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    Shards  3 months ago

    Happy New Year!

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    Edrick  3 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    You the man thanks mate

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago

    There it is!

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago


  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

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    Payne  6 months ago

    Edrick... mad

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    Edrick  6 months ago


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    Glognar  6 months ago

    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

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Opening a can of Demons

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2:46:34 pm GMT 12/14/10
Ogreman007 'Lupi made me do it
Registered Member #175 Joined: 5:49:41 pm GMT 07/23/04
Posts: 4286
Deep in a powerful wizard's secret dungeon, two daring individuals are recruited to save a prized posession from escaping the magical barrier that holds it. . . a simple task on paper, but they would underestimate the level of power the demon still retained under its control.

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9:11:36 pm GMT 12/15/10
Amracil I'm Watching You
Registered Member #273 Joined: 7:18:06 pm GMT 09/21/04
Posts: 6051
They had met on the road, each a welcome sight to the other in the darkness of the mountains. Wanting to reach safer territory before they stopped to speak, it was suggested that they make their way to the tower and the relative safety it would offer them.

“Finding your way around the island without too much difficulty?” Asked Sar'rel as they made their way down the stairs into the main room of the tower.

“Yes, the Colonel has been of much help.”


“Could we speak over there?” Asked Metuo, gesturing toward the library, a worried look on his face.

“Certainly.” Turning his head, Sar'rel scrutinized the expression on the other mans face carefully.

“Why does Khalador seem to make you so uneasy? Has something happened?” Pressed Sar'rel as they stood between the shelves of books.

“I'll explain. I was here with the Colonel and Lord Khalador sent us on a mission into his basement. There was a demon trapped down there that we were to make sure remained trapped. Lord Khalador made it very clear that there was no room for failure and provided us with a ritual we were to perform. The demon of course, did not like what we were attempting to do, so it interrupted the ritual.”

“Imagine that. I believe I can see where this is going. But please continue.”

“During the ritual the Colonel attempted to distract it but it was not enough. I managed to keep it going for a while but.. the last thing I remember was that it set the floor on fire.”

“So... the two of you failed, then.”

Head hanging in shame, the answer came slowly. “Yes. The demon escaped.”

“Come with me.”

Walking toward the dais that his fellow wizard seemed ever to occupy, Sar'rel approached, standing on the same level to address Khalador.

“This man and the Colonel failed, as you likely know. If the demon that escaped brings me any new headaches I will hold you responsible, not them. It was your decision to send them - your decision not to aid them. Your failing. Remedy this as soon as possible.”

From behind, Metuo whispered. “Actually.. Lord Sar'rel. I didn't get to that part, Lord Khalador was fighting off an attacker.”

“Doesn't matter.”

Turning toward Khalador again, Sar'rel continued. “Hold them responsible for their part. But know that I, Khazark, hold you responsible in equal measure. Clean up your mess and we can forget about this. If there is something I can do to help, let me know. Now... perhaps the three of us can work out the beginnings of a solution.”

Turning to Metuo, he asked. “What else do you know?”

“After I fell I remember little. All I know is that the demon is gone and might come back to bring havoc upon Thayans on Thain. Neither me or the Colonel know, but we think that it might be for the best to call upon the demon to trap it again.”

“If this demon causes problems with the island, fantastic.” Said Sar'rel softly with a nod. “That alone could make this disaster less aggravating. If it causes us problems...” He trailed off, shaking his head.

“But it will seek those who held it trapped, don't you think?” Queried Metuo.

Turning once more to Khalador, Sar'rel spoke. “I trust you will ensure it does not.”

Taking a deep breath, he went on. “Like so many things in life... we will take this one day at a time.”

“But if we could figure out the demons name.. we might be able to call upon it and perhaps destroy it. But it said itself that it would take many wizards to summon it.”

Nodding at Metuo's words, Sar'rel offered an idea that might work in tandem. “We might also enlist the aid of a demons ancient foe should we see it again. Devils.”

Turning once more to Khalador, Sar'rel spoke levelly. “I would very much be interested to know why in the hells you had a demon of such power bound in the bowels of your tower, Khalador. Very interested indeed. Should Azuul learn that you are working with demons he might call on you in person. And I doubt even your friend there,” he said, indicating the golem standing some distance away, “would be enough to stop him making his displeasure painfully clear.”

Having said what needed to be said, Sar'rel whispered orders to his own magical construction and made ready to leave.
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11:56:44 pm GMT 12/15/10
Lefse Kamel
Registered Member #460 Joined: 8:56:43 pm GMT 03/06/05
Posts: 2312
From all of the pain that had inflicted upon him that night, nothing felt worse than Khaladors displeasure of his failure. He hated failure and he hated to disappoint those he was supposed to serve. It had been his first task on Thain and he had failed. Just a few days after the escape of the demon Metuo had spoken with Dwent. They both feared that the demon might return to punish themselves and the other Thayans on Thain and the consequences of such an event. Both agreed that they should consult Sar’rel and Paydon, they would know what to do.

Dwent seemed to have taken the failure even more personal than Metuo. He found that a bit strange, as it was after all he, Metuo, who had been responsible for performing the ritual, not Dwent. Of course it had been Dwents task to protect Metuo, but what can a warrior do against the magical powers of a demon?

A week later he met Sar’rel in the Drakamyre Mountains and Metuo had used the opportunity to share the recent events with the Red Wizard. Sar’rels reaction was much different from what he had expected. Instead of blaming Metuo or Dwent and letting him know how disgraceful their actions had been, Sar’rel had walked straight over to Khalador and told him off for not aiding them.

As he listened to Sar’rel standing up for Dwent and himself his heart felt lighter. He still felt guilty though and he knew that no matter what Sar’rel told Khalador, it was only one way to ever make it up to Khalador. They had to find the demon and either trap it or kill it. Also this was the only way to make sure that the thayans on Thain remained safe from the possibility of an angry demon appearing to create havoc and destruction upon them. The demon had to be found.
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3:50:30 pm GMT 12/16/10
Ogreman007 'Lupi made me do it
Registered Member #175 Joined: 5:49:41 pm GMT 07/23/04
Posts: 4286
There was a whisper in the dark. Faint words, that grew louder, as if a voice was approaching, or a sense of awareness growing. In an instant the words were recognisable, and meaning could be pinned to them:

"Maybe I shall not kill you. Hah! And here I thought I had broken you!"

The darkness which was all that could be seen seemed to reverberate almost intangibly with an unknown force:

"No, I will not kill you. Your master will. I think... I think -I- shall reward you... Yes... A reward, -that- seems to be -just- the thing."

The voice remained unfamiliar until it returned once more, bringing with it all manner of chaos which erupted from the darkness. Deep-red and orange flames burst fourth all around, framing an enormous, hideous face which could not be avoided by any means:

"Drink, mortal. -Taste- your reward! Will your master sense it in you? Maybe. Maybe not. But it will be there... coursing through your veins... burning you from within..."

As it went on a new sensation was evident amongst the flames and fear of this monster's great head: pain. Across the vision of the surroundings, great streaks split across the world, like lightning only a darker red than the flames: almost black. For a second they would stay, then vanish, repeated with an accompanyment of agonising pain, similarly present across this inescapable awareness:

"Until, someday soon... you -die-... And are reborn, in the abyss, as the lowliest of my slaves. Your gods will not take your soul: I will. You are mine, mortal. For all eternity. That is your reward."

The world returned to darkness, slowly at first but soon after, disappearing with haste. Great footsteps rumbled in the darkness and with each one, a quick burst of light revealed the demon turning and walking away:

"I am sure we will become -great- friends, in time."

The voice's tone returned to how it had begun, and an almost sickly-sweet whisper was the final thing to be heard:

"Farewell, Mortals."

When the final word was spoken, Dwent's conciousness returned from the nightmare forcing him to awaken in the real world. The silent crypt-like tunnels of their sanctuary still rang out with his cry of pain, and a hand moved to his stomach to nurse a burning ache. Much of that day remained a blur still, but this was new. Was it a memory though? Or his mind playing tricks? Had that demon cursed him so? He -had- willingly imbibed of the demon's blood, in an attempt to aid Metuo with the ritual and trick the beast, but that had failed when Metuo was struck down in the mean time. But he had not willingly drunk further ... but ... how could he be sure?

He recalled being able to cause some minor magic - unbelievable as it was to him - with his hand, before, in the dungeon. His right hand had created a flame at his will... and now, he tried the same again...

"Nothing." He spoke, a little disappointed, a little relieved. The pain in his stomach still remained, and he didn't know if Metuo had told anyone yet of the experience. He had to find him, and see what he had said - if anything - so far. Even if some taint of the demon still remained, he did not believe he could hide it from Sar'rel, or Paydon at that. It would be better to explain, before they began asking questions.
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10:32:12 pm GMT 12/16/10
Ogreman007 'Lupi made me do it
Registered Member #175 Joined: 5:49:41 pm GMT 07/23/04
Posts: 4286
First to be found on his journey to find Metuo was Sar'rel, who, it seemed, had already learned partially of what had happened from Metuo himself. A little of Dwent was angry at him for this, despite haivng said mere days ago that Metuo should speak of what happened so the Wizards are fully aware of everything. He didn't know why he should be angry, but did not dwell on the feeling, for in his mind he had already decided to come clean on everything that had happened... everything that he was certain of, at least. Dwent felt uneasy at Sar'rel's words, the response that came after his question:

"Has it come to your attention yet, of a certain event involving a demon and Metuo recently?"

"It has, yes. Though I would very much like to hear your thoughts on it."

He shouldn't feel uneasy, Dwent tried to convince himself: Sar'rel had always supported him and been behind what he had done. That did not change his mind however, and the story he recounted was told with a hint of apprehension in his voice, the usual confidence of his speech missing at times. He spoke of the demon, its bargains, its treachery, explaining his own ignorance had caused him to overlook the fact that the beast couldn't be trusted to uphold its promises. He told of Metuo's fall, of his feeling of despair, and his current feeling of guilt. The Vice Consel's words put him at comparative ease, for a moment at least:

"It is Khalador's fault this task failed. Yours was but a part in that. I have said as much to him. He was a fool to believe the two of you could manage the task. Plainly he wished to keep this demon from my awareness. And it has cost him."

But then ease left him as he girded himself to speak further of the demon's bargain:

"It... well..."

"Go on."

"May have... cost me too. I... I'm not sure."


And so he did, explaining what had transpired and how it had come to be so. When he stopped, he looked down and felt ashamed. Closing his eyes provided no comfort though, as he remembered his nightmare. Hells, the nightmare, if Sar'rel learned of that too... especially if there were truth in it! This new information caused concern for Sar'rel, evidently, and Dwent feared how he would react. Fortunately, Sar'rel showed an understanding that reflected on what would never be admitted as friendship, more the duty to aid one of your own. He warned of the often ill-effects a demon's blood could cause, and indeed there were plenty of those with demonic or otherwise monsterous ancestry on the island to serve as example. Moreover, he offered to help him be rid of the blood however he could.

"I should like to try something. It will be painful, but may help. I have no way of knowing, of course. But it may. Are you willing to submit to this... test?"

"Of course, whatever it takes to .. fix me."

"There are no guarantees. But let us try this and then over the next few days see whether there is anything... unusual."

He began to cast a spell and when ready spoke out commandingly:

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Sar'rel examined a small pool or blood which was extruded from Dwent's person from the spell, and for a time they talked afterwards until another idea came to surface within Sar'rel's great mind:

"One other thing I wish to try... Remain here..." he spoke, moving a little away. "The Baatezu can feel the power of the blood of their ancient foes... I will call one... we will ask it... 'Are you tainted?'... Remain -perfectly- still."
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10:43:14 pm GMT 12/16/10
Ogreman007 'Lupi made me do it
Registered Member #175 Joined: 5:49:41 pm GMT 07/23/04
Posts: 4286

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Dwent stood watching,

Pillars of flame rose from the floor,

A feminine figure formed between the burning rocks,

Sar'rel spoke:

"Tell me... do you sense the blood of Tanar'ri in this man behind me? Does the ancient fued of the Blood War stir within you?"

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1:09:13 am GMT 12/17/10
Iguana-on-a-stick Iguana-on-a-stick
Registered Member #1079 Joined: 8:18:48 am GMT 06/21/07
Posts: 2061
The Erinyes sniffs, and hisses. She all but ignores Sar'rel as she tries to glare a hole in Dwent's helmet. But she seems very willing to answer him.

"Yess.... he is with the Enemy... he pledged his soul to them, I can feel it. Loosen my bonds! Let me kill him for you!"

If she had a bit, she'd be chomping at it.
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9:05:59 pm GMT 12/17/10
Iguana-on-a-stick Iguana-on-a-stick
Registered Member #1079 Joined: 8:18:48 am GMT 06/21/07
Posts: 2061
Earlier, in Khalador's Tower

Kharialis Khalador greets the Khazark with a polite nod, his face inscrutable under his polished mask. He listens to Sar'rel's accusations and demands with equanimity, at ease in the centre of his power. If it was Sar'rel's intention to put him on the defensive, it does not seem to succeed.

"Your loyalty to your people does you credit, Khazark, but there is no need to be so fierce in their defence. I do not look for scapegoats. We made the best of a dire situation, and in the end your people's best was not good enough. Regrettable, but there is no use in crying over spilled milk."

"As for the demon, I am of course giving its escape the attention it deserves, and I am re-examining my wards. Something must have happened for the demon to escape as quickly as it did, before I could deal with it in person. From my preliminary findings, I have come to the conclusion that even if Metuo here was out of his depth, it was not he who bungled things beyond repair. The spellcasting aura on the ritual was unfinished but workable. Do not worry, I will soon discover how the creature overcame my barrier so quickly."

"It is true my escapee may try to be a nuisance, and if it threatens Thayan interests I will lend all my power to the effort to deal with it. However, do not be too concerned, I captured the demon before and it may even be possible to do so again. It certainly would not be a match for a cadre of Red Wizards, whatever exaggerated impression of its power the colonel may have come away with."

"As for why I had it in the first place... come now, Khazark. Do not play coy with me. You know as well as I that any Red Wizard worth his salt has twice as many cards hidden up his sleeve than he shows to the world. I admit, this one got away from me, somehow, but I will find something to replace it soon enough. And Azuul?" Kharialis actually laughs at this, a soft sardonic chuckle. "If he could visit my tower freely we would be in trouble, certainly, but I sincerely doubt he would care that I held prisoner one of his ancestral enemies."

"I will let you know my findings, if it will set your mind at ease. And if you have any concrete plans that require my aid, let me know."
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11:01:37 pm GMT 12/17/10
Amracil I'm Watching You
Registered Member #273 Joined: 7:18:06 pm GMT 09/21/04
Posts: 6051
"I am glad to hear confidence in your voice." Said Sar'rel to Khalador with a nod.

"But while you make light of the power of Azuul, having met and spoken with him I have no such illusions. What you call imprisonment could just as easily be called other, less flattering things by those for whom the Blood War burns brightly. And speaking of coy, until this matter is resolved I will not be entirely convinced that this was, in fact, an accident.

"Given the choice between believing that you bungled something of this magnitude and believing that there is more to this than meets the eye, I prefer to believe subterfuge rather than incompetence. And I choose to respect the discipline of those loyal to Zulkir Lauzoril enough not to press you on the matter. I believe you can deal with this. But with my respect comes my belief that there is more to this than you have let on.

"Keep your secrets. You have earned that right by the faith placed in you by the counsel and the robes you wear. But do keep me informed should more come of this. Whatever political machinations we might both be inclined toward, a demon you once held is now running loose. And that is something that must be addressed. It being your demon, it falls to you to deal with. Should you decide to divulge more of your secrets surrounding it perhaps I might offer assistance beyond aiding in a magical showdown should it finally be cornered.

"And seeing as how this demon has managed to gain a hold on the colonel, perhaps you might offer some suggestions as to the best means of dealing with that. You were, after all, responsible for both the demon and for ordering the colonel to deal with it. I deem it a priority to remove the taint from the colonel. Perhaps if you were to share the name of this demon, we might both work toward that end via our own respective approaches to the Art.

"Given the potential for problems down the road, I will of course be including all of this in my reports to Thay."

After explaining the tests performed on Colonel Chambers, the conversation turns to inventories and shipping routes.
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11:14:09 am GMT 01/09/11
Ogreman007 'Lupi made me do it
Registered Member #175 Joined: 5:49:41 pm GMT 07/23/04
Posts: 4286
A message finds its way to Sar'rel's bed chamber.

"Esteemed Khazark,

I believe it would be wise to see you soon, regarding the curse that is upon me. I am uncertain if you know of what has been happening to me, but it is important that I keep you informed.

Before we meet though, I advise you to speak to Dominique, if you have not done so already recently. She has acquired some information from Khalador: I am unsure how much - likely little - as I have not seen the documents myself. I told her to show it to you and Paydon both, and I hope she has done so.

~ Colonel D. Chambers ~ "
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