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  • Shards
    Shards  3 months ago

    Happy New Year!

  • Edrick
    Edrick  3 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  5 months ago

    You the man thanks mate

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  5 months ago

    There it is!

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  5 months ago


  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  5 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

  • Payne
    Payne  5 months ago

    Edrick... mad

  • Edrick
    Edrick  5 months ago


  • !ofAkindGuy2000
    !ofAkindGuy2000  5 months ago


  • Glognar
    Glognar  5 months ago

    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

The Island of Thain :: Forums :: In Character Discussion
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The start of something beautiful

LAN_402 LAN_403
4:58:27 pm GMT 04/15/10
Abbadonich Registered Member #1274 Joined: 2:03:35 pm GMT 04/01/08
Posts: 770
Her numerous patrols in the feywoods had taught her one thing. The scouts were horribly inefficient and lacking in equipment when it came to fighting the savage gnolls. Inspections and observations revealed that the scouts seemed exhausted by the heavy workload as well as the high rate of death when engagements happened. All in all, it seemed only the work of a few powerful individuals was what kept the gnolls at bay this was alarming when she compared to the prowess expressed by the guardians of greenvale and the poisoned woods.

Something would have to change.

Letter to Styvn wrote...

Greetings, Styvn.

I am not a person of the written word, so I will make this short.

The feywood scouts and warriors need to improve. As it stands today, too many lives are lost every time the gnolls make skirmishes at the borders. The scouts show clear signs of exhaustion and fear and this is understandable. I plan on seeking an audience with the council in regards to the establishing of an elite force of archers. I will offer to personally oversee the training of these archers, given the simple reason that I have good experience with fighting gnolls. Aswell as my archery being moderately decent.

I hope you will get back to me soon with your ideas on this.

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Thranduil Greenleaf
4:46:34 pm GMT 04/16/10
Thranduil Greenleaf Registered Member #1145 Joined: 8:28:45 pm GMT 08/30/07
Posts: 823
Styvn received word from a scout that Glendel was holding a letter for him. He entered Wild Wants, and after exchanging greetings with Glendel he offered Glendel a few gold coins for his services. Glendel refused the payment as he always did. Styvn respectfully dipped his head in acknowledgment of the consideration, and voiced his appreciation.

After reading the letter and pausing to reflect on the content, Styvn put quill to parchment and penned a letter of response. He then sealed the letter with wax and handed it to Glendel with instructions to hand it personally to Ranya when next she should visit the shop.

letter to Ranya wrote ...


While I agree the scouts are indeed weary from our extended war against the gnolls, I have not seen anything resembling fear exhibited in their behavior. On the contrary, I witness daily their willingness to stand their ground to the death in an effort to keep the gnolls at bay, and away from our homes and loved ones. I also agree that their level of combat training could be improved. In the current situation, they are outmatched by the sheer ferocity and size of the gnolls. Thus the reason for the alarming rate at which my brethren fall under the onslaught of those wretched creatures.

I appreciate and welcome your willingness to train an elite force of archers to aid in the defense of my homelands. I'm not sure what help I can be to you, as your skill with a bow eclipses my own. My skills lie in tracking and remaining unseen, neither of which are required for combating the gnolls. The gnolls are not very observant, and a blind human could track those foul smelling beasts in a rain storm.

If you need my aid in seeking an audience with the council, I would be willing to escort you into the council chambers for that purpose, and voice my support for your proposed endeavor.


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9:21:28 pm GMT 04/18/10
Abbadonich Registered Member #1274 Joined: 2:03:35 pm GMT 04/01/08
Posts: 770
Weary from yet another skirmish with the abhorred gnolls, Ranya makes her way into the fortress to seek the calm it provided. Dropping by Glendel for a resupply of arrows and bandages, she was not surprised to learn he had a letter for her. Accepting it with the signature, faint smile under the hood, she handed him a few token gold pieces for the service and departed. Reading the letter on the way out from the safety of the stronghold.

A new skirmish ensued, many gnolls fell and she felt satisfied. Sitting on the chest of the shaman propably responsible for the gnolls outpost, she pens a letter using the hyenalike forehead as support for the parchment. It really worked rather well too.

Letter to Styvn Wrote...

I would be honoured to have you by my side during an eventual meeting between me and the honoured council. I am not much when it comes to words, i am a woman of action. As i believe you have noticed over the time we have known eachother. Nevertheless, it is my hope that the council will see reason and agree to my proposal. 28 gnolls lie dead today. Hopefully, this will ease the load on our brothers and sisters to the west.

She finishes the letter. Her emerald gaze scanning her surroundings quickly before she re-checks the ghilliesuit and heads onward. Tucking the letter into a small crack in a rock she knows he will find, she scans the area quickly once again and disappears in the night.
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Thranduil Greenleaf
10:56:34 pm GMT 04/19/10
Thranduil Greenleaf Registered Member #1145 Joined: 8:28:45 pm GMT 08/30/07
Posts: 823
Styvn found the letter in the rock and read it. He then arranged a meeting with Ranya and took her before the council. He introduces her to the council, informs them that she has a proposal that he believes will benefit the Feywood and it's inhabitants. They await a response.

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10:27:55 am GMT 04/23/10
Abbadonich Registered Member #1274 Joined: 2:03:35 pm GMT 04/01/08
Posts: 770
"Honoured council. My name is Naranya Serulis. I hail from the far woods of the spine, working there as a hunter before I came here.

The scouts suffer heavy losses every time the gnolls are encountered. I have followed them closely, and the gnolls have an uncanny ability to single out opponents and overwhelm them. When in the field, the scouts seem faintly disorganised and easily predictable. Following the same routes every single time, it is not very hard to find chokepoints and advantageous land from which to strike for the gnolls. Also, I have paid special attention to the marksmanship of the scouts who carry bows, and i must admit it pains me to see such lack in proper training."

Naranya stops and looks at the court for a second, letting the dire news sink in. She then draws her breath and goes on.

"On the other hand. The scouts fight well when together and the fervor with which they defend their homeland is indeed a pleasure to behold. Now, to the point of my being here. It is not to utter bad things about a sad situation with which I am certain you are familiar. On the contrary, it is to offer an attempt at solving it. I am an archer myself, having lived in the wilds all my life. I near my 300th year now, and I wish to offer tutelage in the ways of what some call arcane archery. My proposal is the establishment of an elite force of archers to help safeguard the woods. Working as field commanders for the scouts, they will help in boosting morale and repel gnollish incursions on this beautiful forest. I offer to personally oversee their training in archery, I also have allies who can very well teach them stealth, trapworks and sabotage, should you deem such a necessity.

I will depart now, unless there are any questions. I can be reached through Mr Glendel. I frequent him often before i venture out into the moors."

She takes a short step backwards, eyes downcast in respect of the council. Then a swift glance at Styvn by her side for any hints or signs before they both walk a few steps backwards in unison. Turning and then departing, awaiting and hoping for a swift reply.
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1:23:57 pm GMT 05/26/10
Abbadonich Registered Member #1274 Joined: 2:03:35 pm GMT 04/01/08
Posts: 770
Atop a ridge in feywood, a pair of dark green eyes peer out underneath the shadows of a hood. Below her and far into the horizon, a cloud of dust is rising. Her eyes focus, and bodies become visible in the distant.


A rumble rises from the west and a jagged spear of lighting streaks across the night sky as rain starts pouring down. She nocks and draws, the bow creaks faintly from the force of the pull. Focus on the target, let the bow read where you want to hit.
"Soul Archery"
.... *take a deep breath*

Heart beat..

Release, nock a new arrow, draw, aim.....



The hail of arrows from the lone archer stops many, but the gnolls are simply too numerous.. As they draw closer, too close for bow, she draws the warblades and begins the deadly dance of death.

An arrow strikes her shoulder...
A blade flies from her grasp as the crippled arm siezes to function...
She spins around and cleaves down another gnoll.
A second arrow strikes...
Time slows down, vision blurs and she looks down..
The movement of her head is limited...
Breathing becomes difficult, something is in the way of the precious air, she tugs at whatever is blocking her breathing...
It is slippery..

As consciousness fades from the dying elf, she begins to argue with herself... "Why didn't they listen.. Why did they not answer? All I wanted was to teach them."

She opens her eyes quickly, looking about for hostiles before leaning back on the large tree. Looking up, she sees where her apprentice is resting on a branch, the slender elven legs gently swaying in the wind. She smiles and leans back on the tree, closing her eyes again and drifting back into the land of alternate reality.
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3:49:44 pm GMT 07/24/10
Kyssyt Registered Member #1273 Joined: 2:56:54 pm GMT 03/23/08
Posts: 536
As usual .. or at least as usually as other duties allow .. a green-clad elf creeps invisibly through a chilly northern Wood..

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The scouts are not his aim .. though if they spotted him they would certainly believe they were. He watches them so as to avoid them .. his outfit certainly would not fit around here.

No, he is travelling further north, to where the cold wind blows across the moors and into the remotest reaches of the forest; to where he knows trouble haunts his northern kin. His chosen task of defending the Woods ruthlessly is not limited to the beautiful southern Greenwood, not when foul creatures are attacking even the spirits that protect these ancient trees..

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Without stopping to heal the wounded Mogen T'ocght

(It will recover. I bring arrows, not medicine..)

the Elf heads eastwards towards the slopes where the wide green forest descends towards the wide grey ocean; using what cover there is to move about quietly and scan the valleys and ridges below..

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It doesn't take long before he stumbles upon a couple of gnolls speaking together not far from the body of a slain Sister

(Probably deciding which parts of her to eat now and which to keep..)

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Of course, they are soon dead, arrows through their ugly heads.

And with the rage of revenge burning in his belly, he continues through the night over the slopes and through the trees, magic and arrows flying, bringing down what seem like hordes of the huge disgusting animals in wave after wave of anger and righteous fury.

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And as the bodies mount up between the trees, and his power fades, he uses some of his last energy to cover himself again in invisibility. Walking softly along the coastline, he finally sees them .. the scouts and rangers who have no idea that the green-clad elf they would themselves shoot on sight has been aiding and avenging them through the darkness, far away from his home they almost certainly fear and despise..

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No, they have no idea .. but they will find the arrows he used in his slaughter, and they may well wonder that the arrows are in the gnolls and not in their own dead bodies.

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(And by that time, i'll be home..)

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