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  • Shards
    Shards  3 months ago

    Happy New Year!

  • Edrick
    Edrick  3 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    You the man thanks mate

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago

    There it is!

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago


  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

  • Payne
    Payne  6 months ago

    Edrick... mad

  • Edrick
    Edrick  6 months ago


  • !ofAkindGuy2000
    !ofAkindGuy2000  6 months ago


  • Glognar
    Glognar  6 months ago

    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

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Harpist's Abstraction

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11:21:46 pm GMT 05/11/13
MetalTree arrivederci, megido
Registered Member #1403 Joined: 3:11:09 am GMT 02/26/09
Posts: 1864
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Harpist's Abstraction
Musings, Songs, and Anecdotes of Xavia Sampson

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Art of JDarnell
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11:28:13 pm GMT 05/11/13
MetalTree arrivederci, megido
Registered Member #1403 Joined: 3:11:09 am GMT 02/26/09
Posts: 1864
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At heart, I am a scholar, a linguist. I am a musician as well, but in truth I much more enjoy the soaking of knowledge, of lore, of languages, to entertaining courts. I am spurred by my wanderlust not to spread my songs, but rather to find those in need and to accumulate knowledge. I find most speculations and ignorant thought can be easily answered by many different perspectives, gathered from many different people.

One of the questions that have plagued me for most of my young existence – for no special reason – is “what defines a person?”

In my traveling and studying and introspective thoughts, I have stumbled across an answer, finally. I believe what defines an identity is an intricate compilation of their past, present, and future. Time is a principle the reasoning races know all too well, even the immortal ones.
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11:36:49 pm GMT 05/11/13
MetalTree arrivederci, megido
Registered Member #1403 Joined: 3:11:09 am GMT 02/26/09
Posts: 1864
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Past I

The past is truly the simplest of the three subcategories that pertain your personage. It is the bundle of your experiences, your birth, your history, everywhere you have been and every soul that you have encountered. It is every battle you have fought and every crime you have committed, and most of all, it is all the good you have or have not done.

My story is, at its roots, a basic one.

An heiress born to a dense noble, doomed to a life of riches and comfort. Yes, doomed. I would not wish the high-class world of intrigue and gossip upon anyone; it is a world of insecurity and false prides, of stunted thought and pretentious luxuries.

Luckily, I am more than my birth. I was born an illegitimate daughter to a widowed woman. My father was, as far as I knew in my younger years, a renowned bard and excellent company. I did not question Riardon du Monte's character until his death, and even then I clung to his music and image, ignoring the rumors and strange adjectives spun about the whirlwind of lips that is the Sword Coast's nobility.

The discovery of my father's true occupation is a tale for another time, however.

I have one brother, five years my senior, born from my vacant mother's dead husband, of the Sampson line. Robert and I got along marvelously as children – as long as my father was not visiting –, but during his pubescent stages he developed mannerisms that made me inherently uncomfortable around him. His eyes remind me of a starved wolf. If I was the personification of wanderlust, he was the same of bloodlust.

But! Here I go again, rambling. I was always told I spoke too much, and I suppose I write the same way, even in my poetry and prose. My past is much more detailed than this – who doesn't love a good little mystery, though?

I certainly do enjoy puzzles and rhymes and riddles – the aforementioned true occupation of my father is the best example. One of the first clues I found was this song by a writer in Waterdeep named O'kern.

I Mourn by Leaney O'kern

The grimmest sight,
I ever saw,
was the dimming light
of m'brother, raw.

By blood he was not,
but in demeanor indeed;
a man ne'er haught
din't deserve to bleed.

I shut my eyes at his grisly wound,
a sword in his gut,
his killer doomed.
To my hand, would he drop – but!

Just then, before my hateful eyes:
a shimmering pool,
did I surmise
beneath the body – o' world, so cruel!

For his heart was solid gold,
and his soul; a molten silver.
The good cannot hold,
but neither could his liver!

A ladies' man was he;
A drink, a plea,
and a naughty reed.

More masterful was his swordplay even,
did drop foes by the tens – O' woe!
His reputation, cleaven.
How will I now face his glow?
By song, by word, we will remember
the flame spread by the greatest ember!
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11:44:37 pm GMT 05/11/13
MetalTree arrivederci, megido
Registered Member #1403 Joined: 3:11:09 am GMT 02/26/09
Posts: 1864
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The present is a grand collection of your beliefs and your skills.

Your beliefs are your conscious thoughts and boundaries, as well as your morals and principles. Or, in unfortunate cases, your lack of morals. This is one of the most important virtues in a person, if the great balanced bundle can even have segments that are more important than others. I believe it can. What are you willing to do for your goals? For your friends? For your family? What about for your enemies? These thoughts define your very actions, and your actions are how the world perceives you.

My principles are straight-forward, clean-cut, and precise. There are no loopholes. The most dangerous of people are those without these virtues. How can you predict someone's actions if they cannot predict their own?

On the other hand, skills can be defined as what you have to offer to others.

A pretty song, a pretty face, an intelligent mind, and a quick wit. That is what I offer to my acquaintances, my traveling partners, and my friends.

To civilians and innocents I offer protection, safety, and a little bit of Tymora's shining luck.

And to my enemies? Redemption or justice. Those are the only offers.
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12:17:58 am GMT 05/12/13
MetalTree arrivederci, megido
Registered Member #1403 Joined: 3:11:09 am GMT 02/26/09
Posts: 1864
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A complex web of possibilities is all I see before me.

The only thing I can be sure of, is wherever I am, whomever I am with, and whatever I am doing: I will be making the right choices, helping, educating, protecting, and reveling.

This life is measured by what you give, not by what you attain. I'm looking at you, the scoundrels, thieves, villains, tyrants, and even the adventurers thirsting for gold, and blood, and fame; Your lives are worthless and forfeit.

Art by Jessica O-B and Leonid K.
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8:24:47 pm GMT 05/17/13
MetalTree arrivederci, megido
Registered Member #1403 Joined: 3:11:09 am GMT 02/26/09
Posts: 1864
On Duty

Half-truths are an ugly thing. They are, to my chagrin, wholly necessary in my line of work.

What is it you do?” I am asked, time and time again – a name is rarely enough.

That is where the light dishonesty I speak of comes into play.

A traveling musician,” I reply, and sometimes instead, “I dabble in the arcane,”, or perhaps, “I suppose, a bard.

So what is it I truly am? I am the brains of operations, a recruiter, and a commander. I plot, I direct, and I lead.

For what, for whom?

Now, now. So nosy, so very curious. I understand – it is my bane. They say curiosity killed the cat, but I believe it will one day kill this little songbird.

The only people who will ever learn of my true profession – should information flow the way I will it to – will be my recruits. I arrived on this strange isle alone, armed with rumors and books, and I will not begin spinning my web until I have found a spider or two to help in the weaving. A dusty remnant of the web before mine remains, and I will locate it and rebuild it with the silk of my gland, and the silk of my recruits.

So, what sort of silk do I search for?

Beckoning Song

Strong of soul,
and sure of his role.
Able of body,
and mind not too shoddy.
'Tis the man I speak of, in search of his cause.

Long has he walked the dusty roads,
barely hearing his own odes;
behind him a trail of forget-me-nots,
and his enemies never left to cots.
'Tis the man I search for, not an unjust drop on his paws.

Does he truly exist?
An unpure lip he has not kissed.
An ally's horn, he will hear;
his conscience ever clear.
'Tis the man I admire, evil shakes between his jaws.

Now, this may seem like quite a request,
but please know it is not my behest.
The only thing this man truly needs,
is the strong soul, for which he bleeds.
'Tis the men I call for, and I will look past their flaws.
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8:48:47 pm GMT 05/17/13
MetalTree arrivederci, megido
Registered Member #1403 Joined: 3:11:09 am GMT 02/26/09
Posts: 1864
Missives I

Civilization Assessment: South to North

Threat Level: Moderate
Need Level: Low
Residents: Formerly undead, Orcs (?), Dwarves (?), Duregar (?)
From what I understand, the land has been mostly cleansed after its destruction and corruption.

Threat Level: Trivial
Need Level: Trivial
Residents: Elves, Travelers
Thriving, with ample defenders.


Threat Level: ?
Need Level: ?
Residents: Elves
Enemies of Greenvale.

Sandburrow Bay & Cobblewall Inn
Threat Level: Trivial
Need Level: Trivial
Residents: Halfings, Travelers
Ogres frequent the areas, but are handled by defenders. The Bay doubles as a farming village
and thrives. The Cobblewall seems to be some sort of passageway to Poisonwood.

Threat Level: ?
Need Level: Low
Residents: Dwarves, Approved Travelers
They seem to keep to themselves, and mostly there are doors shut. I have heard of a war with
the Duregar raging beneath the mountain.

The Landing
Threat Level: Trivial
Need Level: Low
Residents: Mostly humans, Travelers
A small harbor town. The only real issue is pirates, further down the coast, but they seem to be
handled by plundering journeymen.
The Greater Steinkreis Area
Threat Level: Trivial
Need Level: Trivial
Residents: Mostly humans, Travelers
Includes the Crossroads and Mines. Many things happens in these lands, but overall they are
doing well. There is currently an issue with surplus of dragonkin, and they are hunted down by
Steinkreis' troops.

Raven's Watch
Threat Level: Low
Need Level: Moderate
Residents: Humans, Monstrous Humanoids, Goblinoids, Dragonkin, Devilkind, Demonkind, Travelers
An enemy of both Steinkreis and Hamley, a wretched fortress led by a greedy man. Evil breeds
here, though there is not much that can be done overall. [Addendum: Banites and Zhentarim
known to do business here in slavery and other shipping goods.]

Hamley and the Outpost
Threat Level: Trivial
Need Level: Moderate
Residents: Mostly Humans, Travelers
A farming village which supplies food for much of the island. Frequently at risk with bad defenses.

Threat Level: Trivial
Need Level: Low
Residents: Elves, Approved Travelers
Seem to thrive and mostly keep out unwanted guests, though may be having a problem with the
Gnolls in the marshlands nearby.

The Northlands

Threat Level: Trivial
Need Level: Trivial
Residents: Mostly Humans, Travelers
Thriving. Possible threat with Craggen Island to the south and Giants in the hills.
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7:29:24 pm GMT 05/22/13
MetalTree arrivederci, megido
Registered Member #1403 Joined: 3:11:09 am GMT 02/26/09
Posts: 1864
Missive II

To Sir Rittermark of Steinkreis:

I regret to inform you that Hovam Chell, a knave in your service, has been murdered by a black dragonkin by the name of Balasara. You will find his body in the Graves of the Honored Dead - an associate of mine placed him there for safe-keeping until such time that you can retrieve him and give him the burial he deserves.

I had been in the Crossroads area when I noticed a few Trade guards missing and ran into a captain and a knave (not Chell) searching for something in the woods. I was curious, and mistakenly looked around the area. I ran into the creature, and learned that she plan to make herself known and kill the guards I had seen earlier. I attempted to stall her, at least until she grew weary and hopefully left. Unfortunately, Knave Chell passed near the area on his patrol, and on seeing the monster threatening me with her axe, he attacked and was cut down before I could stop her. I was able to stall her longer after that, until my associate arrived and convinced her to leave the lands belonging to Steinkreis for the time being.

This black dragonkin and her brother, Richo, a man who was rumored to have been in your custody before, are a serious threat to the lives of the innocent civilians in your protected lands. People should be warned against their dangers.

Thank you,
Xavia Sampson
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5:20:34 pm GMT 07/02/13
MetalTree arrivederci, megido
Registered Member #1403 Joined: 3:11:09 am GMT 02/26/09
Posts: 1864
Missives III

To Sir Rittermark of Steinkreis:

Earlier today I came to the city and noticed a faint blood trail, starting from a bit north of the market and leading all the way to uptown. At the end of the trail, I found two fighting men. One was hooded and bleeding, and the second was a blonde man. His arms were exposed and he had two swords - he was a very good fighter, though he beat the hooded man on a cheap shot. Two knights on patrol came by, near to where I was watching from, and I am not exactly sure what happened, but I believe the hooded man threw two throwing knives and killed them both. I attempted to save their lives but could not do more than ease their passing.

When the fight was over, I questioned the blond man. He was brusque at first, but when I threatened to report his appearance to you, he told me that the man he killed had been a thief who stole from a manor in the city. I asked him why he didn't just escort the thief to Blackrock, and the man gave me an excuse and disappeared. I am sorry that my description of the man is not ideal, but I hope this helps somehow. I told the knaves guarding where to find the bodies of the knights and the hooded man when I gave them this letter.

Xavia Sampson.

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4:14:46 am GMT 07/19/13
MetalTree arrivederci, megido
Registered Member #1403 Joined: 3:11:09 am GMT 02/26/09
Posts: 1864
Roll Call

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[[OOC note: This is all OOC information, just for fun. All/most harper characters will go up here eventually!]]
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