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  • Shards
    Shards  4 months ago

    Happy New Year!

  • Edrick
    Edrick  4 months ago

    Happy New Year all!

  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    You the man thanks mate

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago

    There it is!

  • Cuchuwyn
    Cuchuwyn  6 months ago


  • EcoTec
    EcoTec  6 months ago

    Anyone have the thain discord link, thankyou

  • Payne
    Payne  6 months ago

    Edrick... mad

  • Edrick
    Edrick  6 months ago


  • !ofAkindGuy2000
    !ofAkindGuy2000  6 months ago


  • Glognar
    Glognar  6 months ago

    There is! You need to examine the omnidye to find the info. I also think that there is still an error though in one of the numbers.

The Island of Thain :: Forums :: In Character Discussion
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Life...Or Something Like It: A Reflection

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2:19:28 pm GMT 05/21/08
DerkDerkistan Registered Member #1205 Joined: 6:06:34 pm GMT 11/13/07
Posts: 1136
If I'm going to think about my past, I might as well go back to the very beginning. Those were the days when happiness came as surely as the sun each morning. I remember one day, Kay and I were getting ready for a ball. Our parents felt it was a good idea to keep an elegant, noble persona for the public. I agreed. Kay, however, absolutely hated getting dressed up. She never liked the spotlight, whereas, I relished in it. Anyhow, we were getting ready. I was looking radiant in my typical red and gold...Kay decided to move away from the bright, vibrant colors she always wore and chose a solid black dress that, quite frankly, left little to the imagination. I was shocked and apalled as she walked into my room, grinning from ear to ear. "Kay," I told her. "Mother is going to kill you." Kay just shook her head. "We just reached adulthood, Cellie. I'm allowed to wear whatever I want to wear." "Why are you dressed like that anyway, Kay?" ~~~~~~~~~~ You know...I lied. That isn't the beginning. It's more the beginning of....bad times. I'm not ready to face that just yet, so I think I'll reel in Old Man Time just a little further....back to our early childhood days. [ Edited ]
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11:33:28 pm GMT 05/21/08
DerkDerkistan Registered Member #1205 Joined: 6:06:34 pm GMT 11/13/07
Posts: 1136
"Cellie! Cellie!" Kay cried. "Erka donka do." "What?" I looked around at who she was talking about. "Ooooh. Yeah! You're right KayKay. Let's go say hello and introduce ourselves." "What?!" Squealed Kay. "No! We can't!" "Of course we can. Let's go. I'll do the talking." We marched over to where the boy was standing. He was a tad shorter than most boys his age, and thinner too. He had shaggy, curly, brown hair and striking emerald green eyes that gave away the fact that he was timid. I marched right up to him and looked him in the eyes. Remembering what I was told by my father about good manners, I said, "Good morning. My name is Celeste and this is Kaytie, my sister. Pleased to meet you. Might I have the pleasure of your name?" "Oh, umm..." He blushes and looks at his feet. "Andrew. Andrew Calvire. I just moved in right over there. Where do you live?" I looked at Kay, then back at Andrew. I pointed at our home. "We live there." He looks at our home. "You mean....You're....No way!" I smile my best smile at him. "Yep! Oh umm...I mean, yes. That's where we live. Melie Manor." He looked simply awestruck. I could never understand that reaction from people. I was a kid, like all the other kids. I didn't know anything about the various stations in life, and I really didn't care either. "Well, Andrew. It is very nice to meet you. Isn't it, Kay?" Kay looks up, startled. "Oh, yeah!" I looked at him. "So. Would you like to join us in a game of Hide and Seek?" ~~~~~~~~~~ "Cellie Bellie?" Kay answered, in a tone I didn't quite trust. "Do you think Andrew will want me when he sees me in this?" I looked at Kay curiously. "Well, Kay. I don't think you need to dress like that to get his attention. In fact, I think you already have his undivided attention. You know how I feel about...clothing like that. It's unbecoming of a Melie. And I say this because I love you, sister. I don't want you to get a...reputation." Kay waves me off impatiently. "Cellie. You just don't understand me. I just want to make absolute sure that Andrew picks me. I can see our future now...Blissfully married with a beautiful little girl, who just has to look like you and me." I smile at my sister, truly happy for how life is turning out for her. [ Edited 06:53:41 PM 05/22/08 ] [ Edited 07:14:22 PM 05/22/08 ]
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5:57:03 am GMT 05/22/08
DerkDerkistan Registered Member #1205 Joined: 6:06:34 pm GMT 11/13/07
Posts: 1136
“Kay! Come on! We’re making cookies!” I yelled up the stairs to my sister. “Hurry!” I could hear my sister bounding down the stairs as I walked back into the kitchen with Mother. Baking cookies was always a special occasion for Kay and me. We always looked forward to whatever recipe our mother shared with us. Each time was a different batch. Each time was a different, yet perfect memory. “Celeste, I want you to grab some strawberries today.” Mother said. Sometimes, I thought my mother experimented with recipes not knowing at all how they would turn out. Of course, they always turned out delicious. I suppose my mother had a gift when it came to baking. “Kay, I need to get the essentials. You know what to get.” She always made us take turns getting the special ingredients. This time just happened to be my turn. I ran off to the garden to begin picking the berries. After filling my basket (and my belly as well), I ran back inside, just in time to add the strawberries to the mix. We placed the sheet of cookies into the oven and sat down to have “girl talk” like we did every time we made cookies. “So what have you two young ladies been up to?” Mother asked, a knowing look in her eye. I beamed up at her. “Oh Mother! I think I’m in love!” My mother raised her eyebrow at me but said nothing, letting me continue on my own if that was what I wished. Of course I wanted to continue my story. So I prattled on and on… “Well, Mother…“ I began. “His name is Andrew and he just moved nearby.. He’s got messy hair, but it looks soooo cute!” Looking back, I may have been a bit foolish, but I suppose the innocence of childhood is what makes that period of your life so special. “Celeste, there’s more to love than….cute hair.” My mother smiled, letting me know that she was being playful. “Oh, I know that! But it certainly doesn’t hurt things.” I grinned. “What about you, Kaytie?” My mother smiled at me before turning her attention to my sister. Kay replies, in a matter-of-fact tone that she was oh so good at. “Oh, I’m not in love with him.” Mother laughed heartily at that. “No, silly. What did you do today?” “Oh.” Kay says, looking relieved that the topic might have been dropped. “Well, me and Cellie-” Mother interrupts Kay, correcting her speech. “Cellie and I, not me and Cellie.” Looking a little ashamed, Kay quickly shakes it off to continue her story. “Cellie and I played Hide and Seek with Andrew. He’s good! Cellie couldn’t find him, but guess what?” “What, Kaytie?” “I found him! I found him and Cellie couldn’t! I’m really good at Hide and Seek!” Mother smiled compassionately at Kay, and then the timer went off. “Cookies are done! Hooray!” I shouted. ~~~~~~~~~~ My bedroom door opened and Mother walked in. She took one look at Kay and sighed. “Kaytie, are you sure you want to wear that?” Kay looked to be on the defensive, “Yes, Mother. I’m an--” Mother holds her hand up as if to tell Kay to save her argument. “Kay, I understand you feel it’s something you need to do. If that’s the case, then go for it. However, I must say that you don’t need to dress scantily to earn favor with men.” “Oh, I’m not looking to earn favor with men…” Kay says. “Just one man, really.” “Andrew?” Mother asks, knowing the answer already. Kay just nods, checking her reflection in the mirror for what seemed to be the hundredth time. “I’m really happy for you Kaytie. Your father and I really like Andrew. When you’re with him, we see you as happy as you’ve ever been and it warms our hearts. And his family is very respectable as well.” I just stood at my favorite place in the world, in front of the mirror, and listened to the two of them. I was extremely happy for my sister. She was wonderfully blessed by Sune to have fell in love with the man she did. Catching a glimpse of her in the mirror, I could tell that Kay felt the exact same way. “Well, are you two ladies ready?” My mother asked us as she walked towards the door. “Shall we head down?” [ Edited 06:54:34 PM 05/22/08 ]
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12:18:58 am GMT 05/24/08
DerkDerkistan Registered Member #1205 Joined: 6:06:34 pm GMT 11/13/07
Posts: 1136
I do believe this is the earliest memory I have.

"Cellie, Kay? Do you want to go for a walk with me?"

Looking up from our coloring books, both Kay and I yelled, "Yeah!"

"Alright. I want you two to go get dressed into something nice." Father said. "I'll be waiting right here."

Kay and I raced upstairs and changed clothes as quickly as possible then ran back down to where he was waiting. "We're ready, Father."

Taking our hands, Father led us outside. Kay asked him, "Are we going to the archery range again?"

Father just shook his head and steered us towards the large, wrought iron gates. With a smile and a small bow, the guard opened the gates to let us out. "Be safe Lord Melie, Lady Kaytie, and Lady Celeste."

We walked down every street, looked in every shop, and greeted every person. I drank up every sight and sound that I could. After hours of walking around, we came upon a great tree in the center of the city. Kay and I chased each other around it while Father looked at the tree thoughtfully. After sufficiently tiring ourselves out, we stood looking at the tree with Father.

"This is a big tree, Daddy." Kay said.

"Yes, Kaytie Dear. My Great-Grandfather planted this when he founded this city. The story is that he planted it at the heart of the city so we never forget our roots and to always stand tall, no matter what." He smiled down at each of us. "Someday, you two will grow up and plant your own trees."

"Wow!" Kaytie exclaimed.

"I hope my tree grows bigger and taller than this one!" I said.


"We'll be down in a few minutes, Mother." I smiled. "It's always best to be fashionably late."

Mother just laughed and stood there a couple moments, appraising us. Then she walked over and hugged Kay tightly. "Kay, I'm so proud of how you've grown into the woman that you have, even if I have disagreed with some of your....tastes. You truly have grown into your own person and I couldn't be happier. I love you."

Kay looked at Mother and smiled, "Thanks, Mom. I love you too."

Mother turned her attention to me. "Celeste, what can I say? So unlike your sister, yet similar all the same. You've made your father and me so proud starting the orphanage and devoting so much of your time to it. You have grown into a very beautiful person, inside and out. I love you Celeste."

Words failing me for perhaps the first time in my life, I walked over and embraced my mother, putting every ounce of what I was, and what I felt, into it.

With that, Mother took one more glance at us, her eyes noticably wet, and walked out the door.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror and spoke to Kay. "Well, Sis? You ready to go dance your heart out?"

Kay giggled. "When am I not ready?"

We strode out of the room. As we started down the marble steps, all eyes in the ballroom below fell upon us.

"You know they're all looking at me, right?" Kay muttered.

I replied, "You wish. If they're looking at you, it's only because their eyes can't handle the amount of sheer beauty that I radiate."

Smiling brightly, we take the last step out onto the dance floor. Searching the crowd for a familiar face, Kay spots her date. "There he is. Bye Cellie!"

I continued to stand there, watching the crowd that had gathered for our Coming of Age Ball.

"Good evening, Lady Celeste. Might I have the pleasure of this dance?" He smiled his perfect smile.
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9:13:33 am GMT 05/28/08
DerkDerkistan Registered Member #1205 Joined: 6:06:34 pm GMT 11/13/07
Posts: 1136
"And one-two-three, one-two-three, one-tw -- Ouch!"

"Sorry, Father." I muttered earnestly.

Father just smiled at me. "Oh, it's no bother. How else will you learn if you don't make mistakes? Okay, let us try again. This time, let me lead you..Ladies don't lead when dancing."

"Okay, Father. I'll try." And so we set off again, trying to get me to perfect my dancing skills.

"One-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three..." Father grinned down at me. "By golly, I think we have it!"

"Hooray!" I cheered...and promptly missed a step and crushed my father's toes again.

"Alright, Celeste. I think it's time for a break. I'm not sure that the bones in my toe can take another stomp."

We sat down, I on his lap. "Father? What will I be when I grow up?"

"Well, you will become whatever you want to become. And do you want to know something, Celeste?" Father asked.


"I think whatever you do will be great and that you will put forth your best effort in every endeavor you have. All you have to do is let your heart guide you to where you will go." With that, Father kissed the top of my head.


I stood there looking at him a moment, pretending not to recognize him. He said nothing more and merely held his hand out, smiling that smile that could make even the most frigid of woman swoon.

Finally, I nodded and took his hand, letting him lead me out onto the dance floor. "I would be delighted, Sir Lindal."

When we arrived at the center of the floor, he turned to me and smiled. "You know that you are the most beautiful woman in the room, right?"

And without even giving me time to respond, he grabbed my free hand and placed it on his shoulder. He then put his free hand on my waist and we began to dance. We danced in silence as the first song turned into the second song, and the second into the third.

Then, taking advantage of the relative silence as the musical troupe took a water break, I asked a question. "Lindal?"

"Yes, Love?"

"Why me?" I asked him, looking up into his striking blue eyes. "Why did you choose me and not somebody else?"

"That is very easily answered," He began. "But you will have to settle for the short version as the full version could take many hours."

Smiling slightly, I urged him on. "The short version, it is."

We locked eyes for a moment (though it seemed more like hours), then he finally spoke. "Well, I really admire your commitment toward helping others. You carry yourself as if you have a purpose in life and you will be damned if anybody can stop you. I can see passion in your eyes, like you need to set yourself apart from everybody else. I see hunger in your eyes, a desire to find a love that's pure, fair, and true."

He hesitated a second and added, "I have this feeling that you are meant for incredible things, and I wish to be there for you, supporting you, aiding you."

Blushing deeply, I reply, "Is that the end of the short version?"

"Oh, and your sister was already taken." He grinned, showing he was obviously joking.

At that moment, the music started back up and we started dancing again. While dancing, he turned the question back onto me. "So, since I revealed myself to you, might I ask why you chose me?"

"Oh, that's an easy one." I responded, matter-of-factly. With a glance to my mother, who was dancing with my father nearby, I told him, "You have cute hair."

He stopped dancing and looked at me. I could see the question in his mind even though he did not ask. Instead, he picked up the rhythm and led us into dance once more.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Kay dancing with Andrew, her head resting on his chest. Taking her cue, I did the same with Lindal. Seizing the opportunity, Lindal kissed the top of my head very lightly. Kay saw this and winked at me.
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10:12:08 pm GMT 06/02/08
DerkDerkistan Registered Member #1205 Joined: 6:06:34 pm GMT 11/13/07
Posts: 1136
This memory is getting very persistant...I knew it was only a matter of time before I'd have to face that day again...


And so we danced. Slow, romantic ballads were followed by a number of waltzy tunes, which in turn were followed by quick, upbeat songs. Deciding his feet could take no more, Lindal led us to a nearby table.

"Celeste..errr, Lady Celeste?" Lindal began, a curious tone in his voice. "Have you given thought to what you wish to do with your future?"

I looked up at him, and before I had the chance to answer, I heard a shriek from across the room. Unable to distinguish who it came from, I turned my attention back to Lindal.

"He must have done it..." Lindal muttered absently.

I looked back at the commotion, still unable to see what's going on. "Well, I believe I will work closely with the temple on the orphanage and other matters."

Lindal nods, "And what of your personal life? You can't possibly work all the time, help people endlessly..."

"I never gave much thought to that, to be honest." I replied. "Have you any suggestions?"

"Of course I have a suggestion. What about eventually settling down, starting a family?"

"Eventually, yes. I would love to do that."

He went on. "And what about travelling? Does your heart yearn to see what's beyond this city's walls?"

"Yes, that does sound rather interesting." I mused. "Would you show me?"

"It would be my honor, Lady Celeste," He said. "But what of everyone else? What would they say about an unwed man and woman travelling together?"

I frowned. "Hmm, I see your point. How can we remedy that situation?"

Lindal smiled down at me. "Well, that is an interesting question, my Lady. I suppose I could ask--"

He never got around to telling me what he could ask, for at that moment, Father addressed everyone in attendance.

"If I could have your attention, please. I would like to propose a toast."
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8:00:44 pm GMT 06/04/08
DerkDerkistan Registered Member #1205 Joined: 6:06:34 pm GMT 11/13/07
Posts: 1136
"It is my pleasure to announce the engagement of my daughter, Kaytie, to this fine, young man: Andrew Calvire." With that, my father tipped back his glass of wine and drank in toast.

Andrew and Kay stood arm in arm next to my father, smiling and waving at the crowd. A loud applause broke out. I looked and Lindal, then hugged him tightly. "Oh! I'm so happy for her! They are absolutely perfect for each other."

"I am very happy they are together, as well." He replied. "For if he had not decided your sister's heart was a better match for his own, I would not be in the position that I am."

"And what position is that?" I asked.

"Right at this very moment, I am hugging a woman that many men would kill for. I get to talk to you, laugh with you, dance with you, smile with you. There is nothing I would rather be doing."

I blushed. "Oh, you are most flattering. I can see why my father was most impressed with you. That reminds me, I never got to thank you for what you did for me in the marketplace that day."

Lindal looked at me, puzzled. "I do not understand. What did I do for you?"

"Do you remember the hooded woman who was being robbed, maybe a year back?" I said to him.

"Yes, but how do you know of that?"

I giggled. "Because, I am she. I grew tired of the attenion for once, so I decided to hide who I was for the day. Never did I imagine the two things that would happen because of it."

Still looking confused, he asked. "Two things?"

"Yes. First, I was being mugged, a truly despicable act. Then, I was rescued by...well, a truly wonderful man. If you think back, you will recall that it was at that time I started bringing you cookies at your station."

Slowly, a grin spread across his face as realization set in. "You mean to tell me that it was not I that started what we have?"

"Oh, no. It was definitely you, just not in the manner that you thought. By coming to my aid, you showed me what sort of man you are: A man who will aid a commoner while his peers look on. That is true honor."

"Well, my Lady. I must say I'm impressed. However, no matter the beginning, it is the result I am most pleased with."

"And what would that be?" I asked, curiously.

"That I have fallen completely head over heels in lo--"

At that moment, another shriek rang out, this one as terrifying as the first one was happy.

"Wait here, my Lady. I shall see what the commotion is." Lindal bade as he stood.

As soon as Lindal pushed his way through the crowd, out of my view, a blood-curdling scream sounded out in a voice I was all too familiar with. The crowd soon joined in with the screaming. I jumped up and tried to push my way through the sea of people.

"Kay?! Kay! Where are you?! What's going on?" I called out.
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12:30:38 am GMT 06/07/08
DerkDerkistan Registered Member #1205 Joined: 6:06:34 pm GMT 11/13/07
Posts: 1136
(( This post is kinda graphic, though not too bad...But I still make a warning. ))

"Cellie?! Cellie! Help!" Kay shouted out. "Mom! Mom!"

Struggling to make it through the crowd, it took me some minutes to get through. When I finally came upon the scene, I stopped cold. Unable to fully process what I was seeing, I just stood there, staring. Lindal grabbed me firmly by the arm, attempting to get me away.

"Lindal, no. No!" I shouted, freeing myself from his grip.

Finally, I took in my surroundings. My brother, Jude, was standing there holding Father's sword. He was standing over a pile of something covered in, what seemed like, blood. Kay was nearby, lying on top of a similar pile. I thought to myself that I could get a better look if I only could get closer.

Then it happened. Andrew pulled Kay away and I plainly saw what had Kay so upset. There, in the middle of the floor, was my mother, any sign of life missing from her eyes. Struggling to breathe, I take a closer look at the other pile and immediately recognized it as my father, life also stolen from his eyes. I looked up from my father to my brother and the sword he was holding. Blood dripped from the blade.

With a heavy heart and all the courage I could muster up, I ran at my brother and punched him, willing my fist to go completely through him as he made the sword go through my parents. As I reared back to hit him again, Lindal grabbed me by the waist and flung me over his shoulder.

Then a woman's voice yelled out. "Seize him! And the girls too! They're all mad! Imprison them before they hurt anyone else!"

The crowd soon joined in, quickly becoming a mob after our heads. From atop Lindal's shoulder, I wildly searched the sea of people for my sister. I spotted her with Jude, running up the stairs. About fifty people were on their heels.

"Kay! Kay! No! Not with him!" I yelled.

And then they were gone.

Lindal set me down next to the portrait of my great-great-grandfather, which also doubled as the entrance to the first-floor escape tunnel.

With his back to me, Lindal drew his sword and faced the crowd that had chased us. "Go! Celeste...Just go! I shall find your sister and then you. But for now...Go, run!"

I opened the door and turned back to him. He took a glance at me from over his shoulder and we locked eyes. While my eyes were filled with a hot, burning sadness, his were alight with a calming compassion.

"I shall see you again. Until then, goodbye Lady Celeste."

With that, I made my way through the tunnel, ending up on the outside of the city's walls for the first time in my life.
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3:21:22 pm GMT 06/08/08
BlackNRose Registered Member #1189 Joined: 1:04:10 am GMT 10/20/07
Posts: 814

[(From Kaytie's Prospective)]

I finally realized something as I ran upstairs, drenched in my mothers blood, as Jude looked at me with helpless eyes while mine was filled with tears, barely holding my composure. I knew what happened, he knew exactly what happened, but the question still remained..


"Kill them! Make them pay!" The commoners shouted as Jude and me reached the top of the stairs. He looked at me, and pointed out towards the woods, threw the archway.

"Go Kaytie. I'll meet you there.." And he pushed me to the roof. Taking my shoes off, and pulling my dress upwards, I climbed over to the outside stairway from my room tower slowly.

A small climb which was easily done, but my mind knew other wise when I reached the outward stairway on my room tower. I looked behind me to see a peasant woman following me skillfully.

I knew that I could lose them, but it would take time. I hurried towards the bushes once my feet touched ground, jumped at them like a pouncing cat and hid.

The peasant lady stood before the bushes, calling out my name for what seemed like hours, then finally turned off and left, screaming. "She got away!"

After what seemed about five minutes, I moved back into the forest, and never turned my head around. I saw the city wall ahead of me, and as I put my hands on it, I muttered to myself, searching the wall with my hands and eyes.

"J and K, Hide today....J and K, hide today.."

After I saw the small wording on almost the ground base of the wall, I moved and looked down in the ground, I dug with my hands a few inches before I saw the handle and lifted it up..

"Looks like we're hiding again.." I said, as I jumped down into the tunnel, and pulled the hatch shut behind me.
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5:48:58 pm GMT 06/08/08
DerkDerkistan Registered Member #1205 Joined: 6:06:34 pm GMT 11/13/07
Posts: 1136
After locking the hatch back up, I took note of my surroundings. I was in a clearing filled with the most beautiful flowers. I wandered over and picked a tulip, my mother's favorite. I sat there smelling it's sweet fragrance for a few minutes before I realized that it would be best if I moved somewhere else.

I turned to face the city walls and my eyes found the large tree in the center. Either I as too far away to hear the shouting, or it must have died down. In that moment, I cared not.

I looked up at the night sky, searching for the stars, only to be let down. Dark clouds hid those beings that my mother and father named me after. I could feel hot tears rising to my eyes, but I still managed to force them down.

"What should I do?" I beseeched the night sky.

It answered back by rending itself apart and having the tears of the heavens rain down upon me. Instantly soaking my dress, I plopped down on the ground and sobbed, cried like I never had known I was capable of.

I cried for my mother, so beautiful, never to bake another batch of cookies with her daughters.

I cried for my father, whom I would never again receive wisdom from.

I cried for my brother, wondering what it was that made him snap and kill my parents.

But most of all, I cried for my sister. I cried for Kay. What would she do? How would she protect herself from my brother? How would she protect herself from the dangers of the outside world?

I cried.
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