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  • Shards
    Shards  4 months ago

    Happy New Year!

  • Edrick
    Edrick  4 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    You the man thanks mate

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago

    There it is!

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago


  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

  • Payne
    Payne  6 months ago

    Edrick... mad

  • Edrick
    Edrick  6 months ago


  • !ofAkindGuy2000
    !ofAkindGuy2000  6 months ago


  • Glognar
    Glognar  6 months ago

    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

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The Banifaction III

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12:32:24 pm GMT 09/02/11
Dontella Registered Member #1004 Joined: 12:54:02 pm GMT 03/16/07
Posts: 2499
The stone floor was cool, even through the weight of her heavy woolen robes. And kneeling upon the darkened prison floor she was reminded of nothing so much as those long days spent in lessons at the Castle Darkhold.

The distinct rattle of chain marked the air, as she turned manacle covered wrists to rest against one another. Even now the heavy iron remained in place, limiting her movements as where one hand went the other was forced to follow. She paid it little mind, focusing instead upon her thoughts.

“Was it worth it?” The question had been a curious one, and the speaker had sounded almost sad in the phrasing of such.

She laughed lightly, the sound echoing with an eerie tone for a moment before fading to the distance. Oh if only they understood how well it was worth it, but so few would ever truly grasp the true impact of what had transpired.

The city above hated her. The city above feared her. They were filled with a rage and anger, their lives were thrown into a turmoil.



When they spoke her name in dread, it was truly the name of Bane they feared. She was their nightmare, she was the warning spoken in the dead of night, she was the threat used to frighten one's children into behaving.

She reveled in it all.

Oh yes, it was definitely worth it.

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6:01:14 pm GMT 09/02/11
Ogreman007 'Lupi made me do it
Registered Member #175 Joined: 5:49:41 pm GMT 07/23/04
Posts: 4286

They lay scattered along the road which feeds the village from the east, connecting it with the rest of the island. Spiders of various sizes and colours lay spread about the path bathing the grass in a sickly-green goo. Amidst the mess are the bodies of two wolves: one in two halves spread far enough that a bear could easily stand between them nose to tail. The centre-piece of the spectacle however lays further along the path. Side by side they lay, as if death reached them both at once. Swords drawn though dropped, one is badly burned from some searing heat, the other bloodied but recognisable to those who might know him. Guards both in life, now they serve another purpose. The more recognisible of the two is minus most of his belongings: the issued supplies, food, what little coin he had. Instead, within his tattered bag, he carries but a simple letter, sealed shut and with no identifiable markings on the outside. It is addressed to one "Aaron L.":

'No matter how hard I try I cannot imagine you would believe me if I told you I found these poor paladins like this before I arrived on the scene. Their demise is of little consequence for wearing the armour they are already dead. You will look beyond the manner in which this letter is delivered and to its message. It will have been handed to you after this man's superior blesses this crippled shell and searches the remains for belongings to send to the family. He will find none.

If you know what is good for you, for your people, for the safety of the island, you will agree with the terms of this letter and follow its instructions. Failure to do so will result in a great many more lives being lost, when you had been given opportunity to save them. This is that opportunity. You will go to the cave of the rift within the feywood and there we will meet and discuss what needs to be done to avert such catastrophe. You will go alone - if you fear for your safety while traversing the woods then a personal escort may see you to the cave but will remain outside for our discussions.

You will do this because lives are at stake, because you are a hero: you cannot say no.

Know that your safety will be upheld so long as it remains that you comply with this request and you hear out what is to be said.

~D. Chambers'

Moving away from the fallen bodies, Dwent departed the road to Hamley certain in his mind that the delivery of the letter, though unconventional, would see success at least. Whether this "Aaron" would listen to him remained to be seen.
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10:51:07 am GMT 09/03/11
Dontella Registered Member #1004 Joined: 12:54:02 pm GMT 03/16/07
Posts: 2499
"Is this her?"

"Sure is, guvnor. One and only. Not like we keep many folks down here. Waste of money. And you know how his lordship is with coin, eh?"

The voices caught the air outside the cell, drawing her out of her meditations. She rose to standing and appraised the trio before her. The one in the center wore no armor and bore no visible weapons on hand. He carried himself with a slight twitch that clearly said he wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Yes, yes... quickly now. Put the collar on her."

"You have the collar. You put it on."

"Buncha cowards."

She smirked, watching the three shuffle about until one of them finally had the courage to step into the cell with her, carrying a heavy ring of iron metal in both hands before him.

"Now stick yer pretty neck out, yer holiness."

She was going to kill him later. Of that, there would be no doubt. The metal closed in about her, and as it locked into place at the back of her neck she felt dizzy, light-headed. There was some fell magic in the metal that was gnawing at her mind, breaking down her magic and threatening her resolve. It was going to take all of her patience to keep her mind together with such a thing on.

"Now. With us, and no funny business."

"You're being uh... how'd his lordship put it?"

"Escorted for tea?"

"Uh... Granted accomodasions... more fitting your statue!"

"... stature. This way."

"Part orc, that one, no?"

Strong arms pulled her forward, the heavily armed guards following close at the twitchy little man's heels. Reaching their destination the smaller figure in his official robes began to mutter in the language of magic, but the iron about her neck was making her dizzy and unable to focus on what was being chanted. What she did know was the ground opened before them into a ladder down and tunnel beyond that.

"Down she goes."

The space was narrow, cramped.. she wanted to swear as one hand after another grabbed her arm this way and that in the small confined space. She wanted to scream at them to stop touching her, she'd move on her own. She managed to quell the impulse and staggered into the large opening before them.

"Gods I'm glad I'm not stationed down here..."

More magic, the door was being sealed behind them.

"Not far now..."

"Good... I heard Jacob tell 'bout all the weird things down here... things that... bad things."

"Crawling and full of tentacles and ooze?"

The two guards stopped dead in their tracks a moment, taking a hesitant look around the area.

"Keep moving.."

The walk continued further still and she spotted a notice in the distance warning that the area was off limits. They marched right up to the doorway and inside, into a station where at least a half dozen more guards were settled.

"Huh. Fresh meat. Don't suppose you're the relief force?"

"I wish. We're not due yet for another week. At least now we'll have something to actually guard."

The Knights and Guards turned to glower at her, and her lip curled in amusement at the anger concealed there. They were going to hate this, of that she would be certain. They likely already did, having to tolerate the company of someone who had likely killed many of their comrades.

"Uh. Yes, by order of lord Bargus and... and... Just don't let her escape, whatever you do."

"Keep moving, you."

A hand shoved her past the guards on duty and she chuckled as a massive door swung open and they pushed her inside. But another surge of magical disruption caught her then, threatening to knock her over for a moment at the intensity.

"Duty done! I uh, hope the accommodations are to your... eh, why bother."


"I need that necklace back. Budget concerns, see. And it won't be needed here. That might sting a little."

He reached up to remove the heavy iron, and she glowered as the lock gave a static jolt right into her neck when he fumbled it the first time. Clearly it was meant not to come off easily, and a second jolt of searing pain drove into her side as he finally pried the accursed metal off.

She took in a deep breath, as her head began to clear.

"Uh. That's all. You'll be fed twice daily."

Lifting her manacled wrists for those to be removed as well, she watched the trio flee back beyond the doors and as far from her as they could manage. Listening to their bootfalls retreating, she moved to explore the new location that was to hold her and to examine the brutal obelisk that entirely destroyed the magic in the area and sent chills coursing through her body.

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/OOC: Thanks to DM Iguana for the guards/RP. Editted conversation slightly so as to remove things that might be too revealing.
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8:02:54 pm GMT 09/05/11
Dontella Registered Member #1004 Joined: 12:54:02 pm GMT 03/16/07
Posts: 2499
There was little enough to do, the occasional rat provided a momentary distraction, but when those had been dealt with she was pack to pacing the narrow twisting hallway and large space. Part of her almost hoped that they would have relatively competent torture experts to break up the monotony, but she had her doubts as to that.

It was clear the city wanted her alive. If she was just to be jailed and forgotten alone they would not be taking such extreme steps as they had. They would not bother with sending down meals, would not bother to watch over the doors so carefully. She did not mind, it served her purpose to remain something they feared so utterly. And it served her purpose to remain living so that she could truly be made the villain, a necessary path if her grand design was to work in full.

Still, the space did bear a set of stocks and other chains. There was some potential her stay could become more interesting, of course that would involve them finding someone who did not blanch at the sight of her.

For now she could simply wait, and hope the others realized the full potential of what she had built for them. And for now, she could pray unto Bane that they had the strength of will to see the course forward, and to spend her time in thought of what was yet to come.
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3:24:39 am GMT 09/06/11
Registered Member #613 Joined: 9:18:34 pm GMT 09/09/05
Posts: 6851
Oppertunity, knocks.
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7:24:19 am GMT 09/08/11
Nev Registered Member #1394 Joined: 3:59:40 am GMT 02/05/09
Posts: 83
Having received a letter from Aaron Lyonaler during an exchange of information Meluseld made her way towards the city. As she moved through the city proper her pace was as calm, if a bit hurried, as usual, but once she passed through the door of the Knights' Keep she made a full sprint to Rittermark's office.

"Sir!" she began, "I have news regarding the priestess of Bane and her allies." Meluseld handed the letter over to Sir Rittermark before continuing, "Sir Aaron received this from a Thayan operative and followed through with the meeting. The purpose of which was apparently to set up another meeting with Paydon himself. It is likely that Paydon now knows Nasmat has been taken and will demand that Sir Aaron reveal her location. Though he assures me that he will divulge nothing, not that he knows the specifics of her confinement to begin with. The Zhentarim may be taking cues directly from Paydon in this matter and are awaiting something more solid before committing to action."

"We should expect trouble, from both the Thayans and the Zhentarim, it is only a matter of time now. On a personal note, I believe they may begin by targeting the Crossroads crowd at first. They're a fickle sort, and it may not take much to get them to start blaming us for their troubles. Whatever the plan for Nasmat is, it needs to happen. Quickly."

With that she saluted smartly and left Sir Rittermark to ponder the latest ill tidings.
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8:18:39 am GMT 09/08/11
Dontella Registered Member #1004 Joined: 12:54:02 pm GMT 03/16/07
Posts: 2499
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10:31:34 pm GMT 09/11/11
NightBlade Registered Member #1476 Joined: 9:02:11 pm GMT 08/16/09
Posts: 455
It had been several weeks since Chambers had requested the meeting to set up another meeting, one with Aaron and Paydon, but no word had been sent to him. As he told Chambers, the preferred method of contacting him was via courier sent to the Roadhouse in Hamley. While he had time to be in Hamley, Aaron checked with the proprietor to see if word had been sent. Thus far, each of his inquiries had been met with a "No". With little more that he could do on the matter, Aaron went about his business searching for clues as to the whereabouts of Keen, waiting on Paydon to contact him.
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1:51:13 pm GMT 09/12/11
Ogreman007 'Lupi made me do it
Registered Member #175 Joined: 5:49:41 pm GMT 07/23/04
Posts: 4286
Aaron needn't have worried, truth be told. Well, perhaps he ought to be worried, but not about any message of meeting not arriving. Dwent did indeed listen to the paladin during the meeting and, though it made him sigh at the missed opportunities along the way, he refrained from any assault as he crept toward Hamley under cover of some recently purchased invisibility potions. Spiders along the morning road gave the perfect distraction to the guards on the east side of the approach, and through the partially-opened gate he proceeded.

Inside the people of the hamlet were beginning to go about their pointless lives, bringing wasted food to useless cattle, carrying supplies to sustain their pitiful existences. To subjugate them and make them serve him, he thought, would at least give their short lives a true meaning. But he knew such would never happen. Still, passing a cow pen and breaking the lock off the gate made him smile. He checked his invisibility and, not seeing himself yet, ducked behind a house as the sun parted clouds overhead. From out of the door stepped a "fully-fledged" paladin, as he'd describe it, and he decided now was as good a time as ever.

He drew upon his link with the undead creature which he commanded, summoning it beside him in a gentle white mist which dissipated swiftly in the air. Into its withered hand he thrust a letter and muttered "Let it be on the body of my own this time" a wicked smile on his lips in recognition that his minion would likely fall to the paladin's blessed weaponry.

The fight was short-lived, a couple of villagers running in absolute terror at the creature, which did get in a couple of blows into the paladin's defenses, but it was quickly cut down. The beast disappeared in a flash of blue and white, a letter where it fell the only evidence that it was there at all. It was addressed simply to "Aaron".

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'I sent a courier as you asked. Perhaps you are still unsatisfied. Your kind are so difficult to please.
What we discussed before is no longer necessary. Only wasted time will result from any discussion with you and those who hold the hand of Bane 'imprisoned'.
Do what you will with your captive but know that you handle volatile goods. It would be a pity to see you come to harm through inappropriate handling of what you've gotten yourself into: She is trouble beyond what you give her credit for.
But alas, I feel my words are wasted on your ears, my letter wasted on your eyes: your arrogance does you little favour other than helping you sleep at night I would guess. I would just say simply that we are done. That this act of insolence requires no intervention to solve but such a diversion has assisted us beyond measure. In a way I should be thanking you for helping us... but as I said - wasted words.
You will be of use again soon. But not right now. I will be in touch.

~D. Chambers.'
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3:54:02 pm GMT 09/12/11
Dontella Registered Member #1004 Joined: 12:54:02 pm GMT 03/16/07
Posts: 2499

A young man walked the island restlessly.

The rumors of the woman's arrest had circled about the island, whispered in some places and spoken openly in others. Tensions rose high as many awaited retaliation that would come, and yet it seemed only silence was the answer.

It was time. Somewhere in his mind, he knew this is what he had been 'born' to do.

He cleaned up his travel garments and headed for the city, wanting to see first hand the destruction that had been wrought.

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Construction was going on, but still the ruins of the once proud city were evident, and he could only look on at the devastation. That one person could destroy so much, and so many lives in their actions and still seem to face no consequences grated upon his nerves.

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So far as he knew, so much as he remembered at least.. this was his father's city. He knew the rumors that there was evidence of her guilt, and now the tale of her capture was reaching the ears of the people but still nothing seemed to be done to punish the guilty party.

His intention was to first visit the Keep and present them with his papers, but he looked to the men and women who struggled to rebuild and he strode up to the center square.

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Raising his voice above the bustle of the city, he sought to draw the people's attention as he began to speak.

"Good People of Steinkreis, those of you who live and work here and those of you who seek to protect the lives of those within the city I come before you as any man this day. Any man who sees your suffering and toil in the cruel acts of a mad woman, and admires the spirit that refuses to yield to such terror."

"Know that the villain responsible for these acts has been caught, and a confession of her guilt has sealed her fate. Know that Justice will be served and this murdering woman will be brought to her final punishment before your eyes, and thus her reign of fear will be ended."

"Know that Justice comes, and I will fight for you.. the people of Steinkreis."

Hopping down lightly, hoping that such would reassure the masses, he continued on his journey towards the city core.

... Rumors of Kampfer's Ghost appearing in the city square begin to circle soon after ...

/ooc: Change appearance on a summon in game, likely not an accurate visual image, but used for SS's and RP purposes.
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