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  • Shards
    Shards  3 months ago

    Happy New Year!

  • Edrick
    Edrick  3 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  5 months ago

    You the man thanks mate

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  5 months ago

    There it is!

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  5 months ago


  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  5 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

  • Payne
    Payne  5 months ago

    Edrick... mad

  • Edrick
    Edrick  5 months ago


  • !ofAkindGuy2000
    !ofAkindGuy2000  5 months ago


  • Glognar
    Glognar  5 months ago

    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

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8:46:18 pm GMT 12/30/09
Registered Member #613 Joined: 9:18:34 pm GMT 09/09/05
Posts: 6851

I do not know why I suddenly feel a need to record my every thought or move, and yet things have become so chaotic I find myself unable to put everything together. It must be the after effects of the spell the Tirothians had me complete. One of the many effects....

It's a disturbing feeling, this weakness that has plagued me. I have attempted many times to draw my control over the weave, and each attempt has been utter failure. I suppose I should be grateful that I am still alive, perhaps if not from the power shared with my past Master, I would be. I should accept the fact that my health is only temporary, that I could perish from even a simple illness. I find it hard to believe that I could be struck down from a simple germ, but then could I have believed I could cause such devastation?

The destruction of the village was more than I could ever explain, though I think in these pages I will try and do just that. If I am to cease to exists, then there should be a record of how this came to be. To show others that our sacrifice, was all for the Glory of Thay. Our future hardships have given our Homeland a great ally, a cost any Thayan should freely give.

So how did this alliance come to fruition? I would assume that is where I should start...
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9:19:44 pm GMT 12/30/09
Registered Member #613 Joined: 9:18:34 pm GMT 09/09/05
Posts: 6851
News had come to me about the Invasion fleet that surrounded the Village of the mutated creatures, a powerful armada had sailed in under the cover of darkness and fog. Reports from our scout ships reported that the invaders in one swift motion, had taken over the entire village in a matter of hours.

As the days past, the name of the invaders became known across the isle. The Tirothians, a name I knew well. They are a powerful race of humans, unlike those of Thay they are mostly a nation on sea rather than land. Each year their armada of ships grow larger, mostly due to vessels stolen from harbours they come too. They are essentially land conquerors, they find a village or settlement to inhabit. Then as they bleed it dry of all its resources, they leave to find their next target. It is said they do have a home on some distant land, a place to deposit their growing fortunes. But as for a location? I know it not.

Due to their vast size, they are usually left alone as they move this floating nation. But also because of how they treat those they conquer. It is said there is hardly any bloodshed to the inhabitants. They merely take what can be re-grown, or remade. Then they depart leaving most places intact, most.

This is what they appeared to do with Davenshire, for no reports of deaths ever came across my desk. However, being we now shared a coast line I had to make sure they obeyed their own rules of conduct.

I had made contact with one Admiral Gheron, surprisingly an arch magus. I should point out that my surprise was based on a belief, that they were mostly a soldier based race. So to learn a leader was also a Arch Magus, clearly drew my attention. I ensured he was well aware that any hostility toward us, would have dire consequences. While his reply was not exactly lacking threats of his own, I took no offence, in fact I rather enjoyed the dialog.

In fact I requested that if there was to be a hanging, I wished to be informed, to which he readily accepted.

*a few dots now line the page as if his quill touched the book as he thought*

I seem to have forgotten to mention something, which could cause the reader some confusion.

While the takeover was made without bloodshed, a clear warning was given to all the inhabitants. For every Tirothian soldier attacked, two of the villages inhabitants would be killed as penalty. A rather clever threat, if I do say so myself.

A brilliant way to ensure the fools of the island behaved, perhaps I shall make this our own policy on this floating rock.
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5:29:25 pm GMT 12/31/09
Registered Member #613 Joined: 9:18:34 pm GMT 09/09/05
Posts: 6851
It was shortly after my initial request, that the opportunity came. A Gnome had been caught plotting against the Tirothians, and a hanging was to happen. True to the Admirals words, I was given a seat in the front to witness the punishment. (screenshot to act as a memory from the day, Thank you to Rocket for taking it)

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The sight was glorious, though I was disappointed as well. One would think the disproportioned form of Gnomes, would cause the oversized torso to tear free from the head. This unfortunately, did not happen. I was however treated with royalty, and enjoyed wine and conversation with the Arch Magus. An alliance, had been formed.
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5:55:34 pm GMT 12/31/09
Registered Member #613 Joined: 9:18:34 pm GMT 09/09/05
Posts: 6851
To not much surprise, a resistance was formed and they were able to force the Tirothians to leave the island. If I am to be honest, I was greatly disappointed they left so easily. I expected something to happen, a counter attack, a burning of the settlement. Anything to show they were as feared as people have said.

But nothing came, they pulled anchor and left without a word. I was of course, utterly disappointed.

A few months past, in which things personally became interesting. The details of which are not needed for this account, but let's just say I was ....distracted. It was in the enclave that things changed.

I was enjoying conversation with Dominique and Lady Nasmat, when one of the Soldiers announced I had a guest. An Arch Mage of the Tirothians, had come seeking my council. To speed this story along, I will forgo the conversation in its entirety.

The request was simple, they had an ancient spell of Necromantic design. A means to destroy any settlement that required to be cleansed of their presence. A means to show they were never there, for those unable to understand what that means.

The problem with such a spell, is that if not cast by someone devoted to Necromancy, the caster would be killed in its attempt. There was a chance I may still perish as well, but the chance to both give Thay an alliance with the Floating Nation, and destroy our neighbours was too good to resist. There is also a personal motivation to this decision, to save myself any embarrassment of explaining more.

I will just say, it was to be a gift.
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6:11:29 pm GMT 12/31/09
Registered Member #613 Joined: 9:18:34 pm GMT 09/09/05
Posts: 6851
Now while I of course agreed to do the spell, we do have a code of conduct with our people. We do things as a group, all decisions are to be made with those in power. Approvals are to be made, or you shall be branded a rogue and in turn, an enemy to the state. So I ensured I spoke with Colonel Chambers. I had offered to be branded a rogue, to be outcaste by them and if required, turned hostle aganst my own people. My own personal sacrifice, paled to what this would offer us. So I had this meeting in full anticipation, that the Colonel would act as the others have for so many years. The Politics of this dismal rock, would outweigh the gains to Thay. Being accepted by the whores and fools of the Crossroads, would be more important than doing something against the status quo. To my great surprise, the Colonel accepted what was to come. I will note my respect for him increased tenfold at his decision. He too no longer cared about any hostility, if I may so bold I dare say he was embracing it.

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9:28:02 pm GMT 01/04/10
Registered Member #613 Joined: 9:18:34 pm GMT 09/09/05
Posts: 6851
With the Colonels blessing, I decided to continue to prepare myself for the eventual spell.

The fear of my own death was still strong within me, so I would require aid from someone who is stronger than I to protect me. The natural choice in this, was my old Master, Sar'rel. While a focused Necromancer in his own right, I would not ask of him to cast the spell. Even with his own vast power, this was my own sacrifice to make, and to be honest he may not survive the spell due to his dealings with forbidden schools. If I am to be honest, I selfishly wanted to be the one to destroy the Village. One for my own bloodlust, and two....then it would not have been a gift.

He had agreed to join me in the task at hand, perhaps even excited by the idea. He made a good point that the islands crime rate, would be reduced tenfold on this outcome. So if anything the isle should thank us for this gesture. We agreed this would not be the outcome, but at least I had him on my side.

The next step would be including the others, apprentices and slaves would all need to know just how difficult their lives were about to become.
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9:59:39 pm GMT 01/04/10
Registered Member #613 Joined: 9:18:34 pm GMT 09/09/05
Posts: 6851
They are heard the plan, and some had questions. I could review all that was asked, the points raised and cautions announced. But to further my account, I will just state all were in agreement. Never had I been so proud of my Kinsmen.

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10:10:15 pm GMT 01/04/10
Registered Member #613 Joined: 9:18:34 pm GMT 09/09/05
Posts: 6851
I received a visitor from the Tirothians that same day, the scroll to destroy the village was in safe keeping until the appointed time. There was not much formality in the delivery, just a warning about a blast radius. It seems they toned down the spell so that the Enclave would be protected, a wise gesture. But this would also make us do some leg work. Fortunately for us, having to see these mutated neighbours for so many years had instilled a small degree of bloodlust. At least for me, I relished in the chance to finally cleanse that blasted hill.

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10:15:19 pm GMT 01/04/10
Registered Member #613 Joined: 9:18:34 pm GMT 09/09/05
Posts: 6851
We gathered our army, the dead were summoned. A shame Zayyid missed this, he would have enjoyed the chance to lead such a force. I hope to find him soon, to continue our experiments on creating the perfect soldier. However that is not important to this accounting, I will leave it as a glorious sight. One I think...someone...would have greatly appreciated.

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10:46:06 pm GMT 01/04/10
Registered Member #613 Joined: 9:18:34 pm GMT 09/09/05
Posts: 6851
I should point out, that for such a mutated race, they fight surprisingly well. It has made their annihilation all that more enjoyable...

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