj] Adaox: I thought you, the DMs, would like to know.. if I had been a new player that would have given me a bad impression of Thain.

[Xalm Grey] Grey : Okay..
[BitRaiser] Seth : Indeed... sometimes that happens...
[BitRaiser] Seth : But I wouldn't worry over much.
[Xalm Grey] Grey : We cant govern that sort of thing unfortunatly.
[Soulen Void] Rathe La'Feir: if you ever get a ride to hell look at the tomb
[Doordie] Milo Took: Wenn I first joind Seth welcomed me to the server. That was the first time that has ever happened and I have been on a lot of servers.

[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: ((my question ties into that in a way))
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: I'd like to know what you are doing to re-address the balance for Role Players - we are seeing new people join and powergame right up to lvl 20 in some cases very quickly (more)
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: .. where as RPers tend to play for ages and get stuck in the low teens. There seem to be a lot of people playing like this now - and they are ignoring other characters who prefer to RP (more)
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: such as the new character adaox played. Normally RPers aren't interested in levelling as much, but it seems a lot of the DM events are catered for combat (more)
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: and those of a lower level either can't contribute, or are killed very quickly. Are there plans for more non-combat DM events too?

[BitRaiser] Seth : The first thing I might point out is that if your RPing it shouldn't really matter to you if the PGs make level 20... you are free to ignor them.
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: but the point was DM events tailor to those lvl 20 characters
[BitRaiser] Seth : The second thing is that it's very hard to script for non-combat events...
[BitRaiser] Seth : However... YES! more non-combat for lower levels is a good idea... right folks?
[erethizon] Tolinus Tronsort: I have found that GM's are very nice about letting low level characters into their events and there are usually plently of higher level characters to raise them when they fall
[Soulen Void] Rathe La'Feir: mine are for your adventure and fun not for power gaming so if you feel left out feel free to tell me i will work with you
[BitRaiser] Seth : One more point...
[BitRaiser] Seth : We all like the RPers more than the PGers... if you are a known good RPer and you have a *problem* with a PGer we are going to favor you (I never said I was fare!)
[Xalm Grey] Grey : I couldnt agree more.
[BitRaiser] Seth : I also don't thing that PGers are evil... some folks like to play the game that way
[BitRaiser] Seth : Heck... I had an unfortunat expireance just a little while ago... lemme tell ya...
[Phoenix the dark one] Delandra Dana: well when its hard to get into the rping part of the game people turn into pgers
[Soulen Void] Rathe La'Feir: rpers get items un open to those that don't and rewarded in time
[erethizon] Tolinus Tronsort: I admit I raced to get to the point I am at now because it seemed everyone was too far above me to play with
[Fog Tripper] Dilinus Perr: ((dunno how many of you folks have been on the other servers...it is MUCH worse out there...))
[BitRaiser] Seth : I was playing as one of my lower level cahracters the other day... trying to get to my never level when some players started calling ME a PGer! Sheesh! Derek's NEVER gonna make his next level!
[Xalm Grey] Grey : My suggestion for right now?
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Most if not the whole server is here now
[Xalm Grey] Grey : You have all been talking and it obviously concerns alot of you
[Xalm Grey] Grey : You now know that most of you should be able to rp together now regardless of levels.
[Worm.Net] Kara NightShadow: its always about trying your best and having fun
[Xalm Grey] Grey : It is about having fun
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Thats the bottom line really.

[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: is there anything you can do to make RPers feel more part of thain?

[BitRaiser] Seth : I would say... make it your own for starters...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Having chit chats likt this with you folks is another, eh?
[BitRaiser] Seth : Also... I've been dropping hints about a bigger plot for awhile now... keep an Eye out for momvment in that direction.
[BitRaiser] Seth : Look for it (hint) the Bugbears got a retouch.

[Aragorn Brightblade] Gan'darin E'erswift: I really enjoy the rp'ing and as discussed already...
[Aragorn Brightblade] Gan'darin E'erswift: I find I can make great eefoert with little reward...
[Aragorn Brightblade] Gan'darin E'erswift: During an attack at the crossroads i acted as scout...etc...
[Aragorn Brightblade] Gan'darin E'erswift: with little or no aknowledgemnt of what I had done....
[Aragorn Brightblade] Gan'darin E'erswift: in short...I wonder what the rewards are for rp'ing...
[Aragorn Brightblade] Gan'darin E'erswift: I don't mean it to sound like whine....

[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: xp for starters
[Aragorn Brightblade] Gan'darin E'erswift: I enjoy it very much, but I wait for it to be reciprocated.
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: no, it's a good question - the xp seems small compared to what you'd get for just hunting
[Aragorn Brightblade] Gan'darin E'erswift: That is my point
[Xalm Grey] Grey : That is the difference of course between the powergaming and the rpers.
[Xalm Grey] Grey : You wont go as fast...no and if or but about it true
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Who is more likely to get noticed in the end? Well that is a whole other question
[Xalm Grey] Grey : I do know the players that have been here a while
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Those are the ones i look at
[Xalm Grey] Grey : new comers that come in and try and mingle i watch too
[BitRaiser] Seth : I would like to take a brief aside to point out why I get so annoied with exploiters...
[Xalm Grey] Grey : But the ones that grab a sword and run out to level right away i dont....the xp is small i admit and am looking to update better xp more down the road
[BitRaiser] Seth : Settin this thing up is ALOT of work. Bio took 3 years with 20 staffers to make the OC. I've put Thain together in a year with some help fromsome friends...
[BitRaiser] Seth : When I see someone exploiting it's like a slap in the face to me.
[BitRaiser] Seth : I count on good players to help me track down silly little bugs.
[BitRaiser] Seth : Some of those bugs can through the server compleatly outta wack! [BitRaiser] Seth : It's not like I can hire a QA staff, ya know! tongue
[BitRaiser] Seth : My standered responce to a knowing exploiter is "Just bann them".
[BitRaiser] Seth : To adress more directly... We DMs get spread perty thin sometimes...
[Xalm Grey] Grey : On average
[Xalm Grey] Grey : There is one or 2 DM's per 20 players
[BitRaiser] Seth : We would LOVE to be able to reward EVERY good RP act, but we can't. SO often give lump sums to good RPers once and awhile...
[BitRaiser] Seth : One more point
[BitRaiser] Seth : Good RP can get you things that NO PGer can! The best items are all DM dropped grin

[Phoenix the dark one] Delandra Dana: my question is if someone Pks what are the dms going to do about it

[Xalm Grey] Grey : If someone is running around random Pking they are gonna hurt
[Xalm Grey] Grey : If its rped out and there is no issues that is a whole other thing. There isnt going to be random PKing.
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Now if there is i would like someone to let me know
[Xalm Grey] Grey : I will come and talk with the peopleand sort it out.
[Fog Tripper] Dilinus Perr: does non-random PKing need to be concentual?
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Griefing as in just doing it over and over and over could get one banned or stripped

[erethizon] Tolinus Tronsort: I once did a quest twice not knowing it was an exploit
[erethizon] Tolinus Tronsort: if a DM had not told me, I still would not know
[erethizon] Tolinus Tronsort: Xalm came to a group I was in recently...
[erethizon] Tolinus Tronsort: and asked if we were farming...
[BitRaiser] Seth : An exploit is knowingly abusing a bug... and we can tell when there's abuse going on. But yes... I should define a bit mor clearly yeah?
[erethizon] Tolinus Tronsort: but I do not know what farming means
[erethizon] Tolinus Tronsort: can you explain it?

[BitRaiser] Seth : Ady wanna define farming?
[BitRaiser] Seth : Farming is when you wait for critters to respawn and kill 'em again... over and over...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Something I'd like to point out...
[Xalm Grey] Grey : camping.....farming yeah.
[BitRaiser] Seth : I actually have places set up TO BE farmed!
[erethizon] Tolinus Tronsort: hmmm, let me give you an example and you can tell me if it is farming
[erethizon] Tolinus Tronsort: I have noticed that there are giants outside hammersong
[erethizon] Tolinus Tronsort: and these giants are powerful and will undoubtable attack any poor dwarf that wanders out of the town
[erethizon] Tolinus Tronsort: I regularly circle this area to protect the resident dwark population
[erethizon] Tolinus Tronsort: and I farming?
[BitRaiser] Seth : yes!
[BitRaiser] Seth : But
[BitRaiser] Seth : There's not a problem with that.
[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: and those who farm for too long are asking for trouble, ask Odrak wink
[BitRaiser] Seth : As I say some areas were set up to BE farmed too... I don't think of farming as an exploit... it's PGing.
[BitRaiser] Seth : YEah...
[BitRaiser] Seth : I tend to infict my sence og humor on farmers...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Take the crossroads north area tho...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Goblins... LOTSA goblins! They cary gems... it's ment to alow you to hunt and gain XP and gold without breaking character! Killing goblins ain't a bad tihng.
[BitRaiser] Seth : BEtter ansdwer...
[BitRaiser] Seth : use your judgment.
[BitRaiser] Seth : If you think you are being a cheesy PGer... then you prolly are!

[Darafayen] Orleanne Masterson: I'm probably the biggest supporter of low magic worlds. I was wondering what plans, if any were in teh works to try to make it more that way.
[Darafayen] Orleanne Masterson: and I'm sorry about the helm whine, hope ya'll understand where I cam from

[BitRaiser] Seth : Oh! The helm... I have a cunning plan! It's infact so cunning you could pin a tail on it an call it a weasle!
[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: *stares angrily at Orleanne and thinks: you're gonna pay for that*
[BitRaiser] Seth : Basicly, I've cut that one... it's a relic now.
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: *throws a tomato at seth*
[BitRaiser] Seth : AND I'm planning on introducing more items of about the same level with different stats that are betterfor other situations
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Toss some lettuce and other veggies and him and i can have a salad smile
[BitRaiser] Seth : *tosses a fire ball as Eli!*
[Darafayen] Orleanne Masterson: Could I give some examples?
[BitRaiser] Seth : That would blow the suprise!
[BitRaiser] Seth : But trust me... people will be less interested in wearing that head for a hat

[hatamoto82] Milo: I've found evil rp a little difficult... as far as I know I can't advance the RW quests... and I've not met many evil PC's
[hatamoto82] Milo: Apart from Dilinius, and Kain, briefly
[hatamoto82] Milo: But last night at the crossroads I was killing commoners... and a couple pc's were just standing around laughing
[hatamoto82] Milo: but am I incorrect in believing that the RW quests are unfinished, or no?

[BitRaiser] Seth : Yup!
[Xalm Grey] Grey : true there isnt or doesnt seem to be much of an evil presence amongst the PC's. I do hope to see that change in the future.
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Kara, evil is good to be had here.
[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: oh, this is a heaven for evil
[BitRaiser] Seth : Actually there is quite a bit more I want to do with the,...
[Xalm Grey] Grey : The only thing we ask is no griefing.
[BitRaiser] Seth : I just ned some more time to work on stuff basicly.
[BitRaiser] Seth : There are 3(?) quests to be done in RW tho... so look arounf!
[BitRaiser] Seth : There will be more. That's about all I can say! Wish me luck slogginf through some other things.
[BitRaiser] Seth : Alignment doesn't have anything to do with exploiting... that is a meta consept.
[BitRaiser] Seth : And we DMs TRY to help out people that get nailed in crashes...
[BitRaiser] Seth : I know that can suck HARD.

[BitRaiser] Seth : YOu again??
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: in roleplay, there is often scope for a PvP conflict.. with magic items low, and maybe getting lowered still, what can you do to balance out those classes that are powerful without any items?

[BitRaiser] Seth : I do what I can to being some balance to an inharently unbalanced system... D&D wasn't ment for PvP really.
[BitRaiser] Seth : Take the fixes I'm imposed on Harm and IGMS.

[Fog Tripper] Dilinus Perr: can you update us on the server instability and ISP issues? In a nutshell?

[BitRaiser] Seth : Sure... in a nutshell... telus SUCKS!
[Xalm Grey] Grey : By "telus sucks" he means our goverment phone company
[Xalm Grey] Grey : They are having issues right now
[Xalm Grey] Grey : We use tin cans and wires to come online smile
[BitRaiser] Seth : They just screwed the pooch big time, to borow a phrase...
[Fog Tripper] Dilinus Perr: is any of it due to the last patch?
[Fog Tripper] Dilinus Perr: it was rather sudden
[Fog Tripper] Dilinus Perr: nd on multiple servers
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Nah its to do with the phone company.
[Doordie] Milo Took: I think the blank invintory is.

[Aragorn Brightblade] Gan'darin E'erswift: Since I am fairly new this may sound naive...
[Aragorn Brightblade] Gan'darin E'erswift: but when the crossroads gets attacked, is that a bug or rp?

[BitRaiser] Seth : No bug.
[Xalm Grey] Grey : You mean the massive attacks of vampires and so on?
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Alright let me explain something
[Xalm Grey] Grey : People go to the Mourning Knight inn to harvest XP
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Now i watch this and decided the vampires should wage war
[Xalm Grey] Grey : I tend to run things on a cause and effect basis
[Xalm Grey] Grey : You kill a bunch of knights in SK and they come hunt you down
[Xalm Grey] Grey : You attack ravens watch and krell wants your head
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Etc etc
[Xalm Grey] Grey : I am just letting you know that sometimes i am watching and your actions will have consequences smile
[BitRaiser] Seth : That relates to the framing issue too...
[Aragorn Brightblade] Gan'darin E'erswift: but whoever started it isnt always where they come
[Xalm Grey] Grey : No...
[Xalm Grey] Grey : I take it out on players in general
[Xalm Grey] Grey : grin
[hatamoto82] Milo: teehee
[Xalm Grey] Grey : It keeps things interesting.
[BitRaiser] Seth : YOu missed the great giant invasion of hamely!
[BitRaiser] Seth : Heehee... almost every hero on the server fell...

[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: my question is related to that
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: is it possible that you could give some IC warning of these attacks or something - it would be nice if there was a player choice to participate - otherwise it can be very depressing if you are trying to roleplay with someone, or even just help someone new, but then out of the blue somethihg big attacks and you just die, with no chance
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: and I worry about the impression on the newbie to.

[Fog Tripper] Dilinus Perr: that would be sorta OOC dontcha think?
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: it neededn't be
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: it could be a peasent running up screaming - look out!!
[BitRaiser] Seth : That's a valid point...
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: just to give the chance to not participate if wanted
[Yaaj] Adaox: I think the snow/rain is a nice warning smile
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Usually i shake the place up.....or a scout or a few out of common things will take lead
[BitRaiser] Seth : We *try*
[Xalm Grey] Grey : The snow/rain/lightning i use often as well
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Followed by quakes
[hatamoto82] Milo: The lightning is classic grin
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: I think for newbies that's still not very clear
[BitRaiser] Seth : I don't like to butcher players for no good reason...
[Aragorn Brightblade] Gan'darin E'erswift: The guards doing the "whats that smell" was beautiful.
[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: that was Soulen's idea smile
[Xalm Grey] Grey : People will warn the newbs
[Xalm Grey] Grey : They always do
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Attacks like this dont happen for one or two people.
[BitRaiser] Seth : I try to do a "did you hear that" from a guard ot even *you hear a rumbleing coming from the south* sorta stuff

[Yaaj] Adaox: Two questions. 1) Could you PLEASE lower the amount of fog in the Poisonwood Forest? I have a high-end system and that area brings it to it's knes (( from 67 fps to 4 fps ))
[Yaaj] Adaox: 2) Is it possible that we could get an emote ward with dice rolls?

[BitRaiser] Seth : Yes!
[BitRaiser] Seth : Sorry... that was a co-builder thing... I've been waiting for him to fix it, but... ah... I guess I'll just have to do it.
[BitRaiser] Seth : Dice rolls wand?
[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: yes
[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: green fog kills
[Yaaj] Adaox: yeah, I've been on quite a few servers that have them
[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: me too
[BitRaiser] Seth : I know... I actually have one around. I thought it was kinda... Um... nerdy tongue
[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: there are official modules that have those
[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: nerdy! frown
[Yaaj] Adaox: heh I think their nice, you can do stuff like having drinking contests with them smile
[BitRaiser] Seth : Yeah... GZ made a dice bag,,, I have his.
[BitRaiser] Seth : Ok... I can see about adding a dice bag if you folks are into it!
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: yeay
[BitRaiser] Seth : Heehee...
[Yaaj] Adaox: woohoo!
[BitRaiser] Seth : Damned easy to please...
[Darafayen] Orleanne Masterson: Can I throw them at PCs like a weapon?
[BitRaiser] Seth : I have to pee or drown in my own fluids here... BRB.
[erethizon] Tolinus Tronsort: how colorful

[Darafayen] Orleanne Masterson: My questoin is about faction, is it possible to do a little tweaking? Like when there's a DM even and the "badguys" should be supporing the villains, it's kinda hard when the villiands are blasting us..I mean them smile harder than the heros are!

[Xalm Grey] Grey : Thats a Bitraiser question
[BitRaiser] Seth : The implementation of factions as Bio did them is a HEADACHE! I've been playing with a few things to sort them out, but it's a pain.
[BitRaiser] Seth : That doesn't tend to stop me tho.
[Darafayen] Orleanne Masterson: Not a simple "token" item an dit's all fixed , eh?
[BitRaiser] Seth : Making the DB work for every NPC to remeber your player stats was suposed to be imposible (as another scripter explained it to me) so I did in in 3 lines of code!
[BitRaiser] Seth : The token's won't do it nope...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Actually I have someone assisting on a package that we are hoping to drop on the comunity that will help with factions alot.
[BitRaiser] Seth : So... ah... wait and see!
[BitRaiser] Seth : I have a quick question...
[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: uh uh... wait your turn
[Xalm Grey] Grey : thats what standing in line is for smile
[Xalm Grey] Grey : No questions for you Bit.

[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: My question is about unfinished quests... it's sometimes hard to tells whats unfinished and what just needs a server restart to complete (ie get an item)

[BitRaiser] Seth : Ah...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Well...
[BitRaiser] Seth : There are currently very few "unfinished" quests and NONE that require a server re-start.
[Xalm Grey] Grey : but some may need an item to respawn
[Xalm Grey] Grey : meaning just a matter of time.
[BitRaiser] Seth : I need to work out a few things that my Co-builder was working on tho.
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: there are lots of areas waiting to happen though it seems - towers with no entrance etc.. can't wait to see them
[BitRaiser] Seth : That is true...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Hmm... That';s an example of something that Vio is working on... he's my co-builder but unable to make it due to RL reasons...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Stuff will get filled in in time aswell.
[BitRaiser] Seth : An example... anyone been to the bugbear fort?
[BitRaiser] Seth : (I'll try not to spoil anything)
[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: me!
[BitRaiser] Seth : I would say give me a bug report... Some of this stuff can be a pain to track down for me too!
[BitRaiser] Seth : If you give me as much info as you can, I'll do what I can to streighten out some of that stuff... k?
[BitRaiser] Seth : ANd yes... I undertand it can be annoying all to hell!

[BitRaiser] Seth : Ok... one from me...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Out of pure curiosity, aside from Ady are there any female gamers in this crowd?

[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: its a secret!
(Bit got a couple of replies, plus some tells about several players who weren't present)
[BitRaiser] Seth : I ask because I made a study about Female, vrs male gaming habits sometime ago and tried to use what I learned here... seems to have worked.
[BitRaiser] Seth : Ok... so it wasn't an earth shattering question...

[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: mine was just a quick comment.. I don't mind gods pissing about/having fun - it can be funny, but can they check with the people around first to make sure they are happy with it and expecting it?

[Xalm Grey] Grey : Can you elbaorate on "DM's having fun"?
[Worm.Net] Kara NightShadow: Summoning dragons... throwing fireballs and the like I suppose
[BitRaiser] Seth : Sometimes the point is to make things unexpected occur.
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: I'm trying to remember - hasn't happening in a while. BUt I remember a few times when my RP was broken because a DM and a player started to muck about
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: it was the stuff that really had no story in thain
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Well see thing is this
[Xalm Grey] Grey : All i am hearing is people looking for warning's about this and that...lots of warnings
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Problem is there is no fun in always being warned
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: OK warning is the wrong word
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: and no warning for an RP even it fine
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: but essentially it was OOC messing around
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: which I feel should have been taken to the side somewhere
[BitRaiser] Seth : Yer right basicly
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Hrm i'm afriad i dont know about this event. I dont do the OOC mucking about personally for same reasons
[Xalm Grey] Grey : ONly thing we can do right now is heed this and try to avoid it.
[BitRaiser] Seth : We generally don't pull that sort of stuff but occasionally a little cominc releaf is in order.
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: it's ok - I mean DMs are entitled to fun every now and again - and that's fine, as are players.
[BitRaiser] Seth : I'm a big fan of cracking people up... laughing is good...
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: I agree
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: but not when someone else is trying to RP and has it suddenly stopped
[BitRaiser] Seth : Encountiong the ocassional hear of mad cows can make for good giggles.
[BitRaiser] Seth : That I agree with.
[BitRaiser] Seth : It needs to be applies carfuly
[BitRaiser] Seth : Yes?
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: it has happened to me in the middle of a quest - and there wasn't time afterwards to do the quest
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: yes
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: mad cows.. on the other hand.. very offensive to us Brits you know..
[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: lol
[Yaaj] Adaox: lol
[AdyNathor] Minah Dermane: I've been the butt of those jokes as PC and sitll are and I like it wink as a noob scary but then just makde lol
[BitRaiser] Seth : I can'[t remeber who it was... but did someone here spend 20miuntes trying to talk to a cow?
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: I like them too.. but when I'm expecting them.. not when I desperatly wanted to do a quest
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: *hides*
[Xalm Grey] Grey : lol
[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: you talked to the cow for 20 min??
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: hey I'm a ranger OK
[Fog Tripper] Dilinus Perr: I am sure the cow was mooooved by the conversation...
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: *groans*
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: anyway. done. thanks for listening, and not smiting me
[BitRaiser] Seth : Case in point... giggles, yeah?
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: yep
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Who said we wouldnt smite you -after?-
[Xalm Grey] Grey : smile
[BitRaiser] Seth : Duck!
*Kalniel is penguinified..*
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: squark!
[BitRaiser] Seth : Er... I said DUCK no pungin!
[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: aw that's so cute!
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: now that is a good application of humour..
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: just takes a litle judgemnet tongue
[BitRaiser] Seth : Bingo

[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: firstly, thank the gods for Phearin and Aaron
[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: dont know which DM controls them but i was saved by both on 2 different occaisions
[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: Phearin's rescue was a little odd, but nonetheless
[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: its great to be raised by a fellow PC
[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: but something's fishy about the adventurer that runs 20 miles to raise a person bc somebody used a tell to get help

[Xalm Grey] Grey : Ah ha!
[Xalm Grey] Grey : The OOC raise
[Xalm Grey] Grey : I am totally against them
[Xalm Grey] Grey : My advice?
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Ignore it.

[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: the party talk feature
[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: i hate it!
[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: we dont have 2 way radios!

[Xalm Grey] Grey : I agree so much smile
[Bishop Von Bicken] Solofein Stencia: hehehehe
[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: so people please stop using it!
[BitRaiser] Seth : Someone give her some XP!
[Xalm Grey] Grey : I was asking bit to get rid of the party chat all together
[Xalm Grey] Grey : But he infromed be he cant hack the chat
[Xalm Grey] Grey : Believe me i have badgered the poor guy about it
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: OK.. followup - can DMs see normal talk?
[BitRaiser] Seth : No... unless we are in range...
[BitRaiser] Seth : BUT normal chat IS logged... and often even while I'm not online I'll watch the logs.

[Worm.Net] Kara NightShadow: Ok.. um... I'm new... I guess everybody knew that already... I was just wondering... some servers are based on a specific book/world... Some don't have elves and some don't have orcs or whatever... Anything similar in Thain?
[Worm.Net] Kara NightShadow: I always get stuck with a character that I find out is either not existant... or practically illegal in a world

[BitRaiser] Seth : To get att it, I don't give Thain's credit to anything totaly spacific. It exists more or less in the FGs... I made a brief mention of it being WAY off the sword coast.
[BitRaiser] Seth : That said...
[BitRaiser] Seth : I don't compleatly stick by D&Ds rules... Infact... I'll tell you a secret...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Same world but with some artistic licence... on the the secret...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Um.... I HATE D&D rules!! I think they are some of the Worst game mechanics ever!!
[BitRaiser] Seth : Yeah... honestly I think that D&Ds systems are archaic and in general really rotten.
[BitRaiser] Seth : As far as insperatoin goes... my favorite authors are Tolken and Lovecraft... (eek what a combo!)
[BitRaiser] Seth : I can't hack most of the rules... but I change the balance and features of critters when I feel it's warented.
[BitRaiser] Seth : Mayhaps the Lovecraft reading explains a little about the necro story line, eh?
[Worm.Net] Kara NightShadow: Ok so any Forgotten Realms' reference is good... ?
[BitRaiser] Seth : Yes
[Yaaj] Adaox: Is plane-walkers ok?
[BitRaiser] Seth : Yup.

[Doordie] Milo Took: I just want to know if you are going to get SOU and HOU. I did not understand the message on the board at the start.

[BitRaiser] Seth : Quick answer... Atari has put securROM on the SoU disks and I cannot use them without a crack. I cannot suport the product,thus I will not force anyone to buy it to player here.
[BitRaiser] Seth : The remove SecuROM and I'll think about it.

[Darafayen] Orleanne Masterson: Would like an official ruling on permanent message spells between players that would have them, and to some roleplayed spells talked aboutlike speak with dead nad detect evil
[Darafayen] Orleanne Masterson: perhaps even a trinket for said messages

[BitRaiser] Seth : I like the ideas over all... I don't think I can give an offical ruling tho. I'm still stewing.
[Darafayen] Orleanne Masterson: Will you be docking rp for using such a thing?
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: feel sorry for the PGers if so..
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: don't want to make thain a chore to play tho..
[BitRaiser] Seth : In general I'm not harsh on things litke that at all... only if it's being abused.
[BitRaiser] Seth : I mean... this is still a GAME, yeah?
[BitRaiser] Seth : You wanna play with your firends!
[Xalm Grey] Grey : This is a game?...oh yeah....*dodgy look*
[BitRaiser] Seth : Vio and I got booted from a server for using party chat one time... and I mean we used it ONE time!!
[BitRaiser] Seth : I said that would never happen if I made a server...
[BitRaiser] Seth : Umm... so it hasn't!
[BitRaiser] Seth : We're players too... and I've suffered at the hands of crapy DMs, so I know what that;'s like.
[BitRaiser] Seth : So it ain;t gonna happen.

[BitRaiser] Seth : Ok... something else I gotta say before anyone else passes out...
[BitRaiser] Seth : You players are WAY beyond anything I expected!! The NWN comunity all though I was nuts when I said I wanted to make an OPEN RP server with NO Hak that anyone could join...
[Worm.Net] Kara NightShadow: Heh... I haven't even started RP-ing yet and I'm already enjoying it grin
[BitRaiser] Seth : I'm VERY pleased to have shown them wrong!
[hatamoto82] Milo: You made the yodle, so to speak
[BitRaiser] Seth : We've had a couple headaches, but overall... I EXPECTED more!
[Worm.Net] Kara NightShadow: Yeah... This place seems like its going to rock! I'm all fired up grin
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: yeah, this is a unique server, and it's great
[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: just curious, how long as the server been around?
[BitRaiser] Seth : About 6 months... live.
[Bishop Von Bicken] Solofein Stencia: i agree
[cptkhan] Anadriel Luelve'lyn: i like this server very much also
[Doordie] Milo Took: So far very good.
[Insanity Bringer] Tonia Webb: I've tried other servers, but this is the best I've found
[Vaelihn] Miori: Everything I've seen has been marvelous.
[Vaelihn] Miori: Thanks for making this for us. smile
[Worm.Net] Kara NightShadow: I can't wait to try it out! The people here seem "Human".. a trait that is hard to find online grin
[BitRaiser] Seth : SO... the most important thing is yet to be said... THANK YOU guys (and girls) for helping make this such a damn fine place to play!
[Bishop Von Bicken] Solofein Stencia: maybe he is great because everyone here enjoy it and its really friendly tw
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: thankYOU, DMs
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: please pass thanks onto vio and all the other DMs who aren't here
[Bishop Von Bicken] Solofein Stencia: yeah this good vio
[Bishop Von Bicken] Solofein Stencia: we miss him
[kalniel] Elithruldor Leonalley: and thanks for doing this too - I don't know many DMs who'll actually address player concerns like this
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