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  • Shards
    Shards  4 months ago

    Happy New Year!

  • Edrick
    Edrick  4 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    You the man thanks mate

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago

    There it is!

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago


  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

  • Payne
    Payne  6 months ago

    Edrick... mad

  • Edrick
    Edrick  6 months ago


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    !ofAkindGuy2000  6 months ago


  • Glognar
    Glognar  6 months ago

    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

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Daughter of black - Lily's reflections

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5:05:34 pm GMT 08/18/20
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
Weddings suck ass.
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1:56:10 am GMT 09/18/20
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
Kneel before your matron, children! Ha ha! The play was amazing! I still have no diea why Deayn and Nico picked me for a role, but I had the time of my life, and the audience loved it! It was a personal story for Deayn too, so I am even happier we got to play it out. I really need to sit down with the script and see if I can piece together how much of it was her actual past. I think I have a pretty good idea already. It started out as such an amazing night, but..

Bah. Nothing good ever lasts on Thain. First Jaqie drops in and makes a scene after robbing some Steinkreis noble, then guards come in looking for him and gets killed by Kallista, THEN Jaqie stages a kidnapping. Ugh! Of all nights to do it, it had to be Deayn's big night?! I should slap him silly! I should toss him from wall to wall! But... Bah.. It's such a pain in the ass... and I feel way too sorry for Deayn. She is going trough way too much crap to have to deal with his little rebellion. He doesn't seem that interested in help either. Maybe I should just distance myself from the guy. I have enough on my plate too.

Speaking of.. The paths things.. Sigh.. Meeting had a decent turnout, and people did learn from us.. Only the only thing I really learned is we are heading to a third cataclysm.. Just wonderful.. And I don't even know what cataclysm means! No one really knows how to combat this stuff either..Sigh.. I'm gonna freaking die on this rock.. ugh.. No, I am not going to sit somewhere and pout again. Now I'm gonna..... Ugh! I can't even smash things! I sould never have come to Thain!

This time it was because of a ghost pirate invasion! Yes! Ghost - pirate - invasion! It should be the most incredible, amazing thing in the world tree! Yet I hated every moment of it.. Too many civilians died. Not even getting to see the old man ooutperform anyone who ran there was worth the bodies that eventually littered the landing. Their cannon balls hurt like hell too. They didn't even leave phyical wounds, but for someone still recovering from a blood burn, it was a real nightmare.. At least I got to stare down their captain before they left.

So do I have anything to look forward to these days? Well, Garrik is coming over to see Cassia's armor some day. That will be nice. Deayn is coming with him, so I will cook them something nice... Maybe I will excuse myself over and over again and make it a sneak date!~ Hehehe!~ They are so cute together. Watching Deayn walk up to him and bring her arm around him was one of the sweetest things I have seen in a while. I hope I can- oh right! Deayn has never been over either! I should bring out all the good stuff! Or.. Garrik doesn't seem the type to enjoy showing off? Nnhh.. Gonna have to balance it.. Oh! I know! Home quality, but also simplistic! Yes, that should work! Food too. Turkey with red wine sauce. They should both like that.

I should really see if Darienne is free soon too. I have been thinking a lot on the Empyrean lately, and I think it is time to finally join them.
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5:36:15 am GMT 09/28/20
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
Grey... Grey... and more grey. Yep, this is the fugue alright.

It's scary how ready I feel for this. I mean, only a week or so has passed since I last cried over it, but.. Seeing people stand up against that lich, even Nicolette lifting my axe and fighting it so bravely. It sure got me pumped up. It made me get my shit together. Hells, I was still flying about! I could still talk! Hells yes! Help them! Show Nico how to fight! Damn it, Lily, she took your axe! Show her how to do it! ..I am so proud of that girl. Not even remotely ready for a place like this, and ready to face such a foe. Haha. Maybe she will be the new me!

But yeah.. Fugue. It is exactly what I expect... Much earlier than I thought, but. Eh.. My time probably ran out around the time the fight started. Even if we tried anything, it would be pointless. I don't think I told any of them about that deal, though. Oh well. At least I got to face my end with dignity. If there is one regret I have.... Hell, there are plenty.. but I never got to finish my play. I didn't get to write half the letters I wanted.. Dele will definitely be upset.. I wanted to write Hela one and hope her happiness.. She did get together with her ex after all.. Maybe one for Any too. "Haha! You're crying like a bitch!" Ha ha ha... That would have been amazing... Mean, but amazing.. Hmm.. Elith too.. but what would I say to him? I mean, I respect him, but what would I say? Maybe one for the elf queen? I never did apologize for my arrogance when she got cursed.... oh crap, I hope that isn't used against me! I'm having a hearing soon! AAAAAAHHH!!

"Lily Afein! You had the chance to save an elven queen from a curse, but in your arrogance, you thought it would be a dud. What have you to say for yourself?" "Uhhhhh... I was young and stupid?" ....damn it, I really was stupid. Stupid, arrogant, wild..

But I have come so far since then.. Everything that happened.. Cassia.. Kelemvor.. Doomguide.. Hells, even an actor in a play.. Quite literally throwing away my immortality to save her people, and now here for it. That deal. *sigh* I really hope Elith keeps his end of it, and goes on until Kelemvor gives him that part of his soul back..

Damn it, so much left to do too.. Thain is facing the void soon, and I can't be there to fight it.. I learned so much.. I knew I would likely die from it.. and what do I die to? A gods damned trap, in a *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep* no-name bitch of a lich's castle! Ugh.. So embarrassing.. Though looking down on my body, I could only feel fear. *sigh* I knew right away this could well be the end. Hells, I nearly let dread consume me. I'm glad the others were so brave, or I would really have entered here with regrets. Well, guys! I am proud of you!

...oh shit! What do we tell dad?! Oh shit! How will he react?! Oh shit, my guide is here!! AAAAAAHHHH!! I WANNA RUN!! I DON'T WANNA BE DEAD!!
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10:20:30 am GMT 10/12/20
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
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Aww.. Kurasa's so cute when she sleeps... bad time to be passed out drunk though.. but I guess I am the reason for that.. I am so sorry..

It's uh... Been a wild day... Day? Days? Weeks? Honestly, to me, it felt like an age. Walking it alone wasn't all.... oh who am I kidding, it was horrible. You are NOT going trough this for as long as I draw breath... Or even when I don't. I wont allow it.

But anyway.. Our friends came trough. they went trough the Fugue for me. Even remained to watch m regrets, and were there for my ruling.. Those idiots would even remain after.... but... that would have ended them.. and I couldn't let that happen.. besides.. it was obvious I wasn't ready.. I have too many regrets. Too many I leave behind. We uh.... Kinda broke out.


We beat the Gate Keeper too. Maybe at least YOU understand the gravity of that.. If you can hear anything that isn't gluhmluhmuh.. Heh.. I should probably come back when you're awake, and NOT dealing with a hangover.


..and when I'm not dealing with one..

Holy hells, I escaped my fate and we beat a Gate Keeper.. I.... escaped my fated path.. Broke my promise.. Escaped my afterlife.. bust out..

Okay, Phoenix. Find Phoenix. Go home. No freaking out in front of Kurasa. No freaking out in general. Can't scare the Empyrean. Can't be a screaming ghost. Can't freak out. Didn't just do the most ridiculous thing in the long run, did NOT ruin my own afterlife. Not freaking out. Nope. Not at all.


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4:51:17 am GMT 12/13/20
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
So.. I have had time to settle.

Brazik wanted to talk to me about the colorless thing, and was actually worried about what I would say. Why would he be afraid of that? I don't care what people are.. It sucks that he has to do this to keep living his life the way he wants, buuuuut.. I told him about me coming clean to Darienne, and what I told her. That if she asks, I will purge my own blood in a heartbeat. I also told him what dad said when I told him I was going to tell her. That I would still be me, regardless of my bloodline. Nothing could take away the fact that I was his daughter. I told Brazik it is the same with him. Purging his blood won't take away from who he is. He wanted to be able to keep being a hero, and keeping his bloodline would prevent him from doing that.. so I wrote down what he said, and recommended him to the other Keepers. He is one of us now.

As for other stuff? A pain that tunnels trough the darkness below. Various uhhh... Rebels? Vagrants? Renegades? ... Somethings. Various somethings from several Underdark factions are banding together to free some old shadow dragon sealed below Hammersong. Just what the island needs. A Underdark doomsday dragon cult. Sigh.. Like we don't have enough to deal with.. It's not something I can investigate on my own either.. Too risky.. But those pricks buried into the well in Hamley, and attacked both us and the Iron Mine. We drove them off, and us Keepers were invited to a summit in Hammersong. They told us of what is going on, and we went to investigate a place, which was really, really, really awesome. Those buggers have perfected steam technology! And they keep it secret! ...but of course, we were attacked underway, and we fought all kinds of underdark minions. Yay. At least I got an amazing trip out of it.

So what else..? Hmm.. Well... I have spent a little more time in Greenvale. Mostly just watching the tower, and wondering what I will say to the queen, if we ever meet again. The mere thought makes me want to run, but I know I ave to face this.. I just... Nngh.. I don't wanna.... but hey! I got to see more of the rebuilt city! It looks amazing! Tons of people around too, so my sacrifices paid off! Real yay!~

Oh yeah, and Deayn thought I should include more about my early life in my play. She said it is my story, and I should make it as full as I can... But what would I write? My early life was boring! It was normal! Life was amazing until I came here! I literally went from worrying about not walking home with someone cute, to worrying about fate, death, people, and constantly suffering anxieties and depressions! I didn't have that back home! So what the hell am I going to write? Gah! What a freaking pain! Stuff I have written about my early days here seems more like a narrative too. Bleh.. Damn it, I'm gonna need to ask for more help with this one. Ugh... It's gonna turn all serious to the end too. Like we need more dark and depressive shit... I should just make the whole damn thing a comedy..
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8:40:15 am GMT 12/22/20
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604

GRFSTLSMNRFS *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

I went for a walk again! Saw an elven friend I don't see too often again! Joined a trip to help again! And guess who is on another timer?! Raaaaahh!! This *beeeeeeeep* again!!

Gad damn ghost pirates! Having to lure us in to get us cursed! I should have smacked every single one of them! Them smacked them more when they came back! Then again, and again, and again, and again, and again!

And it's not just me this time! Others are cursed as well! Aeryth! Ryleena who just got back! Hela who just got back wth her ex! Nicolette! Cidldrir! I swear, if either of them die from this, I will make a gods damned storm!

I am NOT going trough this shit again! And neither are they! *beeep* Not one damn one of us will suffer this curse! We will deal with it, if I so have to destroy that damn entity myself!

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10:14:01 pm GMT 01/13/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604


I went home for the yule celebrations.. If my days are numbered again, I am at least going to spend my final winter holiday with dad. Kurasa came with me this time, and we had an amazing time. I got to show her the sights. So many I can tease her with, and so many she would never have imagined. In a good way. Also, we are dating now. I uh... still have no idea how that works. Maybe I'll ask Teron for advice.

And of course, coming back to Thain was a pain in the ass. It was straight back to conflicts. I had barely been back a day before someone put petrified gnomes with riftstones in them in Hamley's crops... Day two and I had to do my damn job again. Yay.

There is the whole curse too... but at least we have made some progress there. We know what Arae is, and we have made a bit of a plan moving forward. There is still tons that needs to be done, and tons of uncertainties, but we have a plan. We are not doomed. I will not LET them be doomed. There is just no way. Not one of them will be a spirit. Not one of them will die. It is just not happening. I don't care if I have to tear Arae apart with my own hands, I am not letting a single one of them go trough what I did.

And speaking of... One thing has become clear trough all of this... *sighs* I am really not looking forward to this, but.... I need to repent. I need to make peace with Kelemvor. I know it is easier said that done, but I have to do it. Arae will definitely not be the last situation like this I will face on Thain... if I... WE survive it.. And when those next times come, I -will- need their guidance. I need Kelemvor's powers.. But for that, I really need to prepare a case for myself. I broke our biggest no-no's. Just saying sorry and batting my eyes won't help me here.. *sigh* I need to really think on this.. Really prepare.. I gave everything for this island, and I will keep doing so..
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3:26:08 pm GMT 02/12/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
Ugh... Soooo tiiiiireeeed..

I swear, I can't feel my muscles anymore.. My body feels all soft, and I feel so weak.. I can't even lift a freaking piano anymore.. This damn curse is gonna be the end of me... Seriously, I might... I might just... I don't know, it feels like if I get any weaker, my body will just succumb, and I will drop dead before I know it.. At least our deciding assault is coming up..


If we fall...

I will have unfinished business..

I was unable to work things out with Kelemvor..

I have yet to apologize to Queen Yu'syu..

I will be leaving people behind again..

This can't happen... It just cant..

We have to win. We have to..

But ugh.... so.... damn... tired...

I'll be surprised if I can even hold my axe when we get there.. Sigh... For %¤#" sake, girl, get it together.. Everyone is staying strong for each other.. Nicolette is singing and cheering, and Hela made that candle.. such a sweet girl.. They both are..

And damn it, I can't be overshadowed by them! I am Lily gods damn Afein! I smash! I....

...I exhaust myself by getting worked up...

If this really is the end of me, I will..


Damn it...


Nicolette gave me that flower...

And if we win... things will be fine?

If we beat Arae, I can afford to die?

..Wake up back home, and get a full week of sleep?

Oh yeah, that will be nice...

Yeah, I'm gonna push my body to my absolute limit...

Who cares if I die? I'll be fine!

Yeah... I think I will take all the drugs in the house before we fight..
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5:00:40 am GMT 02/14/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604

It all comes down to tonight..

"Arae, Arae
Poisoner of the mind...
Arae, Arae
You can kiss my behind.."

I don't feel ready for it at all.. but.. I have two. -WE- have to. It's everything or nothing. Literally. We have to win..

I've spent the two last nights at the opera house.. and I have to say.. Nicolette is going to be one of the island's greats. I don't know what it was, but she did a pretty good job at cheering me up, and I can't help but wonder... Does she have a million songs memorized, or does she make things up on the spot? What was it she sang again?

"And they'll call you brave
When you're terrified
Cheer for you
When you're screaming inside
Ask for answers
That you can't provide
How many times?
How many times?"

Yeah, way too close to home, sweetie.. But it was nice. I always go to the opera to get in a better mood, and I am now. We talked about my play, and did a little planning around it. It might become their next big production! Sooooo look forward to that..

I returned to the opera house today.. and Deayn was too quick to pick up on things. I had to tell her about the curse, and she hugged me. She actually hugged me. We had the longest, most warming talk, and I got to show her my gift... but just as she was overcome with joy, Nicolette walked in wearing armor.. Yeah.. Deayn picked right up on that... It was hard.. Seeing them both cry.. It was hard, but it also reminded me to why I keep fighting. Why I ran from my own fate.. I fight so they won't have to. I fight so they won't cry..

I spent all day with them.. It was just what I needed.. We cried, we laughed we smiled... And now? Now I am ready to face Arae.

Meeting Kurasa on the way to Hamley too? It was lovely. We all went to my house, so I could get my armor.. No, not mine. Cassia's. It has been standing in my room for far too long. It is finally time I wear it. For everyone.

I am ready, Arae.

I am ready.
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4:58:35 pm GMT 03/25/21
Shade Registered Member #24916 Joined: 2:58:00 pm GMT 01/23/19
Posts: 604
Arae, Arae
Stealer of souls
Arae, Arae
We hear your howls

Twisted poisoner of the mind,
you finally kissed our behind.

By the gods, that was an experience.. An entire island as an enemy, having to find it's heart.. Having to DESTROY it's heart.. Oh yeah, we found a weapon for it! When we were inside Arae and peeked around what I now realize was its organs... Ugh! So disgusting. There is no way I will ever say that without a shudder.

Anyway, we freed a song that somehow lingered inside it, and it gave us this weird clue, in form of runes, like the ones on the rune boulders. Yaaaaaay.. We have to learn more about the creepy rune boulders.. Well, not as much as I do now, but anyway. I had this plan to get several of them onto ships and pull a six point formation around the island, and cast the greatest revival spell in history, buuuuuuut.. Things took a different turn. I took them all to the hole of spirits in hopes of it telling us something... It didn't. So we went to the mausoleum and had a look at the stone there. I think we all were just throwing ideas around, and one of them just happened to work while we were trying another. For future reference, Lily. When someone is singing a holy song, and a big thing reacts, it is not because you and four others are rubbing it like mad.... and then the damn thing cracked. We destroyed a freaking rune stone.

But.. We were able to use one of its shards against Arae. We went into its heart, and I am not sure what I was expecting to find in the literal heart of an island, or how I thought I could enter without walking trough arteries... There was just... so.... much... blood! It was so &¤#%¤#%#" disgusting! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!! And I was thigh deep in it! At my height! I felt so sorry for the others! And that stench! Uuuuuugh!! Diiiiiiiiiisgusting!!

...but we killed Arae. I don't know how many times I went down in that battle against an island's literal heart, but at least it helped Nicolette and Aeryth carve the runes that killed it. It died, and blood seeped trough the floor, and we got to take the long walk back outside. I have to admit, it was a little anti climactic, but seeing the clouds clear around the island when we came back out, and feeling the wind against us. That was just so worth it. It was back home for a well earned rest after it.

But you know what? We can't have a damn good thing on this island. Those cultists in the Underdark? There are many of them! A damn army many of them! Enough to lay siege against Hammersong! Can't we have even one moment of peace around here?! Anyway.. Those guys are seriously understaffed... Or... They have plenty, but what we don't get is outside help. One would think an army rushed down there for aid, but nooooo... I am alone there half the time. At least Kurasa comes by, and the Shire clan peeks in now and then, and Sam comes by.. I am glad neither of them were there when that drider attacked, though. Damn bastard wiped the floor with the lads, then freaking resurrected them and sent them on me. Yeah. Not fun.

I woke up in the damn Fugue... Wonderful. More things that shouldn't happen. I should have been sent home. I mean, I did plan to go back, but it would be nice to have SOMETHING happen on my terms.. At least it went well.. I mean, sure, I had this whole speech prepared, and it would have been nice to have somebody listen, but I can't complain about the chance they gave me. It's just... Really worrying. There was a rune boulder in the Fugue. It sent waves of the dead back to life.

I can see the boulders being nice in that they give people hope. It is nice to have insurance. I know that all too well. Sometimes, you just need to know that everything will be okay.. What I don't like is that they can bring back anyone.. Like I told Nicolette. Sure, it is nice to have an extra day with grandma, or have daddy return from work... but it would also mean cutthroats in the slums return... and worse. As much as I hate to admit it, this world needs death. There needs to be an end. I can't believe I am even saying it. I just want to protect people. Keep my friends smiling. Keep those around me smiling.. Take the path that costs the least lives.. And now I actually have to ensure death.. It feels... horrible..
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